"What! Can you achieve the Supreme Hongmeng Avenue!……"Jiang Feng was extremely shocked, his mouth opened wide.

The Supreme Hongmeng Avenue, this is the pinnacle that all cultivators in the prehistoric world pursue throughout their lives. The saints who look down on all living beings as ants, and even Hongjun who is in harmony with the way of heaven, are all like this.

Even the supreme Pangu God is the same. In the past, he created the world and overwhelmed three thousand chaotic gods and demons, just to transcend and achieve the Supreme Hongmeng Avenue.

It's a pity that Pangu God didn't achieve his wish in the end. He lacked a bit of luck, so he turned into all things, dust to dust, and earth to earth.

Since the birth of the prehistoric world, countless years have passed, and no living being has ever achieved the Supreme Hongmeng Avenue.

But now, if you practice this Hongmeng Creation Sutra to the extreme, you can get what you want and transcend all things. Jiang Feng couldn't help but be shocked. It is no exaggeration to say that this Hongmeng Creation Sutra is the first magical skill in the prehistoric world, unrivaled, even the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Skill created by Pangu God can't compare.

For a moment, Jiang Feng's hands holding the Hongmeng Creation Scripture trembled unconsciously, he was too excited.

After a long time, Jiang Feng calmed down and immediately began to study this ancient scripture.

After studying, Jiang Feng found that the Hongmeng Creation Scripture was divided into three parts, upper, middle and lower, and he only got the lowest-end lower part.

Even so, it can ensure that he can practice to the Daluo Jinxian. Huh...

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Feng looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. The whole person was like an old monk in meditation, deeply immersed in the state of practice.

From this moment on, Jiang Feng began to practice the Hongmeng Creation Scripture.

He turned his palm, and in an instant, a peach emitting golden light came into view.

This is the last reward, the peach.

Looking at the fresh and tender golden peach in front of him, Jiang Feng's saliva almost flowed out.

The peach, this is the peach of the Queen Mother, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world.

The Queen Mother planted a total of 3,600 peaches. The first 1,200 peaches have tiny flowers and fruits that ripen once every 3,000 years. If you eat them, you can become an immortal. The middle 1,200 peaches have sweet flowers and fruits that ripen once every 6,000 years. If you eat them, you can ascend to heaven and live forever.

The last 1,200 peaches bloom once every 3,000 years, bear fruits once every 3,000 years, and take another 3,000 years to ripen. If you eat them, you can live as long as the sky and be as old as the sun and the moon.

Although the system only rewards 3,000-year-old peaches, eating one can increase your Taoism by 10,000 years.

The important thing is that this is more than enough for Jiang Feng at the moment.

Moreover, the system rewards 10 peaches, which is enough for Jiang Feng to be promoted to Xuanxian.

This is also the reason why Jiang Feng distributed 1,000 Xianyuan Pills with a wave of his hand.

Now that he is rich and powerful, Xianyuan Pills are nothing. It is better to use them to win over his subordinates.

After a slight pause, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and swallowed a 3,000-year-old peach.

This peach is very mysterious. It melts in the mouth and becomes a refreshing peach liquid. It is sweet and delicious, and it is endless.

At the same time, Jiang Feng also felt a majestic energy flowing in his body. It is moderate and peaceful, but very huge.

Holding his breath and concentrating, abandoning everything, Jiang Feng immediately formed seals with both hands, and operated the Hongmeng Creation Sutra to control the peach energy, so that it can pass through specific meridians in the body, so as to continuously absorb and practice.

In this way, as time goes by, the peach energy is constantly absorbed, and Jiang Feng's momentum is also rising steadily.

This is entirely due to his innate sacred footwork. Otherwise, with his previous qualifications, this Hongmeng Creation Sutra is no different from a heavenly book to him.


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng's body suddenly changed.

In his dantian, there was chaos, various auras were stirring, energy was flying, and at the same time, waves of vibrations were transmitted. At a certain moment, as if guided by something, all the energy gathered together as if it had spirituality, forming a hurricane.

This hurricane is like a tornado, constantly rotating, squeezing inward, and colliding.

In the end, the tornado continued to shrink and condense, forming a point, a point of light.

Bang bang...

At this time, the light point expanded outward for some reason, and when it reached a certain level, it condensed desperately.

This process is like the explosion of a black hole, constantly expanding and condensing, repeating over and over again, as if it is condensing and creating.

After a long time, everything returned to calm.

Jiang Feng's Dantian gradually became clear.

In the center, there was an inexplicable round bead hanging, about the size of a baby's fist, floating up and down, radiating light, illuminating the entire Dantian, extremely magical.

""Golden elixir! This is the sign of promotion to Xuanxian!"

Suddenly, Jiang Feng's eyes opened and closed, and he let out a long breath.

Hard work pays off, and he was promoted to Xuanxian as he wished.

The round bead in Dantian is called Golden elixir, which is the result of the continuous compression and condensation of mana, and it is also the source of his power.

In that golden elixir, his lifelong mana is stored.

However, Jiang Feng's place of cultivation is the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, and his mana has a special name, called Hongmeng Power.

Compared with ordinary mana, Jiang Feng's Hongmeng Power is many times more powerful and terrifying, and it is completely incomparable.

"Only a year has passed, no rush, continue to practice!"

Realizing the passage of time, Jiang Feng closed his eyes again and continued to practice the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art and the Minor Magical Skill of Picking Stars.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Art was derived from the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art of Pangu Great God, and is a method of body refining.

This process is somewhat painful, and one must endure a certain amount of physical pain.

However, over the past million years, Jiang Feng has endured humiliation and torture, and this little pain is nothing.

With the help of the innate sacred foot, Jiang Feng made rapid progress, and there was no bottleneck at all.

Whether it was practicing the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art or the Minor Magical Skill of Picking Stars, they were all easily accomplished in one go.

Another year passed, and the ten three thousand year peaches were consumed.

At this time, Jiang Feng opened his eyes.

He stood up,���Feng's appearance was exactly the same as before, but his spirit and energy had been completely transformed, as if he had become a different person.

This time, he successfully promoted to Xuanxian, fully comprehended the minor magical power of picking stars, and also mastered the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, reaching the minor success stage.

His current body was invulnerable to swords and guns, and was impervious to water and fire. Copper skin and iron bones were not enough to describe it.

To be precise, his body was comparable to a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure.


Suddenly, there was a movement in the thatched house that had been silent for two years, and the door opened.

Jiang Feng came out of retreat!

""Everyone listen, gather your troops immediately, follow me to flatten Yandang Mountain and kill the Golden Lion King!" Jiang Feng ordered, more vigorous than ever before.

Upon hearing this, the 100 heavenly soldiers immediately took action, gathered, organized, and lined up.

Wang Mang frowned slightly when he saw this, but when he got closer, he did not find that Jiang Feng was much different from before.

""Haha, Jiang Feng, you can't sit still anymore, right? Today is the day you die!"

Wang Mang's eyes were full of viciousness.

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