"Captain, I, I'm sorry, it's my fault that I almost got you into trouble.……"

Zhao Xiaowu constantly blames himself and feels guilty

"Xiao Wu, don't blame you, they are coming for me. Even if this incident didn't happen, they would find ways to make trouble for me!"

Jiang Feng comforted, and then immediately took out the Three Lights Divine Water.

"Xiaowu, stop talking, I'll heal you!"

A few drops of the Three Lights Divine Water fell, and in the blink of an eye, Zhao Xiaowu had recovered.

His injuries looked terrible, but they were not severe, just some superficial injuries, which could be easily healed.

"Captain, is this the legendary Three Lights Divine Water?"Zhao Xiaowu stood up and couldn't help but exclaimed

""That's right!" Jiang Feng nodded.

Instantly, Zhao Xiaowu looked at Jiang Feng with a different look, as if he was facing a god.

The captain could actually take out such rare things as the Three Lights Divine Water and the peaches, and was also acquainted with Princess Longji. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

"Xiao Wu, these are two six thousand year old peaches. Take them. This time, you can refine them with confidence!"

Jiang Feng took out two more peaches.

"this……"Zhao Xiaowu hesitated for a moment, then put it in his bag.

"Okay, go down and practice well!"

""Yes!" Zhao Xiaowu took his leave and became more loyal to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's actions and character completely convinced him.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Jiang Feng asked him to die immediately, Zhao Xiaowu would not hesitate at all.

Immediately, Jiang Feng was the only one left in the tent.


He clenched his fists, his face was sinister, and his nails were deeply embedded in his flesh and blood without him noticing.

At the same time, a blazing light burst out of his eyes, and his expression was complicated.

There was sadness, anger, and excitement, but more of a desire.

The desire for strength.

There has never been a moment that made Jiang Feng more eager to be promoted to the Golden Immortal than now.

The heavens and the worlds are inherently unfair. The way of heaven is unkind and treats all things as straw dogs.

Even the way of heaven is unfair, so how can we expect fairness in heaven?

Fairness is relative.

Zhao Xiaowu violated the Heavenly Law and was punished. However, Jin Zha could not distinguish right from wrong and used the wrong punishment, but nothing happened in the end.

This is the embodiment of strength and status.

When your strength and status are high enough, even the Heavenly Law can't do anything about it.

As the saying goes, the strong prey on the weak, and fists are the hard truth.

In the Heavenly Court, the watershed between the strong and the weak is the Golden Immortal.

The Golden Immortal is a high and mighty celestial general who can jump out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements.

If Jiang Feng did not have the relationship with Princess Longji today, he would not be able to escape the word death no matter what.

Although he is Nezha's subordinate, Nezha will not tear his face with his eldest brother because of a mere captain.

And if Jiang Feng is a Golden Immortal, then even if he makes trouble in front of the Jade Emperor, at most he will only suffer some physical pain.

This is the status of a Golden Immortal.

To become a Golden Immortal, you must be close to... It is almost equivalent to ascending to heaven in one step, and one can gain a firm foothold in the Heavenly Court.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately sat down cross-legged, suppressed the anger in his heart, calmed his mind, and gradually sank into the state of cultivation.

This time, he wanted to break through the Golden Immortal in one fell swoop and become a superior person.

With a flip of his palm, three ginseng fruits appeared in front of him.


Without saying a word, Jiang Feng directly slapped all three ginseng fruits into his stomach.

This ginseng fruit melts in the mouth, but it has no taste, and the taste is much worse than that of peaches.

But the next moment, Jiang Feng's face suddenly flushed, and his whole body radiated red light. The whole person was like a big furnace, and there was even a risk of explosion.

In his body, a majestic and mellow energy gathered, and then like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, it rushed around in Jiang Feng's meridians and trampled wantonly.

Originally, the energy of ginseng fruit, like peaches, is neutral and peaceful, and it is very easy to refine. However, the energy Jiang Feng took in at one time was too much.

However, in an instant, a stream of mysterious white gas rose from Jiang Feng's head, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

This was a sign of impending explosion and death.

Sensing this crisis, Jiang Feng hurriedly collected his mind and put all his strength into running the Hongmeng Creation Sutra.

As the first divine skill of the prehistoric world began to operate, the energy of the ginseng fruit was gradually refined, and Jiang Feng's crisis was alleviated.

Everything was on track.

Jiang Feng refined it frantically, and with the amplification of the Avenue Futon, he made rapid progress and his aura rose steadily.

After an unknown amount of time, the three ginseng fruits were refined.

What made Jiang Feng a little dumbfounded was that he still hadn't broken through to the Golden Immortal.

Jiang Feng could clearly perceive that he was only one step away from the Golden Immortal, with only a layer of window paper between them, and it would break with a poke.

But it was stuck here.

"My goodness, this Hongmeng Creation Sutra is too amazing!"Jiang Feng was dumbfounded.

However, he was not discouraged. After the ginseng fruit was consumed, there was still the more rare Creation Jade Marrow.

This was enough for him to break into the Golden Immortal.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng took out the bottle of Creation Jade Marrow and continued to practice.


As time went by, at a certain moment, Jiang Feng suddenly became strange in the tent.

His aura was surging, like the vast ocean, constantly raising layers of waves, and the waves crashing against the shore.

Invisibly, these auras seemed to have spirituality, and all gathered on Jiang Feng's head.

Not long after, three flowers suddenly condensed above Jiang Feng's head.

At first, these three flowers were just phantoms, a little blurry, but as they absorbed those auras, they gradually solidified.

In the end, these three flowers condensed into a shape that was larger than an adult's fist, with clear textures and lifelike.


At this moment, Jiang Feng opened and closed his eyes, and exhaled a deep breath.

"Finally I have achieved the status of a Golden Immortal!"

Jiang Feng smiled, and he couldn't hide his excitement.

The previous vision was the sign of achieving the status of a Golden Immortal, the three flowers gathered at the top of the head.

The three flowers, namely the three flowers of heaven, earth and man, represent the essence, energy and spirit respectively.

However, as he practiced, his understanding of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra gradually deepened, and Jiang Feng felt that the three flowers on his head seemed not so simple.

He realized that on the surface, they looked like three flowers, but inside they were a different world, like a small world.

"Could it be that my three flowers represent the three realms of heaven, earth and man?"

Jiang Feng frowned deeply, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

At the same time, Jiang Feng also discovered in the Hongmeng Creation Sutra that his Hongmeng power was actually the power of the world.

This is why his magic power is far more powerful and terrifying than that of his peers, and he can fight across levels.

This also seems to confirm Jiang Feng's guess. I'm afraid his three flowers really represent the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The three realms of heaven, earth and man, thus combining into a complete world

"Could it be that the ultimate meaning of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra is to teach me to create a complete world?"

Jiang Feng was suddenly shocked.

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