"Wudang, Jiejiao is no longer the same as it used to be. Right now, you should concentrate on practicing the Great Killing Technique in this Juxian Temple. When the time comes, I will summon you to prove the glory of Jiejiao again!" Jiang Feng suddenly ordered.

Wu Dang Holy Mother responded respectfully,"I will obey the orders of the leader!"

After the matter was done, Jiang Feng did not stay any longer and immediately returned the same way.

On the way back, Jiang Feng vaguely realized that there seemed to be a mysterious airflow in his lower abdomen. It did not belong to him, but was like a foreign object entering his body.

Although there was no discomfort, Jiang Feng always felt that something was wrong.

In doubt, Jiang Feng stopped and could not help but investigate carefully.

This airflow is very mysterious, flowing with the breath of laws, unfathomable and puzzling.

"How could this happen? When did it enter my body?" Jiang Feng frowned deeply.

But after a moment, he suddenly had an idea,"Could it be the law of creation in the water of the Mother and Child River?" When this thought came to his mind, Jiang Feng was extremely sure, because there was only this explanation. What surprised Jiang Feng even more was that after he drank a few sips of the abortion spring water, it seemed that some inexplicable reaction occurred with the water of the Mother and Child River in his body.

Now, although the flow of law in his body is still mysterious, the breath is neutral and peaceful, and it doesn't seem to be so overbearing and tyrannical.

Otherwise, Jiang Feng would not be able to be well and safe now.

"If so, then, can the Hongmeng Creation Sutra refine it and use it for oneself?"

Jiang Feng immediately sat cross-legged and couldn't wait to try it.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng opened his eyes and a happy smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

He actually refined the law of creation and transformed it into his own power, further strengthening his own Hongmeng power.


Suddenly, Jiang Feng uttered a word lightly, and then pointed with his finger.

In an instant, a golden light flashed, and on the ground in front of him, a cute little white rabbit appeared out of thin air, and then jumped into the jungle.

This is not an ordinary transformation technique, but the result of using the law of creation. The ordinary seventy-two transformation techniques, changing into flowers and plants, changing into mosquitoes, etc., are strictly speaking just illusions and do not really exist.

After a period of time, this kind of transformed object will disappear out of thin air.

This simple illusion can only deceive some mortals and weak people with lower cultivation than oneself.

The little white rabbit that Jiang Feng transformed at this moment is not It was just a small sleight of hand, but it really existed. He used the law of creation to create things out of thin air.

In other words, Jiang Feng had already gained some understanding of the law of creation and had a glimpse of the way.

If this were spread out, it would be enough to scare people to death. The law of creation is one of the top ten laws among the three thousand great laws. Even saints find it difficult to comprehend it. Jiang Feng actually had a glimpse of the way. This was incredible.

Although Jiang Feng could only create some simple little things out of thin air now, which were of no great use, it was an excellent start.

In time, if he had a deeper understanding of the law of creation, then it would not be impossible to create mountains and rivers, or even the world out of thin air.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the water from the Luotai Spring and the water from the Zimu River would have such a magical reaction, which turned a disaster into a blessing for me!"

Jiang Feng looked surprised, but he was very happy in his heart.

If the laws of creation contained in the water of the Zimu River were not so rare that he could only initially comprehend the laws of creation, Jiang Feng would probably rush over at the fastest speed and suck up all the water from the Zimu River.

After a pause, Jiang Feng quickly gathered his mind and flew out of the Liyang Mountain.

As soon as he entered the Kingdom of Women, Jiang Feng noticed that there were many people and horses waiting at the foot of the city wall, and even the current imperial master he had seen in the palace before. The moment he saw Jiang Feng, the imperial master immediately led people to walk up quickly.

"Young Master Jiang, have you found the Juxian Temple and drank the abortion spring water?" The Imperial Master asked with concern.

Jiang Feng nodded,"I found it, I'm fine now."

Hearing this, the Imperial Master couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile,"Young Master Jiang, His Majesty invites you, please follow me back to the palace"

"Well, no, I have something else to do, so I’ll take my leave now. Please give my regards to His Majesty and thank him for his guidance."

Jiang Feng waved his hand to refuse, not planning to stay any longer.

After all, the Kingdom of Women is a mortal country, and it’s full of women. It would be inconvenient for him to be here, and it wouldn’t do him much good.

After saying that, Jiang Feng was about to leave, but the national teacher stepped forward and stopped Jiang Feng,"Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang. Our King said that there is a national treasure given by an immortal, and he wants to invite Mr. Jiang to see it."

"National treasure!" Jiang Feng's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly became interested.

Although the Kingdom of Women is just a mortal country, everything is possible. Maybe the treasures lost by the major ethnic groups or major forces during the Great Calamity War in the past fell into the Kingdom of Women and were regarded as national treasures.

For example, the Chaos Bell, the innate treasure of Donghuang Taiyi in ancient times, the Four Swords of Zhuxian of Tongtian Sect Master, and the Twelve Dutian God Flags of the Wu Clan. These are not impossible.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng nodded and agreed.

""Young Master Jiang, please come in!" The Imperial Master made an invitation gesture, his eyes full of smiles, and there was a hint of conspiracy.

Not long after, under the guidance of the Imperial Master, Jiang Feng came to the palace again.

At this time, night fell and the sky was completely dark.

""Young Master Jiang, please come in. His Majesty is waiting for you inside!"

The Imperial Master brought Jiang Feng to a large hall, left a few words, and left with a secret smile, leaving Jiang Feng alone here.

Jiang Feng felt a little strange. Such a huge palace was unattended, and there was not even a maid to serve. This was a little unreasonable.

But since he was here, he couldn't give up halfway. Besides, as a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he was not afraid of a few mortals.

So Jiang Feng immediately pushed the door open and went in.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The whole room was decorated in pink, and several red candles were lit, as if foreshadowing something festive.

And right in front of him, there was a jade bed with a The door curtain blocked the view. The curtain was connected by pearls, each of which was crystal clear and reflected a soft luster.

On the jade bed, there was a beautiful person lying, it was His Majesty the King.

At this moment, His Majesty the King was lying on the bed, supporting his head with his jade hands, wearing a thin veil, which was very cool.

For a moment, the perfect curves were fully revealed, and the graceful and beautiful figure would make women feel ashamed.

In addition, the jade curtain blocked the view, adding a sense of haziness and mystery, which made people's blood boil and couldn't stop.


Jiang Feng's pupils widened, his throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing.

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