In a hurry, Jiang Feng chose to temporarily avoid the attack and dodged. The

Scorpion Demon couldn't help but chuckle,"Mr. Jiang, is that all you can do? I advise you to obey me as soon as possible to avoid the pain of the scorpion venom."

""Okay, I'll see whether your scorpion poison is more powerful or my Immortal-killing Sword is sharper!"

Jiang Feng shouted and immediately drew out the Immortal-killing Sword. With a thought, a stream of sword light slashed out, sharp and unmatched, crushing everything. The scorpion demon stabbed out the horse-falling poison stake again, but this time, it was eclipsed by the Immortal-killing Sword.


There was a sound of collision, and the scorpion demon's tail was directly cut off by the sword light, and blood flowed all over the ground.

The scorpion demon was in great pain, and he endured the pain and fled with his bleeding buttocks.

The natural enemy of the scorpion demon is the Maori star official, but Jiang Feng has the Immortal-killing Sword in his hand, which can break all methods and sweep away everything.

""Mr. Jiang, how are you?"

At this time, Her Majesty the Queen arrived with a large number of people and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a scorpion demon." Jiang Feng put away the Immortal-Slaying Sword and said indifferently.

Her Majesty the Queen breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, when she looked at Jiang Feng again, her eyes were very complicated.

She was the ruler of a country, standing above tens of millions of people, respected and noble. As long as she wanted, there was nothing she couldn't do in the Kingdom of Women. But when Jiang Feng was abducted before, she felt unprecedented powerlessness and helplessness.

But Jiang Feng, however, was fearless in the face of danger, easily defeated the enemy, and was incredibly powerful.

For a moment, although Jiang Feng was close at hand, Her Majesty the Queen felt a sense of distant distance, untouchable, as if the two people were not in the same world at all.

Then, Her Majesty the Queen bit her teeth, her eyes were firm, as if she had made some decision, and she actually knelt in front of Jiang Feng with a plop.

""Master Jiang, please teach me your magical skills. I am willing to embark on the path of cultivation!"

Her Majesty the Queen pleaded sincerely.

She wanted to start from scratch to narrow the distance between her and Jiang Feng, get closer to his world, and emulate him.

Jiang Feng was shocked and hurriedly helped Her Majesty the Queen up.

"Your Majesty, please don't do that. I will teach you. This is a Taoist book called Emperor Xuanqiong Tianzun Divine Dao. It is enough for you to practice for a lifetime."

Jiang Feng made a prompt decision and passed the system's reward to Her Majesty.

If his guess was correct, this was also the intention of the system.

"What is the system doing? Is it planning ahead for me? Indeed, when the Journey to the West is in great trouble, if these people I taught are born, they will surely shock everyone and disrupt the Journey to the West!"Jiang Feng raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, as if he saw the scene of those old bald donkeys in the West dropping their jaws in shock.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"Her Majesty the Queen stood up and solemnly took the Taoist book, her two jade hands trembling with excitement.

This represents her new pursuit in life and the hope of her lower body. Its importance is self-evident.

"Your Majesty, just rest assured and practice in the Kingdom of Women. One day, we will meet again."

Leaving behind a word, Jiang Feng left.���He left in the air. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time. He stayed here for too long. Besides, the Scorpion Demon had escaped. He was afraid that his whereabouts would be revealed immediately.

As Jiang Feng expected, just after he left the Kingdom of Women, a large group of people from the Western Buddhist Sect came.

There were four great Vajras, eighteen Arhats, five hundred Jiedis, and even Lingji Bodhisattva. They all came in a hurry, full of murderous intent, but unfortunately they came in vain and gained nothing.

After leaving the Kingdom of Women, Jiang Feng randomly chose a direction and moved forward silently.


Jiang Feng was walking to a mountain range, and suddenly, a violent roar was heard, shaking the sky and the earth, and shaking the sky.

""Hmm?" Jiang Feng's heart moved, and he could not help but stop.

This roar was extraordinary, as if it came from the distant horizon, separated by countless billions of miles, and alarmed the entire Three Realms.

""What on earth just happened! Why is there such a big noise?" Jiang Feng's face was full of confusion.

He looked into the distance and saw that the direction was in the east, and it was obviously coming from the Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Moreover, it was accompanied by a flash of nine-colored divine light, mysterious and wonderful.

At the same time, vaguely, the evil spirit above the nine heavens gathered and condensed together, as thick as lead clouds, dark and overwhelming, heavy and depressing, as if foreshadowing the arrival of the catastrophe.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng suddenly realized,"The stone monkey is born, it must be the spiritual stone monkey that jumped out of the Nine-Aperture Divine Stone!"

When this thought came to his mind, Jiang Feng was extremely confident that only the birth of a stone monkey would cause such a big commotion, shaking the three realms, and the timing would be completely right.

In an instant, Jiang Feng's mind became active. Since the stone monkey was born, should he do something to plan the Journey to the West from the stone monkey and plunder the luck of the West?

The spiritual stone monkey Sun Wukong is a key figure in the Journey to the West, and his weight is extremely heavy, comparable to that of Tang Sanzang, the Golden Cicada.

If he could do something to him, it would be an extremely heavy blow to the Western Buddhism.

However, after thinking it over again and again, Jiang Feng finally chose to give up.

The stone monkey had just been born and attracted everyone's attention. All parties were paying close attention to it, both openly and secretly.

At this critical juncture, it was extremely sensitive for Jiang Feng, and he should not show up. If he came into contact with the stone monkey, he would be discovered by the people of Heaven and Western Buddhism at the first time, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"Forget it, let's wait until he is more mature and then find a chance to strike."

Anyway, the stone monkey has just been born, and it will take a long time for him to fully grow up and become a golden immortal to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Jiang Feng is not in a hurry.

So Jiang Feng continued to sneak, looking for a secluded and safe place. He was careful all the way and his nerves were always tense.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng came to a village.

As soon as he arrived, Jiang Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This village was actually slaughtered brutally. On the ground, corpses were lying in all directions. Rolling heads, white brains, and broken arms and limbs were everywhere. It was like hell on earth, horrible.

Jiang Feng walked around the village three times.���, but found that there was no one alive. More than 300 people in the village were killed. The means were so vicious and cruel that it was outrageous. At the same time, Jiang Feng noticed a very special thing. The dead villagers were all white and bloodless.

Looking closer, Jiang Feng discovered an astonishing fact. The blood of these villagers had all been sucked dry.

""Who did this?"

Jiang Feng frowned, puzzled.

Although Jiang Feng sensed a strong demonic aura here, it did not seem to be a simple act of demons eating people.

Although the bodies of the villagers were scattered, they were still preserved. Jiang Feng felt that the person behind the scenes seemed to be collecting people's blood.

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