Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. He has a very high prestige and power in the Heavenly Court. How dare Fairy Zixia go against his will?

On the side, Jiang Feng saw this scene and understood Li Jing's thoughts very well.

This old fox actually wanted to intimidate Fairy Zixia.

In a flash, Jiang Feng had an idea.

"Li Tianwang, why do you have to embarrass Fairy Zixia? Your Majesty has the Haotian Mirror, which can see the past. Why not recreate everything that happened in Zixia Palace in the Lingxiao Palace, and it will be clear who is right and who is wrong."

Jiang Feng suggested with a faint smile.

Li Jing's face was very gloomy,"I think it's not necessary!"

"No, I think it is necessary, otherwise it will be hard to convince the public, my dear ministers, don't you think so?"

The Jade Emperor rejected Li Jing and stood on Jiang Feng's side.

He investigated Jiang Feng, but didn't get anything. This was incredible.

He, the Jade Emperor, couldn't see through a little golden fairy, which made him suddenly more interested in Jiang Feng.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

All the immortals said in unison.

Li Jing looked very gloomy, but he could do nothing about it.

Then, the Jade Emperor waved his dragon robe, and a golden mirror appeared in the sky above the Lingxiao Palace. It was the Haotian Mirror.


A beam of divine light shot out, mysterious and unpredictable, with great power, and landed accurately on the Haotian Mirror.

The next moment, the Haotian Mirror showed the scene of Zixia Palace.

First, Jiang Feng dealt with the guard captain, kicked open the palace door to stop the giant spirit, and then tied him up with the immortal rope, and finally beat him inhumanely.

"It turned out that it was the giant spirit who committed the crime first!"

"He actually broke into Zixia Palace and molested Fairy Zixia in broad daylight. He was lawless and looked down upon the rules of heaven!"

"What Jiang Feng said is true!"

"It was indeed the fault of the giant spirit, but the price he paid was too high!"


The immortals discussed for a while. In the Haotian Mirror, the past reappeared and the facts were clear. It was indeed Jiang Feng who enforced the law impartially.

However, in the second half, Jiang Feng's pounding of the giant spirit attracted criticism.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor decisively took back the Haotian Mirror.

"You are such a giant spirit, bullying others with your power, being arrogant and domineering, not taking the heavenly rules seriously. You deserve this fate because of your own fault!"

"Since Jiang Feng has already been punished, let's just leave it at that!"

The Jade Emperor made the decision.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile, and his heart seemed to be blossoming with joy.

This feeling of avenging a personal grudge without paying any price was really comfortable!

"Your Majesty," But at this time, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing said again:"Even if the giant spirit violated the heavenly law, Jiang Feng, a mere captain, has no right to judge the giant spirit."

"He does not distinguish between superiors and subordinates, and he is committing treason and exceeding his authority by using lynching. Your Majesty must punish him!"

"If we don't kill the chicken to scare the monkey, the heaven will be in chaos in the future!"

Li Jing's words were heavy, and he put a few big hats on Jiang Feng, obviously wanting to kill him.

"Your Majesty, I think Jiang Feng enforced the law impartially and was not afraid of power. If he had not acted at that time, wouldn't he have condoned the Giant Spirit God?……"

Nezha stood up to speak for Jiang Feng.

However, before he finished speaking, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, suddenly became furious and said,"Shut up, you little bastard. Do you have the right to speak here?"

""Okay, Li Tianwang, let's leave it at that. I have made up my mind. Everyone, go down and leave!"

The Jade Emperor said in a calm voice.

Hearing this, Li Jing frowned, but he didn't say anything more and finally left.

No matter how powerful he was, he was still a minister. Seeing the Jade Emperor's firm attitude, how could he dare to disobey?

But he kept the account of the giant spirit on Jiang Feng's head. Over the years, no one has been able to go against him and still be at ease.

Jiang Feng is the first one!

Heaven does not allow such a powerful person to exist!

""Jiang Feng, Nezha, please stay!"

The Jade Emperor suddenly shouted loudly. As the immortals left, only the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Long Ji, Nezha and Jiang Feng were left in the Lingxiao Palace.

Jiang Feng understood that these were all his own people.

Through the previous situation, he already had a clear idea.

Although Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, was an important official in the Heavenly Court and commanded the three armies, he became a disciple of the Ancient Buddha Dipankara after the Conferred God Tribulation. In fact, he was a person from the Western Buddhist sect.

Although Nezha was the son of Li Jing, he had already been with the Western Buddhist sect because he had caused trouble in the East China Sea when he was on earth. He cut off his flesh to return his mother and cut off his bones to return his father. Li Jing severed the relationship between father and son.

In times of crisis, Li Jing, as a father, not only did not help Nezha, but also wanted to give him away. What's the use of such a father?

However, in the heaven, you have to have someone to rely on, otherwise even the golden immortal will find it difficult to gain a foothold.

Therefore, Nezha took refuge with the Jade Emperor and secretly selected talents for him to strengthen the heaven.

Obviously, Jiang Feng is the candidate that Nezha has selected for the Jade Emperor.

Otherwise, the Jade Emperor would not have offended Li Jing for a mere captain.

"Jiang Feng," Sitting on the Emperor's chair, the Jade Emperor cast his gaze towards Jiang Feng with admiration in his eyes,"You are not afraid of power and enforce the law impartially, which is very good."

""Tell me, what position do you want?"

The Jade Emperor actually let Jiang Feng choose his own official position.

However, Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to be promoted, but said:"Your Majesty, I heard these days that the Buddha of the West has mobilized a large number of troops to come to the Heavenly Court to discuss the matter of the Journey to the West. I wonder what your Majesty plans to do?"

Jiang Feng planned to test the Jade Emperor.

If he was like in the original Journey to the West, obeying the Buddhist orders and following the Journey to the West script formulated by Buddhism, then what qualifications would such a Heavenly Court and such a Jade Emperor have to make him, Jiang Feng, loyal.

He, Jiang Feng, admires wise and wise monarchs with great talents, not a cowardly loser who is willing to be a puppet.

Since he has traveled through time, he must do something big, so that it will not be in vain.

"Hmm?" The Jade Emperor couldn't help but frowned, his mind was shocked. It was interesting that Jiang Feng actually wanted to discuss the Journey to the West calamity with him.

It just so happened that he was a little hesitant about the Journey to the West calamity designed by the Western Buddhism, and didn't know what to do.

Then, when he was about to speak, Queen Mother Yao Chi on the side spoke first,"Of course, we should obey Buddhism and successfully complete the Journey to the West calamity to obtain the merits of the Heavenly Dao and strengthen our Heavenly Court."

"Follow Buddhism? Haha, it's true that she is a woman, how naive!"Jiang Feng sneered in his heart

"Your Majesty, do you really think that if you listen to Buddhism and follow the script set by Western Buddhism, you will eventually be able to get a share of the pie and obtain the supreme heavenly merits?"Jiang Feng asked with a smile. The

Jade Emperor's eyes widened, full of shock.

He could never have imagined that a small law enforcement captain could say such words to question Buddhism.

The Queen Mother, Princess Longji, and the great god Nezha of the Three Altars and Seas were all shocked.

After the Conferred God Calamity, Tongtian Sect Master was imprisoned, Jiejiao was destroyed, and the Chan Sect under Yuanshi Tianzun was also seriously injured.

Today's Three Realms, it can be said that Western Buddhism is the only one that dominates. Who dares to say no?

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