"Buddha, something terrible has happened.……"

Jiang Long Fu Hu limped into the Great Lei Yin Temple, wailing.

Although this matter was very embarrassing, it was a big deal, involving the Journey to the West, and they dared not hide it at all.

Their arrival disturbed the peace here, and many Buddhist disciples involuntarily cast their eyes over.

When they saw the miserable state of Jiang Long Fu Hu, they were all shocked and full of doubts.

How huge is the power of Western Buddhism now? Putting aside the two saints, in the Great Lei Yin Temple of Lingshan, there are the present Buddha Tathagata Buddha, the past Buddha Dipankara Buddha, and the future Buddha Maitreya Buddha.

There are eight great Bodhisattvas such as Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the Eighteen Arhats, the Three Thousand Jie Di, and many Ming Wangs and Venerables. These are all Golden Immortals and above, and are the backbone of the entire Buddhist sect.

At the bottom, there are hundreds of millions of Buddhas. The power of Buddhism alone is enough to crush all the sects in the prehistoric world. With such an unprecedented grand occasion, who dared to attack the Buddhist Arhats? This was too shocking.

As the Dragon and Tiger Subduer stepped forward, the lecture was disrupted and the Buddha could no longer continue.

""Subdue dragons and tigers, why are you so flustered? What's wrong with you?"

A majestic and indifferent voice was heard, resounding throughout the Great Leiyin Temple and shaking the sky.

In the center of the front, a golden lotus was suspended in the air, shining brightly, blinding people.

On it, a monk in a golden robe sat upright, with his hands flat on his knees, holding a flower.

His body was extremely majestic, with broad shoulders and back. Standing in front of him, one would unconsciously feel a sense of awe, as if facing an ancient sacred mountain. There was an indescribable pressure.

At this moment, he was calm and peaceful, and his body was emitting a surging power that shook the heavens and the earth. Behind his head, circles of golden halos rose one after another, which were the Buddha's light shining upon all living beings.

He was the master of the Great Leiyin Temple, Tathagata Buddha, and also Duobao Taoist, the eldest disciple of the Jiejiao of Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Upon hearing this, Jianglong Fuhu was as quiet as a cicada, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and told the truth in detail.

"Report to the Buddha, we have been ordered to capture the six-eared macaque in order to proceed with the plan and arrange the journey to the west. Unexpectedly, we were stopped by Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven."

"We tried to persuade him to let us go with our kind words, but he attacked us violently, severely injured us, and kidnapped the Six-Eared Macaque. We managed to escape at the cost of our lives. Please, Buddha, help us!"

"Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven?"

Tathagata Buddha couldn't help but frown, thinking about the name carefully, but there was no impression in his mind.

"What is the origin of this Jiang Feng? How dare he attack my Western Buddhist Arhat? Is he really that bold?"

"The person who could seriously injure the two Arhats, Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger, must be extraordinary. Why have I never heard of such a person before?"

"No matter where he comes from, if he dares to go against the Western Buddhist sect, he will only die, and the Heaven is no exception!"

"This matter is probably not that simple. As the God of Justice in Heaven, his status is naturally not bad. It is known that Heaven wants to unite with the Western Buddhist sect to plan the journey to the West. But now such a thing has happened. Is this a personal act committed by Jiang Feng in a moment of confusion, or has the attitude of Heaven changed? This matter is worth pondering!"

"It doesn't matter what the attitude of the Heavenly Court is. The Jade Emperor is just a puppet. He is so incompetent. How much of a wave can he make? For our Buddhist sect's Journey to the West, whether the Heavenly Court agrees or not, they must obey us unconditionally!"

"No matter what, Jiang Feng severely injured my Buddhist Arhat, which is a great disrespect to my Western Buddhism. He doesn't take us seriously at all. He must kill the chicken to scare the monkey."

"Yes, we must not set this precedent, otherwise, where is the dignity of Western Buddhism?"


As soon as the Dragon-Subduing Tiger's words fell, the entire Great Leiyin Temple was in uproar, as if a boiling pot had exploded, and it took a long time for the situation to calm down.

""Be patient, wait for me to figure out what Jiang Feng's background is?"

On the central lotus platform, Tathagata Buddha suddenly spoke.

His voice was powerful and vast, like the sound of Buddha, with a strange magic that permeated every corner of the Great Leiyin Temple, instantly making the scene quiet.

Then, Tathagata Buddha closed his eyes, pinched his fingers with his right hand, used his great magic power, evolved the innate runes, and immediately began to figure out. After a while, Tathagata Buddha opened his eyes, but he was full of confusion, and his eyes were filled with a strong sense of surprise and doubt.

"Buddha, what do you think?"

A clear and pleasant female voice sounded.

On the right side of the lotus platform, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara of the South China Sea hurriedly asked. She was dressed in white clothes as white as snow, holding a mutton-fat jade bottle in her left hand, which made her look even more holy and noble.

The Tathagata Buddha did not hide it and shook his head in disappointment,"This boy is a little extraordinary. I can't figure out anything."

"What! There is such a thing!"

Everyone was shocked and filled with disbelief.

But at this moment, an old and leisurely voice came out,"Buddha, I know a thing or two about Jiang Feng."

The Buddha turned his eyes to the left, and when he saw that it was the ancient Buddha Dipankara, he was not surprised.

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, was his disciple, so it was natural that he knew something about the Heavenly Court.

"Please let the ancient Buddha speak."

The ancient Buddha nodded and said,"Thousands of years ago, Jiang Feng was just living at the bottom of the heavenly court, unknown. After millions of years of cultivation, he was just a golden-armored warrior. But one day, he suddenly broke through to become a celestial being, entered the immortal register, and obtained a position as a law enforcement captain. From then on, Jiang Feng made rapid progress and swept across the world.……"

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng was a thin old man with a haggard face, dark skin, and hands like chicken claws. He was so thin that he was just skin and bones, but he knew Jiang Feng very well. He told the story in detail.

"What! He grew to be a Taiyi Golden Immortal in just a few thousand years. What kind of extraordinary talent is this?"

"What kind of amazing experience did Jiang Feng have that he had such a bizarre fortune!"

"Millions of years of inaction, but suddenly rise to prominence, this may have nothing to do with the background, otherwise why would millions of years be wasted for nothing?"

"It's hard to say"


The Buddhist disciples started discussing again, full of amazement.

At this time, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng suddenly looked at Lingji Bodhisattva below,"Lingji Bodhisattva, as far as I know, you and Jiang Feng also had an unpleasant experience, why don't you tell us all about it." Lingji Bodhisattva frowned, knowing that the truth could not be hidden, so he had to bite the bullet and get out of it. As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddhist disciples were shocked, as if they were struck by thunder.

It was too shameful for a dignified Buddhist Bodhisattva to be blackmailed of all his wealth by a small Jiang Feng.

At the same time, the Tathagata Buddha was also furious.

"Everyone, this boy cannot be kept alive. I will immediately issue a Buddhist killing order to hunt him down and kill him completely to prevent future troubles!"

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