The Hongmeng purple qi contains the secret of Hongmeng, which is the foundation of becoming a saint and the basis of proving the truth. Its value is immeasurable.

If the news spreads, it will surely set off a bloody storm in the outside world, and all forces will fight each other to the point of bloodshed.

Even those dormant ancient powers and the Chaos Demon Gods who survived by chance will jump out for this and fight to the death.

Hongmeng purple qi has such charm. For practitioners below the saints, it is almost a fatal temptation.

After all, no cultivator is unwilling to become a saint. And having a Hongmeng purple qi is an important gateway to becoming a saint.

However, Jiang Feng acted very calmly and did not care too much.

Today's six saints all became saints with the help of Hongmeng purple qi. In Jiang Feng's view, this is not a real Hunyuan saint, but a saint of the way of heaven.

The so-called saint of the way of heaven is also the saint of the prehistoric heaven. They can place their primordial spirits on the Way of Heaven. As long as the Way of Heaven is immortal, they will be immortal.

Moreover, they can also control the supreme power of the Way of Heaven, but at the same time, they are also subject to the constraints of the Way of Heaven.

In other words, those high and mighty saints of the Way of Heaven are nothing more than puppets of the Way of Heaven. In many cases, they have no say and are just doing things for the Way of Heaven.

This is very sad in Jiang Feng's eyes.

Therefore, Jiang Feng is not interested in the Hongmeng Purple Qi at all. Moreover, even if you get the Hongmeng Purple Qi, you may not be able to refine it and become a saint.

Taoist Hongyun is the best example. He has obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi for countless tens of thousands of years, but he still has not been able to refine it.

This still depends on the favor of heaven, and only after the Way of Heaven grants a trace of luck can you get what you want.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu and others were able to successfully refine it because they were saints appointed by heaven, saints appointed by the Way of Heaven, and they already had that trace of luck.

""Hey! What is this?"

Jiang Feng suddenly let out another surprised cry.

On the primordial purple air wrapped around his fingertips, Jiang Feng suddenly noticed a little bit of red, and even detected a faint sign of life.

Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, and he immediately concentrated his attention, and used the power of his soul to observe carefully.

After a moment, Jiang Feng took a breath of cold air and came to an astonishing fact, Taoist Hongyun was still alive! Jiang Feng would never believe it, how could it be possible? Taoist Hongyun was killed by Patriarch Kunpeng, and he had been dead for countless billions of years. How could he still be alive?

However, after repeated investigations, he had to believe this astonishing fact.

On the primordial purple air, the little bit of red was actually the soul of Taoist Hongyun attached to it.

Ordinary cultivators only have souls, but after achieving the Daluo Dao Fruit, the soul will be born.

Generally speaking, after the soul is broken, the soul will naturally dissipate. It symbolizes falling, the destruction of both body and soul.

It seems that when Patriarch Kunpeng saw that Taoist Hongyun’s soul was shattered, he thought that he no longer existed, but he never thought that Taoist Hongyun’s soul and true spirit were actually attached to the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and with the help of the magical Hongmeng Purple Qi, it has not dissipated.

Although Taoist Hongyun did not refine the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he also comprehended some secrets, which preserved his soul and true spirit at the critical moment.

But it is not so simple for him to restore his soul and reshape his body.

Without the help of external forces, it is almost impossible to accomplish.

The only remaining soul and true spirit of Taoist Hongyun is just lingering on, and can't do anything. With the passage of time, it will eventually dissipate between heaven and earth and cease to exist.

So, strictly speaking, Taoist Hongyun is not really alive, but is between life and death, mysterious.

"I wonder if the Three Lights Divine Water can revive him?"

Jiang Feng suddenly had such an idea.

Taoist Hongyun was a good man who almost lost to fate. Jiang Feng felt that he should not die like this.

Since he had met him for the first time in history, he might as well give it a try.

Moreover, if Taoist Hongyun was saved, it would be a great help to himself.

You know, Taoist Hongyun was one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world. He was a great figure of the same era as Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu. He was a quasi-saint-level power. Even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother had to show respect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately took out the pot of Three Lights Divine Water, and then flicked his finger to flick the primordial purple air into the pot.

The Three Lights Divine Water is known as the first holy medicine in the prehistoric world. It can revive the dead and turn bones into flesh. As long as there is still a breath, it can be resurrected instantly on the spot.

But at the moment, it did not have an immediate effect.

"Could it be that even the Three Lights Divine Water couldn’t save Taoist Hongyun?"Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown.

He continued to observe, and after a long time, Jiang Feng couldn't help but raise a curve at the corner of his mouth.

He noticed that although Hongyun Taoist's Yuanshen was far from recovered, his Yuanshen True Spirit became active, and the signs of life were gradually expanding, and the Three Lights Divine Water also went down a layer.

This shows that Hongyun Taoist's Yuanshen True Spirit is absorbing the Three Lights Divine Water, which is a sign of improvement.

After all, Hongyun Taoist was injured too seriously. If it weren't for the heaven-defying Hongmeng Purple Qi, he would have been reincarnated long ago. The fact that the Three Lights Divine Water can do this is enough to prove its extraordinaryness.

It can be imagined that in time, Hongyun Taoist's Yuanshen will surely be able to recover.

However, Jiang Feng's Three Lights Divine Water is probably going to run out.

However, being able to use half a pot of Three Lights Divine Water to exchange for Hongyun Taoist's life is a sure win for Jiang Feng.

After a pause, Jiang Feng put away the Three Lights Divine Water and prepared to meditate and continue his retreat.

But at this moment, another idea popped into his mind.

"Yes, why don’t I give Taoist Hongyun to his best friend Zhenyuan Daxian!"

At the beginning, Taoist Hongyun was killed by Patriarch Kunpeng, and his best friend Zhenyuanzi was furious. He chased and killed Patriarch Kunpeng like crazy, at all costs.

Patriarch Kunpeng fled everywhere, and was in a state of panic. In desperation, he had to join the Ancient Demon Court and become the demon master of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Dijun, so that Zhenyuanzi could not do anything to him.

For Zhenyuanzi, his best friend Taoist Hongyun is as precious as his ginseng fruit tree, and he needs to protect it with his life.

If Jiang Feng gives Taoist Hongyun to him, he will definitely get a favor from Zhenyuanzi, which is definitely a huge benefit!

Zhenyuanzi... Zi Ke is the ancestor of earthly immortals, known as Zhenyuan Daxian, who possesses the best innate spiritual treasure Earth Book. He is also one of the three thousand mortals, and his cultivation is even higher than that of Taoist Hongyun.

In the current three realms and six paths, he has a transcendent and sacred status. Both the heavenly court and the Western Buddhist sect respect him and want to win him over to their camp. However,

Zhenyuan Daxian is quiet and inactive, always maintaining neutrality and not participating in any power disputes.

If you can accept a favor from him, it will definitely be of great benefit.

So Jiang Feng packed up the body of Taoist Hongyun, immediately jumped out of the dry well, and went to the Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Temple.

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