After that, Wang Ming whispered a few more words to Wang Mang, and then followed Nezha.

"Captain Jiang, the superior has issued a task. Should we set off immediately? Please give instructions!"

Wang Mang suddenly clasped his fists and asked Jiang Feng for instructions, but his eyes were full of gloating.

Jiang Feng snorted coldly and ignored him. Then he shouted:"Team 97, listen to the order, organize the army immediately and set off for Yandang Mountain!"

Wang Ming is the captain, his immediate superior, and has the right to issue orders to Jiang Feng.

If Jiang Feng disobeys, then Wang Ming can punish him with justification.

""Haha, let's see how long you can be so arrogant?"

Looking at Jiang Feng's back, Wang Mang sneered in his heart.

The previous team leader was because he was not in harmony with him and opposed him everywhere, and was finally eliminated by him in the same way.

After a little reorganization, Jiang Feng led his 100 heavenly soldiers to the lower world and headed straight to Yandang Mountain.


After leaving the South Heaven Gate and arriving in the lower world, the immortal aura suddenly became much thinner.

The Heaven Palace has a total of thirty-three layers of heaven. It was originally discovered on the top of the Buzhou Mountain, which was transformed from the spine of the great god Pangu. It is indeed a wonderful treasure land, not much different from the Kunlun Mountain, the holy land of the Chan Sect of Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Jin'ao Island, the holy land of the Jie Sect of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

After countless years and many disasters, the immortal aura of the Heaven Palace has faded a lot, but it is still incomparable to the human world.

Among the four major continents in the human world, the Dongsheng Shenzhou is considered fertile and rich.

The rest of the Xiniuhezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou are more desolate and poor than each other.

If there is a choice, even monsters don't want to stay in that kind of place.

Not long after, Jiang Feng and his men landed on the top of a mountain.

""Captain Jiang, the mountain ahead is Yandang Mountain. Please give the order immediately. Brothers, go over there together, flatten Yandang Mountain, and kill the Golden Lion King!" Wang Mang urged impatiently.

Jiang Feng waved his hand,"No hurry!"

He was not a fool. How could Wang Ming give him a good job?

Therefore, he had to find out the situation of Yandang Mountain first, and then wait for an opportunity to act.

"Where is the old land god? Show yourself!"


Jiang Feng suddenly stomped his foot on the top of the mountain. In an instant, the sky shook and the rocks rolled down, as if there was an earthquake.

The Heavenly Court has set up countless land gods in the lower world to keep track of the dynamics of all parties in the human world at any time.

"I am here, please spare my life, please spare my life.……"

Soon, the local land god emerged from the soil.

He was short, hunched over, and old, leaning on a dry cane. When he saw Jiang Feng, his eyes were filled with fear.

He only had the cultivation of a terrestrial immortal, a lowly existence in the heavenly court. How could he not be frightened when he saw a supreme immortal?

"Don’t panic, God of Land. I am the captain of the Law Enforcement Hall. I have been ordered to come here to eradicate the Golden Lion King. Please tell me the situation of Yandang Mountain and what this monster is capable of." Jiang Feng said calmly.

The God of Land gradually calmed down and replied,"My God, this Golden Lion King is extraordinary!"

"It is said that it has a trace of the blood of ancient beasts in its body. It has cultivated for millions of years and has reached the middle stage of Xuanxian. It also has a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure in its hand, the Immortal Slaying Sword."

"This Immortal-Slaying Sword is indestructible. With a slight stroke, it can split mountains and divide land into rivers. It is truly extremely powerful!"

"It has at least 300 monsters under its command. It is so powerful that no one dares to mess with it in this area.……"

"Shit, a mid-stage Xuanxian cultivator, and a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure," Jiang Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink,"Damn it, this Wang Ming clearly wants to kill me."

Jiang Feng's mind was as clear as a mirror. This level of monster, let alone him, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Wang Ming to kill.

For a moment, Jiang Feng was in a dilemma.

Going, he was simply courting death. But not going, it was disobeying military orders, and falling into the hands of Wang Ming, he would be worse than death.

On the side, seeing Jiang Feng frowning, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel happy in his heart,"That's right, I'm going to kill you anyway, this is the price of going against me, Wang Mang!"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea,"Land God, is there a secluded place here, let's rest first and make plans later!"

"Yes," the God of Land nodded,"There is an uninhabited valley three hundred miles from here, deep and quiet, like a paradise on earth."

"Great, lead the way quickly." Jiang Feng said happily

"Wait!" But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly questioned,"Captain Jiang, what do you mean by this? Do you want to disobey the military order and retreat?"

"If you can do it, go ahead!"

Jiang Feng said without turning his head.

"I……"Wang Mang was stunned and froze in place, his face livid.

He knew very well how terrifying the Golden Lion King was. Even his elder brother might not be his opponent, so how could he dare to fight him? After a moment's pause, Wang Mang followed Jiang Feng in dismay.

After a while, Jiang Feng and others arrived at the valley under the leadership of the Earth God.

It was deep and quiet here, with flowers blooming and charming scenery. There were also several thatched houses, isolated from the world, a true paradise.

"Listen, let's practice here for a while first, and make some adjustments. It won't be too late to flatten the Yandang Mountain after the captain comes out!"

"Come, Zhao Xiaowu, here are some immortality pills, distribute them, ten per person.

Jiang Feng took out a bag and threw it to Zhao Xiaowu.


Everyone was shocked.

Ten Xianyuan Pills per person, this is comparable to the monthly welfare of the Salary Hall!

Moreover, ten pills per person, one hundred heavenly soldiers, is equivalent to issuing one thousand Xianyuan Pills, a big deal, this is absolutely a big deal!

Originally, some heavenly soldiers had some complaints about Jiang Feng, but now they all had smiles on their faces.

"Zhao Xiaowu, this captain needs to practice for a period of time. No one is allowed to disturb him during this period, even if the sky falls. Do you understand?" Jiang Feng ordered sternly.

"Yes, Xiaowu understands."Zhao Xiaowu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

After that, Jiang Feng chose a thatched hut and went in.

One day in heaven is one year on earth.

Wang Ming gave him a task deadline of three days, which is three years.

This is enough for Jiang Feng to break through to the Xuanxian realm.

If it was before, even if there were 10,000 Xianyuan Pills, Jiang Feng would not be sure.

But now, he is an innate sacred foot, and entering the Xuanxian realm is as easy as eating and drinking water.

"Haha, I thought you, Jiang Feng, had some great tricks, but it turns out you are just cramming for the exam and waiting for death."

Seeing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He looked in the direction of Jiang Feng as if he was looking at a dead person.

Not to mention three years, even if it took three hundred years, he didn't believe that Jiang Feng could break into the Xuanxian realm.

Besides, the Golden Lion King was a demon in the middle stage of Xuanxian.


Thatched hut.

Jiang Feng sat cross-legged, calmed his mind, and took out the two rewards that he had not had time to check before.

"The Hongmeng Creation Sutra, the power of which is comparable to that of creation, is supreme, creates the universe, and reverses yin and yang. If this sutra is practiced to the extreme, one can achieve the supreme Hongmeng Avenue……"

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