After a long while, Taishang Laojun was at a loss and couldn't help but sigh in disappointment,"Strange, why can't Jiang Feng figure out anything?"

Wanshou Mountain, Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhenyuan Daxian looked towards the direction where Jiang Feng was, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve,"It turns out that my brother Jiang has a close relationship with Nuwa. In this case, it seems that I am lucky to have become his sworn brother!"

Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple

"What! Jiang Feng actually has Nuwa behind him, how is this possible?"

The Tathagata Buddha was preaching when he suddenly noticed this scene and was shocked. The ancient

Buddha Dipankara, Maitreya Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Samantabhadra, etc. were all horrified and petrified on the spot.

"Buddha, Lingji Bodhisattva was involved in the Journey to the West, but now, his body and soul are all gone. What should we do?"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva frowned deeply, with a sad face. The Tathagata Buddha, who was always calm and serious, also looked very solemn at this time. After thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but say:"This matter was intervened by Nuwa, and it is not something we can get involved in."

"Fortunately, Lingji Bodhisattva's weight in the Journey to the West is not heavy, so if we make another arrangement, it will not have much impact. The most urgent task is to withdraw the Buddhist order to kill Jiang Feng. This matter still needs to be consulted with the Buddha Lord and the Buddha Mother Zhunti, and then we can make a long-term plan."

In Xiniu Hezhou, Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xieyue Sanxing Cave.

Bodhi Patriarch was stroking his long beard and preaching to his disciples.

Suddenly, his voice stopped and he suddenly fell into deep thought.

"Goddess Nuwa has always been indifferent to worldly affairs. Why would she come down to the mortal world in person to rescue a little Jiang Feng?"

"Could it be that Jiang Feng is the reincarnation of Nuwa’s elder brother Fuxi?"

"Strange, strange, Jiang Feng is shrouded in a layer of fog, as thick as leaden clouds, blurry, even I can't figure it out"

"This matter is a bit strange, always giving me a bad feeling"

"Forget it, let's leave it to Zhunti himself. Lingming Stone Monkey will join the game soon. According to the plan, I need to accept him as a disciple and teach him magical powers. I can't get away for the time being."

Heavenly Palace, Yaochi

"What! Nuwa, it was actually Nuwa. The supreme being behind Jiang Feng was actually Nuwa."

""Is my vision correct? This is incredible!"

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

They had guessed countless times about the supreme being behind Jiang Feng, but they never expected that it was Nuwa.

You know, Nuwa is like a saint and almost never asks about the affairs of the three realms.

During the witch and demon calamity, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had repeatedly requested Nuwa, the ancestor of the demon clan, but they never received a response. During the

Conferred God Calamity, Nuwa That is, she waved the demon flag, gathered the demons, and gave the order to the thousand-year-old fox spirit Daji, the nine-tailed pheasant spirit, and the jade pipa spirit to seduce King Zhou, causing chaos in the country and causing his fortune to decline rapidly.

This was just a formality to accelerate the Conferred God Tribulation. After that, the figure of Nuwa Niangniang never appeared again, and she almost faded out of the sight of the people in the three realms.

But now, in order to save Jiang Feng, Nuwa Niangniang took a strong move and wiped out Lingji Bodhisattva with unparalleled dominance.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Hahaha……"Suddenly, the Jade Emperor laughed like a fool, not caring about his image at all.

"Yaochi, the Heavenly Palace is saved, maybe, we can fight with the Western Buddhist sect!"

The Jade Emperor clenched his fists and said with high morale.

He was ecstatic, and in excitement, he couldn't help but waved his hand and embraced the Queen Mother into his arms.

He and the Queen Mother were not real husband and wife, and this was the first time he had done such an extreme thing.

On ordinary days, the Queen Mother would have slapped him, but at this moment, the Queen Mother couldn't help herself, and she was unprecedentedly excited. She actually accepted it for the first time.

"I didn't expect Jiang Feng to be the disciple of Nuwa!"

On the side, Princess Longji's beautiful eyes were also full of surprise.

Originally, she was a princess of the heavenly court, with a respected status and noble identity. She was full of confidence and incomparable superiority in front of Jiang Feng, but at this moment, she suddenly lost her confidence.


On this day, the Three Realms were shaken and in an uproar, destined to become extraordinary because of the arrival of Nuwa.

At this time, Jiang Feng, who had become the center of discussion in the Three Realms, stood on the head of the Xiantian Phoenix and flew away with the wind.

He was also extremely excited, feeling that it was all like a dream, too unreal.

At this moment, Nuwa, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with him, suddenly turned her head and smiled softly at him. At such a close distance, Jiang Feng was intoxicated and even a little distracted.

He hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, came back to his senses, and was about to speak, but the Nuwa in front of him suddenly turned into scattered points of light and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"this……"Jiang Feng frowned, a little confused.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his body light and actually falling down.

It turned out that the innate phoenix under his feet had disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Feng hurriedly urged his magic power and cast the golden light to keep flying.

"Hey, Jiang Feng, don't be surprised, that's just the incarnation of Nuwa with a trace of holy power."

A light and pleasant voice suddenly sounded. As soon as the voice fell, a young girl suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Feng. She had white skin and extraordinary beauty. She looked like she was in her twenties, with bright eyes and white teeth, and youthful and beautiful.

"Who are you?" Jiang Feng was even more confused.

"My name is Jiu Huang."The girl smiled sweetly.

"Jiuhuang!" Jiang Feng pondered the name carefully, and then it suddenly dawned on him,"You are the mount of Nuwa, the younger sister of Yuanfeng, the leader of the Xiantian Phoenix Clan, and the eldest princess of the entire Phoenix Clan, Jiuhuang?"

"Do you know me?" There was a flash of surprise in Jiuhuang's clear eyes.

Jiang Feng nodded,"I've heard a little bit about it."

As far as he knew, Jiuhuang followed Nuwa and was willing to be her mount. He did not participate in the Longhan catastrophe and therefore survived. He is the only pure Phoenix clan surviving in the world today.

"After the Conferred God Calamity, the Queen ate the Falling Saint Pill. Although she could not descend to the mortal world in her true form, she was able to condense a strand of incarnation to save you, which is a great blessing for you."

Jiu Huang suddenly stared at Jiang Feng, and then suddenly changed the subject,"However, I have followed the Queen since the beginning of the prehistoric times. In these endless years, I have never seen the Queen pretend to be nice to any man, let alone recruit any disciples, nor have I seen you in the Wa Palace."

""Jiang Feng, how did you know the Empress? What is your relationship with her that made her so angry that she would kill a Buddhist Bodhisattva to save you and shock the heroes?"

Jiu Huang asked with a questioning look on his face.

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