Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation of becoming a saint. Throughout the ages, everyone below the level of saints has longed for it.

Even Zhenyuan Daxian, who is quiet and inactive, can't help but be moved by Hongmeng Purple Qi.

However, the young man in front of him seemed to treat it as ordinary immortal energy and sent him and Taoist Hongyun together.

Of course, this would definitely make Zhenyuan Daxian grateful and owe him a huge favor, but how could it compare to getting a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi?

"This young man is not simple!"Zhen Yuan Daxian thought to himself.

As an old antique who has lived for countless years, he can be said to be a living history book. Zhen Yuan Daxian has experienced countless storms and met many different kinds of people, but the young man in front of him is like a fog that he can't see through.

"Great Immortal, I have soaked Senior Hongyun's true spirit with the Three Lights Divine Water. Although the recovery is slow, it will be fully recovered in time. Great Immortal, don't worry."Jiang Feng suddenly said.

Zhenyuan Great Immortal nodded happily, and the smile in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

He never thought that his best friend was not dead, and there would be a day for them to meet again.

""Friend Jiang Feng, Hong Yun is my best friend. If you saved him, you saved my life. If you don't mind, I, Zhen Yuanzi, am willing to become your sworn brother and call you brothers. What do you think?" Zhen Yuan said seriously.

"What!" Jiang Feng's pupils widened, wondering if he had heard wrongly. Zhen Yuan Daxian actually wanted to become his sworn brother. What would the future Sun Wukong do?

""It's better to obey than to be respectful!" Jiang Feng quickly replied. He had no reason to refuse. He had come here for a purpose. Then

, Jiang Feng and Zhen Yuan Daxian took the heaven and earth as a mirror and became sworn brothers in this hall. From then on, they became a pair of good brothers.

""Tong'er, come in!"

Zhenyuan Daxian laughed heartily, more excited than ever before. He summoned Qingfeng Mingyue in, and then ordered:"Go and get ten ginseng fruits for my brother Jiang."

"What! Brother Jiang, which brother Jiang? When did the master suddenly have a younger brother? Could it be Jiang Feng?"

"How is this possible? In just a short while, the master recognized Jiang Feng as his brother? However, it seems that no one else has the last name Jiang except him."

"What virtue and ability did Jiang Feng have? What qualifications did he have to call his master a brother? What exactly happened?"

"Oh my god! He took out ten ginseng fruits to entertain the guests. Even if the Jade Emperor or Buddha came to visit, he wouldn't be treated like this!"


For a moment, Qingfeng Mingyue and many fellow disciples at the door were dumbfounded, their jaws almost dropped, they could not understand it at all.

Not long after, ten golden ginseng fruits came, and Qingfeng Mingyue placed them on two trays and presented them to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng only picked up one symbolically, ate it with relish, and did not eat any more.

During the whole process, he looked calm and did not show any surprise.

As for ginseng fruit, he had tasted several of them before, and now it was of no use to him. Only the rarer and more precious Huangzhongli would move him.

Seeing this scene, not only Qingfeng Mingyue and other disciples, but even Zhenyuan Daxian frowned, full of confusion.

His brother looked young, and his life span was not even a fraction of his, but how could he act so maturely and prudently, as if he had seen the world, and even ginseng fruit was nothing in his eyes.

""Don't I have enough treasures in my Wuzhuang Temple to reward you and impress you?" Zhenyuan Daxian pondered.

Jiang Feng had helped him a lot, and he would feel very guilty if he couldn't thank him properly.

Suddenly, Zhenyuan Daxian seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up. He said,"Brother Jiang, I have a peerless magical power here, called the Art of the Universe in My Sleeves. Are you willing to learn it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up instantly. The art of the universe in the sleeve is a peerless magical power, famous in the three realms, and it is truly terrifying.

In the later Journey to the West, Sun Wukong pushed down the ginseng fruit tree and tried to escape, but the immortal Zhenyuan waved his sleeves and the four masters and apprentices were trapped in it.

No matter how Sun Wukong wielded the golden hoop and displayed all kinds of magical powers, he could not do anything.

This magical power is quite terrifying. If you can master it, its power is no less than that of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

The so-called one sleeve one universe, a small sleeve is a piece of heaven and earth, implying a small world, which can suppress all powerful enemies in the world.

""Brother, I want to learn!" Jiang Feng's eyes showed a look of desire, without any concealment.

Zhenyuan Daxian nodded with satisfaction,"Okay, I will teach you now!" Qingfeng

Mingyue and others saw this and cast envious and jealous eyes on Jiang Feng.

They entered Wuzhuang Temple when they were young and served their master for a long time. They had longed for the famous art of the sleeves of the world in the three realms, but they had never been taught by their master.

Now, the master actually wanted to teach Jiang Feng, an outsider, which made them feel very uncomfortable and unbalanced.

Jiang Feng automatically ignored those irritating eyes, and immediately sat cross-legged, calmed his mind, and concentrated on learning.

Zhenyuan Daxian was extremely sincere, not hiding his clumsiness at all, and almost taught Jiang Feng hand in hand.

Jiang Feng is a follower of the Chaos Gods and Demons, with amazing talent, and it didn't take long for him to master it.

Although he still Although still a little immature and lacking some maturity, he can already practice independently.

Next, Jiang Feng stayed in Wuzhuang Temple with peace of mind, practicing with all his heart.

This place was safer than ever for him.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng woke up leisurely. He had made great progress in this practice.

After unremitting efforts, he fully understood the art of the universe in his sleeves, and has practiced it to the level of great success, integrating it into his mind and mastering it to perfection.

At the same time, he devoured and refined all the top-grade innate spiritual roots in his body, which allowed him to further improve his cultivation and reach the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

Although it was an improvement in a small realm, Jiang Feng's attainments in many laws became deeper, and his Hongmeng power was also stronger.���The tyranny and terror seemed to be moving towards the prototype of world power.

Of course, his combat power was also improved, and it was earth-shaking and incomparable.

Just when Jiang Feng had just come out of retreat and came to the hall of Zhenyuan Daxian, Qingfeng Mingyue suddenly came to report,"Master, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing is outside the door to see you.""

"Hmm?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown.

Zhen Yuan Daxian, however, looked calm and said calmly:"Just say that I'm in seclusion and won't see guests!"


Qingfeng Mingyue immediately went to report.

A moment later, the shout of the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing resounded throughout the Wuzhuang Temple,"Zhenyuan Great Immortal, I have learned that the Heavenly Court's serious criminal Jiang Feng is now in the temple, so I have come here on the order of the Queen Mother to capture him. Please help me, Great Immortal!"

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