Then, Jiang Feng spent some more time refining the two top-grade innate spiritual treasures, the Lidi Flame Flag and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

For ordinary Golden Immortals, refining the top-grade innate spiritual treasures is difficult, let alone controlling them.

But Jiang Feng practiced the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, the first divine skill in the prehistoric world, which was extraordinary and otherworldly, so it was naturally not a big problem. It just took more time.

After doing all this, Jiang Feng stood up suddenly, with his hair flying, and he was more energetic than ever before.

Now that he has achieved the status of a Golden Immortal, he has ascended to heaven overnight. His whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared with before, his combat power has increased by more than a hundred times, which is completely incomparable.

""Captain, you've come out of retreat!"

Zhao Xiaowu came to the tent.

He had not noticed Jiang Feng's change. Although he had entered the Golden Immortal realm, Jiang Feng's aura was restrained, and the change in realm was not something Zhao Xiaowu could detect.

""Well," Jiang Feng nodded, and then asked:"Xiao Wu, where does Captain Nezha live? I have something to find him."

Jiang Feng decided to go find Nezha, and then meet the Jade Emperor and get promoted.

Zhao Xiaowu immediately said:"Captain Nezha lives in the Sea King Palace on the 23rd floor, but he should not be at home now."

"Not at home!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frowned,"How do you know?"

"Because the Jade Emperor was welcoming distinguished guests at the Lingxiao Palace, a few days ago, a large number of Western Buddhists suddenly visited, including Maitreya Buddha, Lingji Bodhisattva, Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva, Dipankara Buddha, etc. It is said that even Tathagata Buddha came."

"Therefore, all the famous and powerful immortals from all over the heavenly court went to discuss the matter."

"We have been under martial law these days. The higher-ups have ordered that we are not allowed to move around unless necessary."

Zhao Xiaowu replied truthfully.

"Even the Tathagata Buddha is here!" Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be such a big commotion in the Heavenly Palace while he was in seclusion.

Then, he calculated the time and suddenly realized.

If his guess was correct, the Tathagata Buddha must have come for the Journey to the West.

This is the key to the rise of Buddhism in the West, and the Heavenly Palace also plays an important role in the Journey to the West.

The Tathagata Buddha naturally attached unprecedented importance to it, so he came in person and mobilized such a large force to discuss it carefully with the Jade Emperor.

"I'll go join in the fun too!"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng decided to go and take a look.

After leaving the Law Enforcement Hall, he walked forward. As Xiao Wu said, the Heavenly Court was under martial law, and there were very few pedestrians. There were only rows of patrol teams doing their duty and conducting routine inspections.

However, Jiang Feng had a captain's badge on his chest, so these people didn't dare to come forward to check.

So Jiang Feng went all the way without any obstruction and went straight to the Lingxiao Palace.

"Help, help, help!……"

As Jiang Feng was walking, he suddenly heard a vague cry for help.

Although it was small, Jiang Feng could still hear it clearly.

The voice was crisp and pleasant, like the sound of a yellow oriole leaving a valley, melodious and lingering.

The most important thing is that the voice sounded a little familiar.

But Jiang Feng couldn't remember it for a moment.

Without much hesitation, Jiang Feng immediately turned around and walked straight to the source of the sound.

As the captain of the law enforcement team, he had to find out the truth for both emotional and logical reasons.

This is his duty.

Soon, Jiang Feng walked to a palace and saw three big characters written on the plaque with iron hooks and silver paintings: Zixia Palace.

Jiang Feng was very familiar with this palace because he was responsible for its construction.

At this time, Jiang Feng finally realized that the cry for help was made by the Fairy Zixia.

"Stop! This is not the place for you, go away!"

Jiang Feng was about to step forward, but suddenly, at the palace gate, a tall and strong guard stopped him and said sternly

"Are you all deaf? Fairy Zixia is asking for help, get out of my way!" Jiang Feng frowned and scolded

""Who, who is calling for help? Why didn't I hear it? Is there something wrong with your ears? Get out of here!"

The guard chief cursed mercilessly, with an impatient look on his face.

Jiang Feng's face suddenly darkened, and he felt something was wrong.

"No, you are not Fairy Zixia's guards!"

Jiang Feng reacted instantly

"Hey! You are not stupid, we are not. But this has nothing to do with you. Get out of here if you know what is good for you!"

The head of the guard was very arrogant, and it was obvious that someone was behind him, and he looked fearless.

"How dare you!" Jiang Feng shouted, revealing his identity immediately,"I am the captain of the law enforcement team, and I now order you to give way immediately, otherwise you will be charged with obstruction of public service!"

"What! The law enforcement captain, oh my god, what a high-ranking official, I'm scared to death, oh, I'm scared to death……"

Hearing this, the guard pretended to be afraid, but in fact he was mocking and showing his disdain. He did not take Jiang Feng seriously at all.

""Haha," then the guard leader sneered,"A small law enforcement captain dares to shout here, you don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is! Do you really think everyone is afraid of you? You are holding a chicken feather as a flag!"

"Who are you? How dare you defy the laws and rules?" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and clenched his fist unconsciously.

"It's okay to tell you, we are the guards of the great general Juling God. Juling God knows that we are the confidants of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Li Tianwang, the pagoda-holder. Whoever dares to offend us will be blind.……"


Before the guard finished speaking, Jiang Feng attacked like lightning.

It would have been fine if he hadn't mentioned the giant spirit god, but when he did, Jiang Feng suddenly became furious and couldn't suppress it.


A shrill scream was heard, and the guard leader was hit in the forehead by a punch. He felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole head was buzzing.

He was just a small Xuanxian, and Jiang Feng's fighting power was overwhelming him in all aspects, and it was easy to deal with him.

"You bastard, you dare to hit me, you know……"


A burst of blood splashed, Jiang Feng's fist was as powerful as a dragon, breaking the earth. In a blink of an eye , the guard leader was lying on the ground

, with a pool of blood under him, and he fainted on the spot.


"Fairy Zixia, my sweetheart, you make me miss you so much. I have lost my appetite these days. Come on, just obey me!"

In the courtyard, the giant spirit was drunk and stared at Fairy Zixia with lustful and evil eyes. It was obvious that he was horny.

Fairy Zixia was in tears and tried to escape, but was eventually forced into a corner by the giant spirit.

"Fairy, stop struggling in vain. I promise you that I will never treat you unfairly in the future."

Under the catalysis of alcohol, the giant spirit was as bold as a bear and a leopard, and immediately pounced on him like a wolf.

"ah……"Fairy Zixia was so frightened that she closed her beautiful eyes

""Ouch, who dares to hit me!"

At the critical moment, something strange happened.

Fairy Zixia was not violated, but the giant spirit screamed in pain.

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