"Mr. Jiang, come and see the national treasure!"

On the jade bed, the Queen of the Kingdom of Women hooked her finger at Jiang Feng with a charming look in her eyes, and then her fingers slid over the slender and graceful body, which was extremely seductive.

"this……"Jiang Feng frowned, and was a little bit at a loss for a moment.

He never thought that what should have happened to Tang Monk in the future would actually happen to him at this time.

But thinking about it carefully, it is reasonable. Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Women was attracted by Tang Monk's handsomeness, and Jiang Feng at the moment is heroic and extraordinary, much stronger than Monk Tang. It is normal for Her Majesty the Queen to want to marry him.

Seeing that Jiang Feng didn't move and was stunned for a while, Her Majesty the Queen suddenly stood up, bare her crystal jade feet, and took the initiative to walk towards Jiang Feng.

Her lotus steps are graceful, and her every frown and smile, every word and action are charming and moving, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

""Mr. Jiang, I am His Majesty the King, am I not a national treasure?"

Her Majesty the Queen put her arms around Jiang Feng's neck and whispered in his ear.

Her breath was as fragrant as orchids. At such a close distance, her fragrance, like that of orchids in the valley, kept entering Jiang Feng's nose, stirring his heartstrings. With such words and actions, Her Majesty the Queen's intentions were obvious.

She regarded herself as a national treasure and wanted to present it to Jiang Feng.

For a moment, Jiang Feng was a little confused, his adrenaline soared all over his body, and his inner defenses collapsed layer by layer.

At this time, Her Majesty the Queen was simply a peerless beauty, full of fatal temptations, which made people unable to stop.

Even though Jiang Feng was a Taiyi Jinxian with good concentration, he was a little lost at this time.

After all, he was still an innocent little virgin. Moreover, even saints were scheming against each other and fighting for face. They were not without desires. How could Jiang Feng not have seven emotions and six desires?

Frankly speaking, Jiang Feng couldn't control himself.

"That, Your Majesty, your mortal body is too fragile. Are you willing to practice with me and ascend to heaven?"

Jiang Feng suddenly blurted out this sentence.

He is now a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the Nine Revolutions Profound Art has reached the fifth revolution. His body is made of steel and iron. If he really has sex, how can Your Majesty, who is a mortal, withstand it?

At the same time, Jiang Feng unexpectedly realized that Her Majesty had a good talent for practice. She actually had an innate divine footing, not inferior to the spiritual stone monkey Sun Wukong and Yang Jian. She is an excellent seedling.

If she can embark on the path of practice and receive his guidance, her future will be limitless.

Hearing this, Her Majesty the Queen hooked her jade hand on Jiang Feng's chin, smiled and shook her head,"My lord, you are wrong. Practice is boring. If you and I get married, you will be the king and I will be the queen. We will govern the Kingdom of Women together, live together, and enjoy the wealth of the world together. Wouldn't it be a happy life!"

"this……"Jiang Feng frowned and hesitated for a moment.

But at this moment, a black gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, extremely strange, with a powerful devouring force, instantly swept Jiang Feng away.

"Young Master, Young Master Jiang, Young Master Jiang, where have you been?……"

Her Majesty the Queen shouted loudly, but Jiang Feng had already disappeared in the huge room.


Outside the Kingdom of Women, in the Pipa Cave of the Poisonous Enemy Mountain, Jiang Feng was swept here by the black wind.

The moment he opened his eyes, all he could see were rocks.

It was obvious that this was a cave, somewhat desolate and lonely. On the stone wall, there were a few yellow oil lamps.

Not long after, a beautiful woman appeared in Jiang Feng's sight.

"Mr. Jiang, a good night is rare, let's go to bed quickly!"

The woman smiled and then walked forward, forcibly pulling Jiang Feng to the stone bed.

Jiang Feng was stunned at first, then suddenly reacted and pushed the woman away.

""Mr. Jiang, why are you so arrogant?"

The woman was not angry, and still smiled and acted coquettishly.

Jiang Feng felt sick and snorted coldly,"Scorpion spirit, stop acting in front of me!"

That's right, this woman was the Scorpion spirit who lived in the Pipa Cave of the Poisonous Enemy Mountain. The plot was exactly the same as the plot in the Kingdom of Women in Journey to the West in later generations.

These days, the news that a peerless handsome man had come to the Kingdom of Women had spread everywhere and became a hot topic. The Scorpion spirit naturally knew about it and was watching Jiang Feng in secret.

At night, she saw that Her Majesty the Queen was going to attack Jiang Feng, so she couldn't bear it and used magic to forcibly abduct Jiang Feng.

At this time, the Scorpion spirit was not surprised to be seen through.

She naturally knew that Jiang Feng was a cultivator and was extraordinary.

"Mr. Jiang, you and the Queen were so affectionate and sweet, why are you so cold to me?" The Scorpion Spirit asked in confusion.

"Haha, you are just a monster, how can you be compared with Her Majesty the Queen? I advise you to give up your unrealistic ideas as soon as possible and let me go, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Jiang Feng said with his hands behind his back in a cold voice.

This made the Scorpion Demon's face suddenly fall,"Mr. Jiang, I am not the gentle Queen. If you disagree, I have plenty of means." As soon as the voice fell, the Scorpion Demon raised his hand, took out a pipa, and then plucked it randomly.

Immediately, one note after another jumped out, with the power to seduce the soul, as if it had a spirit and pointed directly at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was not moved at all. The tricks could not hurt him at all.

Suddenly, the system's crisp and pleasant prompt sound came out,"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Scorpion Demon and obtained a diamond-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Open it!" Jiang Feng said without hesitation.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the diamond-level treasure chest and obtaining five top-grade innate spiritual roots, a drop of ancestor witch's blood, and a Taoist book Emperor Xuanqiong Tianzun Shendao!"

"Emperor Xuanqiong Tianzun Divine Way! Is this another profound technique?"

Jiang Feng immediately investigated, and as he expected, this was the Emperor's Dao. When practiced to the extreme, it could change the world, break the shackles, jump out of the vacuum, reverse the five elements, and repeat yin and yang. It was truly terrifying.

""Hmm? Take another one from me!"

Seeing that Pipa couldn't shake Jiang Feng, the Scorpion Demon couldn't help but scream, and then flicked his finger, and a flashing, icy, poisonous stinger shot towards Jiang Feng at an extremely fast speed.

"Not good!"Jiang Feng's heart skipped a beat.

He knew very well that this was the scorpion demon's trump card, the poison of her scorpion tail, called the inverted horse poison stake, which was extremely terrible.

In the past, when the scorpion demon was listening to the Dharma in the Great Leiyin Temple of Lingshan Mountain, she was accidentally touched by the Tathagata Buddha, and immediately stung the Tathagata with the inverted horse poison stake, causing the Tathagata to be in unbearable pain.

Therefore, the Tathagata was furious and ordered Vajra to capture the scorpion demon. The scorpion demon then fled to the Pipa Cave in the Poisonous Enemy Mountain and dared not show his head all day.

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