It just so happened that the Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Temple was in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Jiang Feng went forward all the way, restraining his own breath, being careful, and not making any mistakes.

A few days later, Jiang Feng arrived at his destination.

In front of him was a vast Taoist temple, located halfway up the Wanshou Mountain. A part of it was obscured by misty clouds, adding a sense of mystery.

The gate of the Wuzhuang Temple is majestic and tall, as if two blue dragons are guarding it, majestic and sacred, and extremely deterrent.

In front of the gate is a couplet, the Immortal Palace of Immortality, the Taoist Family with the Same Longevity as the Sky.

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, vaguely imitating some kind of Taoist connotation, as if it implies the truth of heaven and earth, which is puzzling.

This couplet is very domineering, noble, and arrogant, but it seems natural to be engraved in front of the gate of Zhenyuan Daxian, the ancestor of earthly immortals.

""Stop! No entry to Wuzhuang Temple for outsiders!"

At this moment, the mountain gate opened, and a slightly childish scolding voice suddenly sounded, followed by two Taoist children stepping out.

The two Taoist children looked to be about ten years old, with fair skin and delicate features, like two porcelain dolls, exactly Qingfeng and Mingyue.

Jiang Feng immediately stepped forward and said with a smile,"Two little brothers, my name is Jiang Feng. I have something important to discuss with the Immortal Zhenyuan. Please let me know!"

"Jiang Feng?" Qing Feng frowned and asked,"But Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven"

"That's right. Jiang Feng nodded.

Hearing this, Mingyue was quite surprised."Why did you come to my Wuzhuang Temple instead of hiding in a dark corner? Are you trying to seek my master's protection? I advise you not to dream and leave quickly. My master will not take you in.""

""You two Taoist boys are wrong. I really have something important to discuss with the Immortal Zhenyuan!" Jiang Feng said sincerely.

But Qingfeng Mingyue didn't appreciate it at all and kept driving him away.

His mind raced, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but say,"You two Taoist boys, I have prepared a small gift, please accept it!"

As he said that, Jiang Feng casually took out two top-grade innate spiritual treasures and stuffed them into the hands of Qingfeng and Mingyue.

This was nothing to him, but it was an incredible treasure to Qingfeng and Mingyue.

The two were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, as if they had reached some kind of consensus, and they took the top-grade innate spiritual treasure into their bags.

Although providing clues about Jiang Feng could get a top-grade innate spiritual treasure from the Western Buddhist sect, the Immortal Zhenyuan has always been quiet and inactive, and does not interfere in any disputes, and naturally does not allow his disciples to intervene.

Therefore, the benefits that are in hand are the most real.

"Jiang Feng, I can inform you, but whether the master wants to see you is not up to us to decide."

As the saying goes, if you eat someone's food, you will be grateful, and if you take someone's money, you will be soft-hearted. Qingfeng Mingyue changed her previous indifference and even her tone became gentle.

"I understand. Jiang Feng smiled and nodded.

"You wait!"

Then, Qingfeng Mingyue returned to Wuzhuang Temple and went to inform Jiang Feng.

After a while, they opened the mountain gate, showed their heads, waved to Jiang Feng and closed the door.

The meaning was very clear, Zhenyuan Daxian was still missing.

Jiang Feng frowned deeply, and immediately used his magic power to shout towards Wuzhuang Temple:"Zhenyuan Daxian, I have news about your close friend Hongyun Taoist, he is still alive in the world!"

As soon as the words fell, a surging force suddenly came from Wuzhuang Temple, like a prehistoric beast opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Jiang Feng in an instant.

After a dizzying spin, Jiang Feng appeared out of thin air in an ancient hall.

""What you just said, is it true?"

An old and deep voice sounded in Jiang Feng's ears.

Jiang Feng came back to his senses and looked carefully. He saw an old Taoist sitting cross-legged on a withered yellow cushion in front of him.

He wore a purple gold crown, a worry-free crane cloak, a pair of cloud shoes, a silk ribbon around his waist, a long black beard, and a dust in his hand. He looked like an immortal.

There is no doubt that this is the owner of the Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Temple, Zhenyuan Daxian, who is known as the ancestor of earthly immortals.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was very close to him. Jiang Feng could sense that there was a faint breath from this old Taoist that was as vast as the sea of stars and as majestic as the sky. It came at him in the face, making him feel suffocated.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan had existed for who knows how long, and he was a contemporary of Yuanshi Tianzun. His state of mind had long been honed to be like a rock, unshakable, but at this moment he seemed extremely excited.

However, beneath this excitement, there was a terrifying murderous intent.

If Jiang Feng was playing a trick on him and just wanted to see him, then he would be in for a calamity.

Taoist Hongyun was a close friend of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and he would never allow anyone to joke with him.

Jiang Feng quickly calmed down, not at all stage fright, and nodded lightly,"Every word is true.""

"I found it by chance in a dry well, and was astonished at the time. At the same time, I knew that Senior Hongyun and the Immortal were close friends, so I sent it here specially."

Then, Jiang Feng waved his hand, and the body of Taoist Hongyun appeared, along with the broken Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-Dispersing Gourd.

Zhenyuan Immortal's pupils shrank fiercely, and even this ancestor of earthly immortals rubbed his eyes in disbelief.


The next moment, Zhenyuan Daxian stretched out his right hand and touched the corpse of Taoist Hongyun. For a moment, his body was shaking, and a tear unconsciously slipped from the corner of his eye.

As a close friend, he had not even found the corpse of Taoist Hongyun in these endless years, let alone avenged his great hatred.

When they met again at this time, his heart was full of guilt, and he felt speechless.

After a pause, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say:"Don't be sad, immortal, Senior Hongyun is still alive, please look!"

Soon, Jiang Feng took out the pot of Sanguan Holy Water.

In the pot, there was a mysterious primordial purple aura, and on it was the Yuanshen Zhenling of Taoist Hongyun. At this moment, its signs of life were already very obvious.

Seeing this, Zhenyuan Daxian couldn't help but frowned, not understanding what Jiang Feng meant.

But then, he discovered something unusual, and his deep old eyes stared at the primordial purple aura.

There was no reason why Zhenyuan Daxian couldn't understand what Jiang Feng could understand.

"Hongyun, you, you are still alive!"

Taking the pot of Three Lights Divine Water from Jiang Feng, the old hands of Zhenyuan Daxian were shaking.

After looking at it carefully for a moment, Zhenyuan Daxian looked excited, and laughed excitedly from time to time, as happy as a child.

After a long time, Zhenyuan Daxian calmed down, and then stared at Jiang Feng, pointed at the purple gas in the Three Lights Divine Water and asked,"Friend Jiang Feng, do you know what this is?"

"I know, it's the Hongmeng Purple Qi!" Jiang Feng replied calmly.

Zhen Yuan Daxian was shocked.

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