The Tathagata Buddha dealt with the matter decisively and vigorously.

Originally, a small figure like Jiang Feng was not worthy of his attention, but since this person was involved in the Journey to the West, the Tathagata Buddha had to pay attention to him.

At present, the most important thing for Buddhism is to carry out the Journey to the West according to the original plan, and there must be no mistakes.

All people or forces that obstruct or destroy the Journey to the West are the number one enemy of Buddhism and must be killed.

And Jiang Feng, a small judicial god, has repeatedly disrupted the Journey to the West and opposed Western Buddhism. This is absolutely intolerable.

The most important thing is that in Jiang Feng, the Tathagata Buddha vaguely saw the attitude of the Heavenly Court, which seemed not to be as he said at the beginning, that he would try his best to cooperate with Buddhism.

Therefore, Jiang Feng had to be killed, and this also showed an attitude to the Heavenly Court, so that they could deeply understand the determination of Western Buddhism to defend the Journey to the West.

"Buddha is wise!"

All the Buddhist disciples said in unison, extremely agreeing.

Jiang Longfuhu breathed a sigh of relief, and the depression and frustration in his heart were swept away.

Lingji Bodhisattva also smiled. Now, with Tathagata Buddha personally issuing a Buddhist hunting order, there is no place for Jiang Feng in heaven and on earth.


In a secret cave in the southern part of the continent of Zhanbu. After practicing for a long time, Jiang Feng woke up leisurely.


He exhaled deeply, his eyes couldn't help but shine, and he was ecstatic.

This time, he refined a total of ten drops of the blood of the ancestor witch, making up for the many shortcomings of the previous Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, and practiced the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art to the fifth turn in one breath.

With the foundation of the previous Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, it was easy to practice the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art again, and it was twice the result with half the effort, so there was such a great progress.


He clenched his fists, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of bones cracking.

Jiang Feng's arms suddenly burst with blue veins, each of which was like an ancient dragon, vigorous and powerful, with vigorous blood and blood, faintly exuding a surging breath of power, which was daunting.

His physique was stronger, and his skin was bronze, as if cast in copper and iron, and it was one body, solid as gold, and unshakable.

Although his body is not very tall and majestic, it is as strong as a mountain, and is not inferior to the witch clan who are famous for their physical bodies.

After practicing the Nine Revolutions Profound Art to the fifth revolution, Jiang Feng's physical body has been further improved, completely surpassing the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and can be broken into pieces with bare hands.

Even if the Taiyi Golden Immortal of the same level uses the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, Jiang Feng can compete with it with his physical body, and he is not inferior at all.

Standing up and stretching, Jiang Feng was about to continue practicing, digesting the last two drops of the ancestor witch's blood, and refining some top-grade innate spiritual roots.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard some movement outside the cave.

"Could it be that Li Jing and the Western Buddhist sect discovered my trail and are chasing me?" Jiang Feng immediately became alert.

He held his breath, concentrated his mind, and listened carefully.

After distinguishing for a long time, Jiang Feng sensed a familiar breath, and a huge rock hanging in his heart fell down.

So Jiang Feng immediately walked out of the cave.

Outside, in the barren mountains, next to a smooth mountain wall hundreds of meters above the ground, a woman dressed in gorgeous clothes and with a pleasant temperament was floating in the air, as if she was collecting nectar.

She was slender and graceful, like a fairy who had descended to the earth, not eating fireworks on earth, and was breathtakingly beautiful.

The most important thing is that from a long distance, Jiang Feng could smell the refreshing fragrance on her body, which was simply intoxicating and inextricable.

Jiang Feng unconsciously took a few deep breaths, and immediately felt relaxed and refreshed.

Jiang Feng was very familiar with this breath. He knew with his eyes closed that the fairy who was collecting nectar was the Fairy of Flowers.


"Hey, Fairy Baihua, we meet again!"

Jiang Feng suddenly appeared behind Fairy Baihua like a ghost and whispered in her ear.

This scene was too abrupt and there was no sign beforehand. Fairy Baihua, who was concentrating on collecting nectar, was frightened on the spot and screamed. She lost her balance and fell downward in free fall.

Jiang Feng did not expect Fairy Baihua to be so timid, so he leaned down and hugged her body before she fell to the ground, and then slowly landed on the ground.

The moment their bodies touched, it was like an electric shock, producing an unprecedented sense of excitement.

Since crossing, Jiang Feng has It was the first time for Jiang Feng to have such an intimate contact with a woman.

This feeling, the softness of jade in his arms, seemed to melt Jiang Feng's heart, and he felt indescribably comfortable.

After landing on the ground, Jiang Feng lowered his head and looked into the wide-open eyes of the Fairy of Flowers.

For a moment, the air seemed to be still.

The eyes of the Fairy of Flowers were so clear, her skin was so fair, her facial features were so delicate, her waist was so slender, and her body was so soft.

At such a close distance, Jiang Feng could even breathe the breath of the Fairy of Flowers directly and feel her heartbeat, which made him intoxicated and gave rise to endless reverie.

"How could it be you, you bastard? Let me go!"

The Fairy of Flowers was furious, her face pale, and she quickly broke free from Jiang Feng's arms.

Standing on the ground again, the Fairy of Flowers' pretty face couldn't help but blush, feeling both ashamed and angry.

She was so pure and innocent that she had never even held a man's hand. Now she had such an intimate contact with a man, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"Fairy of Flowers, why are you here?"Jiang Feng spoke first, breaking the silent and awkward atmosphere.

Fairy of Flowers was still angry,"I'm collecting nectar, but you are following me stealthily, what do you want to do?"

"Fate, what a great fate, I didn't expect that we would meet in this deserted mountain with no people or birds���, we, a pair of dogs and a bitch, can meet each other. Do you think God is hinting at something?" Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Shut up," The Fairy of Flowers glared with her beautiful eyes, with black lines on her fair forehead,"Who is destined to be with you? You bastard, you don't even know that you are about to die, and you still have the leisure to talk nonsense here!"

"Do you know that Heavenly King Li the Pagoda has led 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to search for you in the Three Realms and Six Paths, to bring you to justice?"

Fairy Baihua said in a cold tone, trying to scare Jiang Feng.

But Jiang Feng replied indifferently,"


For him, this was completely reasonable and there was nothing strange about it.

Fairy Baihua frowned and continued,"Do you think this is the end? Let me tell you, not long ago, the Buddha Tathagata in the West personally issued a Buddhist killing order for you, to kill you all, both physically and spiritually!"

"As far as I know, now all forces in the three realms and six paths have responded to the call of Buddhism and are searching for your traces everywhere."

"If someone provides your hiding place, they can get a top-grade innate spiritual treasure from Buddhism as a reward. If they capture you, they can get two, and if they kill you, they can get three."

While Jiang Feng and Fairy Baihua were talking, they had no idea that on the hill behind them, a mysterious man stood with his hands behind his back, watching silently and taking in all this.

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