At the critical moment, Jiang Feng stopped it in time.

He dodged to the side and kicked out mercilessly, causing the giant spirit to fall flat on its face.

At this time, Fairy Zixia also noticed something unusual and opened her beautiful eyes.

The moment she saw Jiang Feng, her beautiful eyes lit up, as if she saw the guardian god.

"General, he molested me, please save me……"Fairy Zixia said with tears in her eyes.

In panic, she hugged Jiang Feng's arm tightly, as if only this could give her a sense of security and ease the anxiety in her heart.

"Fairy Zixia, don't worry, I'm here, no one can touch you!"

Jiang Feng patted his chest and promised solemnly.

At this time, the giant spirit struggled to get up, but his body was still shaking and he couldn't stand steadily.

It can be seen that he drank a lot of wine.

Because of this, he dared to break in and molest Fairy Zixia.

It was almost known to everyone in the lower levels of the heaven that the giant spirit loved Fairy Zixia.

But the heavenly rules were strict, and on weekdays, the giant spirit did not dare to infringe on Fairy Zixia.

"You bastard! Who are you? How dare you ruin my great spirit? You want to die!"

The great spirit pointed at Jiang Feng's nose, looking arrogant.

Jiang Feng sneered, then stepped forward and said fearlessly:"I am Jiang Feng, the captain of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

He gave his name without hesitation.

Now is different from the past. Jiang Feng has made a leap forward and is not afraid of the great spirit at all.

"Giant Spirit God," Jiang Feng then said righteously:"You trespassed into Zixia Palace and molested Fairy Zixia, violating the heavenly rules and being lawless. Do you know your crime?"

"What a joke! You are just a captain, and you dare to interfere with me? I will chop you off!"

The giant spirit god's face was ferocious, and the golden immortal's magic power surged, and he punched hard.

In response, Jiang Feng looked calm, and he didn't see any movement. It seemed that he just moved his mind, and a shiny rope flew out, tying up the giant spirit god on the spot.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the immortal rope.

"Huh?"The giant spirit frowned, and then struggled hard, but to no avail.

The giant spirit was only at the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Xuanhua axe he controlled was only a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Jiang Feng's Hongmeng power was extraordinary and crushed the same level, so it was more than enough to deal with the giant spirit.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Giant Spirit and obtained a gold-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At this moment, the system's clear and pleasant voice suddenly came out.

Jiang Feng's face lit up, and he hurriedly said:"Open it!"

"Congratulations to the host for opening the gold-level treasure chest and obtaining the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang, the Seventy-Two Transformations of Disha, the best innate spiritual treasure, and the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow!"

"Oh my god, there is something!" Jiang Feng secretly exclaimed.

He didn't need the system to introduce it at all, he knew these three rewards very well.

The 36 changes of Tiangang and the 72 changes of Disha are both great magical powers that are famous in the three realms in later generations.

Marshal Tianpeng practiced the 36 changes of Tiangang, and the spiritual stone monkey Sun Wukong practiced the 72 changes of Disha.

Among them, the 36 changes of Tiangang include reversing yin and yang, moving stars and changing constellations, returning the sky and returning the sun, calling rain and calling wind, etc., and the 72 changes of Disha include communicating with the dark, driving away gods, carrying mountains, prohibiting water, etc.

These magical powers are just There is no difference between strong and weak in different transformations.

But if you learn more transformation techniques, you will naturally be better. This is one of the reasons why Sun Wukong is stronger than Marshal Tianpeng in later generations.

As for the third reward, the Sun Shooting God Bow, this top-grade innate spiritual treasure has a great origin.

This bow belongs to the witch clan who only cultivates the physical body.

During the witch and demon calamity, the great witch Houyi made it with the body and bark of Fusang wood. Later, the truth was revealed and his brother, the great witch Kuafu, died tragically. Houyi was furious and shot nine golden crows in a row with the Sun Shooting God Bow, which completely detonated the witch and demon calamity.

""You bastard, how dare you tie me up? Untie me now!"

Suddenly, the giant spirit screamed like crazy.

Jiang Feng was indifferent and said indifferently:"Giant spirit, you are arrogant and lawless, and you molested Fairy Zixia. This is unforgivable."

"For multiple crimes, he should be flogged a thousand times to serve as a warning to others!"

Jiang Feng was impartial and pronounced the Giant Spirit God's crimes like a king.

""But," Jiang Feng suddenly changed his tone,"I don't have a magic whip in my hand, so I'll use a hammer instead!"

After saying that, Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and suddenly took out a hammer as big as a millstone from behind. It was a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Purple Lightning Hammer.

"You bastard, you dare to torture me, are you really that brave? I'm warning you.……"

The giant spirit was unaware of the impending disaster and was still threatening Jiang Feng.

However, he had not finished speaking.


Jiang Feng was merciless and immediately hit the giant spirit on the forehead with a hammer.


Immediately, the giant spirit's mind exploded like thunder, and the whole person staggered and almost fell to the ground.

This hammer woke the giant spirit up completely.

In an instant, he was completely drunk.

"Jiang Feng, open your eyes and see clearly, I am the Heavenly General Ju Ling Shen!"

Ju Ling Shen roared wildly, staring at him with a pair of threatening eyes.

"What's wrong with the giant spirit? I'm going to hammer you!" Jiang Feng didn't buy it at all and hit him with another hammer.

"You little brat, you are in big trouble. I am a higher-ranking general than you, and you have no right to judge me!"

The giant spirit's face was extremely ferocious, like a volcano trying to erupt.

"Haha, I'm going to hit you, what's wrong? What can you do to me?"

Jiang Feng sneered and hit the back of the giant spirit's head with another hammer.

"It's over, you are dead, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Lord Li, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, will not let you go!"

"What's wrong with Li Tianwang? I'm still going to beat you up!"


"I swear, you will die a miserable death, the kind that will destroy both your body and soul"

"Then I will beat you even harder!"


"No, I won't kill you. Death will be a relief for you. I will make your life worse than death!"

"Take another blow from me!"



It must be said that this giant spirit was very stubborn. Jiang Feng hit him dozens of times, but he didn't say a word and kept threatening Jiang Feng.

However, Jiang Feng didn't buy it and kept hitting him one hammer after another.

Today, he turned over and must get it back with interest.

At this time, behind Jiang Feng, Fairy Zixia was scared and hid in the corner. This was not because of the giant spirit, but because of Jiang Feng.

He was too crazy. The hammer in his hand smashed down like it was free.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the giant spirit, Fairy Zixia, as the victim, felt a little sympathetic.

At the gate of the palace, the guards of the giant spirit were dumbfounded.

They thought that the general could easily deal with Jiang Feng, but they didn't expect this scene even if they broke their heads.

The giant spirit didn't even have room to fight back. In front of a mere captain, he was almost powerless.

If they hadn't seen this scene with their own eyes, they wouldn't dare to believe it.

At this time, the head of the guard reacted and left immediately to report the news.

Jiang Feng saw all of this, but he didn't care.

He was hoping that the matter would get out of hand!

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