"Jiang Feng, Buddhism is not very trustworthy, but now that good fortune has been bestowed upon me, the Journey to the West is destined to make Buddhism flourish. This is destined by heaven!"

""If we follow Buddhism, the Heavenly Court will gain some benefits. Otherwise, not only will we gain nothing, but we may even offend Buddhism!"

Nezha said on the side.

The Jade Emperor paused for a moment, then looked at Jiang Feng and said,"Jiang Feng, what do you think? Tell me about it.""

"Okay, I'll just say it straight. Jiang Feng nodded.

"Your Majesty, you are now the ruler of the three realms, the Jade Emperor, but this is just an appearance, and it is not that glorious in reality."

"The Conferred God Tribulation conferred 365 gods on the Heavenly Court, making it prosperous, but in reality it was not the case."

"The bodies of these 365 gods were destroyed, and their spirits were imprisoned in the Heavenly Book of the Conferred Gods. This Conferred Gods List is in your hands, Your Majesty. You only need to think about it to decide their life or death."

"But they all have the Saint Master behind them, so how dare you kill them so easily? Therefore, these righteous gods are not that loyal to you and the Heavenly Court."

"In addition, with the entry of Buddhism, many immortals headed by Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, all obeyed the orders of the Western Buddhism, and the majesty of you, the Jade Emperor, was further weakened."

Jiang Feng spoke frankly, and every word hit the pain point of the Jade Emperor.

But what he said was all true.

This is the situation of the Jade Emperor. Many times, his imperial edicts are not as effective as Li Jing's words, and he is almost being sidelined. There are only a handful of people around him who can be trusted.

Therefore, he entrusted Nezha to secretly find good seedlings and cultivate his own people.

"Your Majesty, let me put it bluntly, your position as the Jade Emperor is really a bit cowardly, are you willing to be a puppet for the rest of your life?"

Jiang Feng said boldly

"Jiang Feng……"Nezha patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and hurriedly stopped him.

Such words are extremely treasonous and blasphemous to the Jade Emperor!

Princess Longji frowned deeply, her pretty face looked a little ugly. She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to defend her father, but finally swallowed it.

On the Emperor's chair, the Jade Emperor frowned, his expression solemn, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Queen Mother Yao Chi was furious and immediately shouted,"How dare you! Jiang Feng, the Jade Emperor, the Supreme of the Three Realms was appointed by the master Hongjun Daozu, supreme and well-deserved, how can you slander him?"

"Yao Chi, let him continue!"The Jade Emperor glared at Yao Chi.

The Queen Mother was very puzzled, but she didn't say anything more. Seeing this

, Jiang Feng couldn't help but approve of the Jade Emperor.

It seems that the Jade Emperor has some ideas about the Journey to the West, but he doesn't dare to give it a try.

"Your Majesty, you have followed Daoist Patriarch Hongjun from the early days of the prehistoric times to the present, and you must know the true face of Western Buddhism very well."

Jiang Feng continued:"During the Conferred God Calamity, the ugly face of Western Buddhism was exposed. They took advantage of the situation when the Chan and Jie sects were fighting each other and both were losing, and converted many disciples of the Chan and Jie sects."

"Even the deputy leader of the Chan sect, Master Ran Deng, was converted by them and turned into the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, and the chief disciple of the Jie sect, Master Duo Bao, was transformed into the Tathagata Buddha!"

"Taking advantage of others' misfortune, forcibly converting people, and using any means necessary to promote Buddhism, this is Western Buddhism. Such behavior is extremely shameless!"

"In terms of shamelessness and meanness, I'm afraid that there is no one in the world who can surpass him!

" Boom!

In an instant, the Jade Emperor and others seemed to be struck by thunder, their minds were shocked, and it seemed that a raging sea had been set off, and it could not calm down for a long time.

The power of Buddhism is so great that the entire Three Realms and Six Paths are in awe and respect.

Now, Jiang Feng actually cursed like this, exposing the old bottom of Western Buddhism and devaluing it.

This is even more terrifying than blaspheming the Jade Emperor.

For a time, the huge Lingxiao Palace was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

"Jiang Feng, you are absolutely right. I didn't expect you to see things so clearly."

After a long while, Princess Longji broke the silence.

She walked off the stage, cheering and jumping for joy, as if she had found a confidant, dancing with joy.

"That's right, the Western Buddhist sect is the most shameless, and the Chan sect members are all arrogant and domineering. I have disliked them for a long time."

"One day, this princess will trample them all under her feet and make them kowtow to her!"

""Shut up, Longji! Stop talking nonsense!" The Jade Emperor rebuked harshly.

Princess Longji shrank her neck, chuckled twice, and said no more.

Jiang Feng continued:"Your Majesty, is there any credibility in such Buddhism?"

"Following Buddhism is like seeking the skin of a tiger. In the end, you will probably be gnawed till there is nothing left."

"Today, Western Buddhism is almost the largest force in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and the situation in Heaven is grim and precarious. If the Journey to the West is successfully completed, Western Buddhism will prosper unprecedentedly."

"By that time, how can you, the Jade Emperor, sit on the throne safely? I am afraid that this huge heaven will have long been under the control of Buddhism."

The Jade Emperor frowned deeply, wrinkling his face into a mess.

He obviously realized the seriousness of the problem.

But how to solve it?

With his power, how can he overturn the mountain of Buddhism?

""Jiang Feng, what do you think I should do?" The Jade Emperor asked seriously.

"In fact, it is simple to say. If Your Majesty wants to sit firmly, for the sake of Heaven, you must not let the Western Buddhist sect be satisfied, and you must not help those bald donkeys complete the journey to the West!"Jiang Feng said, almost gritting his teeth.

"This, this is called simple!"The Jade Emperor almost stumbled and fell down.

He said it lightly, thinking it was as simple as talking!

"Well, let me think about it!" The Jade Emperor said slowly.

Jiang Feng also expressed his understanding.

After all, to fight against a behemoth like Western Buddhism, it takes infinite courage and guts.

If you don't do it well, you may end up dead.

This matter is of great importance, and it is normal to think carefully and make long-term plans.

After a brief pause, the Jade Emperor calmed his mind, and then his expression became solemn, and he said loudly:"Jiang Feng, come forward and listen to the title!"

Jiang Feng was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart,"Is he going to be promoted to a high official?"

"Xiaoxian is here!"Jiang Feng stepped forward and saluted solemnly.

"I appoint you as the God of Justice, in charge of punishment. You can manage the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and you are not under the jurisdiction of anyone else. You only need to obey my orders. Anyone below the Golden Immortal has the right to execute first and report later!"

""God of Justice!"

Jiang Feng's pupils shrank fiercely. This was the position of Erlang Shen Yang Jian before!

However, because his mother, Yunhua Fairy Yao Ji, violated the heavenly rules, he was suppressed by the Jade Emperor under Taoshan. Although Yang Jian split the mountain to save his mother, he also hated the Jade Emperor because of this. The Jade Emperor only listened to his orders but not his announcements, so he transferred him to Guanjiangkou.

At the same time, Jiang Feng also knew that his words fermented in the Jade Emperor's heart, so he was reused.

Otherwise, Jiang Feng estimated that the Jade Emperor would at most make him an ordinary captain.

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