Jiang Feng and Nuwa's relationship could be hidden from others, but not from Jiuhuang who always followed Nuwa.

Jiang Feng's mind raced, and he couldn't help but smile narcissistically,"To be honest, this is also the first time I've met Nuwa. Maybe I'm more handsome."


As soon as he finished speaking, Jiuhuang gave him a slap on the face,"Don't be so conceited. The queen is not such a vulgar person. Even if you are the most beautiful man in the world, if there is no special reason, the queen will not even look at you."

"Perhaps, you are the reincarnation of the queen's elder brother Fuxi."

Finally, Jiuhuang muttered to herself, and this was the only reason that could convince her.

""Okay, hold on tight, we have to speed up."

After leaving a word, Jiuhuang suddenly grabbed Jiang Feng's collar and rushed forward suddenly, not giving Jiang Feng any time to react.

In an instant, there was a violent airflow passing by, as if a cold blade was caressing him, which was frightening.

Jiuhuang was so powerful that at this moment, she accelerated with all her strength, and her speed reached an extreme, which made Jiang Feng a little unbearable for a while.

Suddenly, he couldn't see anything with his eyes, couldn't hear anything with his ears, and only felt the extreme cold. Instinctively

, Jiang Feng hurriedly hugged Jiuhuang's thigh, and then he felt a little safe.

After an unknown amount of time, all the uncomfortable feelings disappeared.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but open his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be in another time and space. There was confusion and chaos in front of his eyes. There was no sky or earth, no time, and no space.

Here, there is only eternal desolation and darkness, extinction of life, and a dead silence.

"This is……"Jiang Feng frowned, but soon his eyes lit up,"Endless Chaos, this is Endless Chaos."

The original form of the prehistoric world was a hazy chaos. After Pangu created the world and fought against three thousand chaotic demons, he finally split the chaos and created the prehistoric world.

However, there is still a piece of chaos left, which is almost integrated with the prehistoric world, just at an endless distance from the heaven.

This place is called Endless Chaos, boundless and boundless. I don't know how vast it is, but it is definitely much larger than the Three Realms.

Here, there are endless chaotic airflows, which are more terrible than the Nine Heavens Gale.

If an ordinary Golden Immortal enters here, his body will be torn apart by the chaotic airflow in an instant, and his body and soul will be destroyed.

Even Taiyi Golden Immortal, although not afraid of ordinary chaotic airflow, it is difficult to survive here.

It is easy to get lost here without knowing the direction. If you are unlucky and unlucky enough to encounter the raging chaotic turbulence or even the chaotic storm, you will almost die.

Although Jiang Feng was extraordinary, it was difficult for him to gain a foothold in this endless chaos.

Fortunately, Jiu Huang arranged a protective shield for him, which was as solid as a rock to resist the invasion of chaotic airflow.

As a quasi-saint, she could already travel in the chaos in her physical body, walking here as if walking on flat ground, as if strolling in a garden.

This endless chaos is untouchable and a life forbidden zone for ordinary immortals, but for some big men who retreat from the world to practice or endure and hibernate, it is an excellent hiding place.

Therefore, it is normal to encounter some hidden big men or powerful people who survived from the ancient times.

After an unknown period of time, the chaos that had always been gray in front of him suddenly showed a little light. As he approached, a huge palace came into view, as if an innate dragon was lying flat in this endless chaos, majestic and magnificent, and daunting.

On the plaque in front of the palace were engraved three big characters, Wahuang Palace.

The handwriting was vigorous and powerful, as if it contained some kind of Taoism, with the interweaving of laws and rules, which was very mysterious and incomprehensible.

Jiang Feng understood that this was the Taoist temple of Nuwa in the endless chaos.

""We're here, follow me!" Jiu Huang informed him and led the way.

Jiang Feng nodded and followed closely.

This Nuwa Palace was so vast, with palaces with carved beams and painted buildings, lined up one after another, like a maze with twists and turns.

After wandering for a long time, Jiu Huang finally led Jiang Feng into an exquisite and elegant attic.

Here, Jiang Feng saw the real Nuwa.

She sat on a jade couch, radiant, gorgeous, noble and elegant, dignified and generous, holy and noble, making people dare not have the slightest blasphemous heart.

Although her face was no different from the previous incarnation It was still as perfect and impeccable as before, but with a little more sense of reality.

At a close distance, the faint fragrance that drifted into his nose from time to time made Jiang Feng intoxicated and almost unable to stop.

This meeting overturned Jiang Feng's previous understanding of perfection. In other words, Nuwa interpreted the true meaning of these two words for him.

At the same time, Jiang Feng noticed that in front of Nuwa's bed, there was a round hydrangea placed casually.

This hydrangea was more than a foot in diameter and pink in color. On the whole hydrangea, there were beads hanging from the necklace and the rings were jingling, giving it a unique aura.

""Red hydrangea!"

Jiang Feng was shocked. This was the life treasure of the goddess Nuwa. It was an acquired treasure of merit. Its power was no less than that of an innate treasure.

Even if a saint was hit by it, his body would be shattered. It was truly terrifying.

""My Lady, Jiang Feng is here." Jiu Huang suddenly spoke.

On the jade couch, Lady Nuwa nodded, then waved her jade hand,"Jiu Huang, you go down first."


Although Jiu Huang still wanted to find out what the relationship between Jiang Feng and Nuwa was, he did not dare to disobey the order and had to retreat obediently.

Soon, Jiang Feng and Nuwa were the only couple left in the attic.

Jiang Feng felt a little embarrassed and at a loss.

"Jiang Feng," suddenly, Nuwa opened her cherry lips and said with a faint smile:"You give me a feeling of déjà vu, have we met somewhere before?"

"Wow, the marriage talisman has such a powerful ability that even Nuwa was kept in the dark and confused."Jiang Feng was secretly shocked.

Then, he thought about it and couldn't help but reply:"Maybe it was the previous life, the fate destined in the previous life"

"Last life! Interesting!"

Nuwa chuckled, then stood up and walked straight to Jiang Feng, staring at him with her beautiful eyes, her eyes suddenly became hot.

"Ah this……"Jiang Feng couldn't help but become more nervous,"What is Lady Nuwa going to do?"

"Do you want to force me? How can I, a man of seven feet tall, endure such humiliation? No, I must rise up and sing"

"Eh! It doesn't seem like that. It seems like I'm overthinking it. That's right, how could Lady Nuwa be such a rude and impolite person?"

"She seemed to have something to say to me, maybe she wanted to confess her love to me?"

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