Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1,291 Geralt

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

After understanding the recent situation in the multiverse, he began to think repeatedly about his future.

By continuing to stay in the wizarding world, Enzo's strength can steadily improve.

However, he wanted to be promoted to a seventh-level life form, but he didn't know what year and month it happened. Now that a new era is coming, he should probably seize the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Enzo took a deep breath.

Then, with a thought, he ordered all the immortal wizards in the north to gather, and then held a meeting to arrange some necessary matters.

"What? Are you leaving the wizarding world?"

Hearing that Enzo planned to leave the wizarding world in the future, Wizard Dwight's expression changed and he couldn't help but said, "What about the North?"

Around him, all the wizards looked at him.

As immortal wizards, most of them have taken the path of guardians. Their long-term comfortable life has caused many people to lose the ability to face disasters.

At the beginning, the invasion of Blood Demon General Faroshi was like a knife cutting into the northern continent.

Even the powerful Chancellor Terrence could not protect the northern continent. If Enzo had not appeared in time, I am afraid that this continent would really be facing a disaster.

Thinking of the fate of Fengze Continent and several other continents, the northern wizards shuddered.

Today, Enzo is not only a savior to them, but also the backbone of all the wizards of the Northern Council.

After learning about Enzo's next plan, all the northern wizards had a look of apprehension on their faces.

Only a hint of complexity flashed in Froslai's eyes.


Froslai looked at Enzo and sighed in his heart. Once upon a time, like him, he had a great pursuit of power and eternity.

But now, as the years go by, the fire of Froslai's ambition has gradually extinguished.

As an immortal wizard who has embarked on the path of a guardian, he can only maximize his power by staying in the wizarding world.

Therefore, when he learned about the world conscription plan issued by the Supreme Council, Froslai had no idea of ​​participating.

However, Froslai knew better.

Enzo, who has embarked on the path of a conqueror, is different from himself. Although the other person is young, he has greater desire and pursues a higher level.

In the previous hundred years, Enzo chose to stay in the wizarding world because of the Northern Continent.

But it's different now. The abyss pollution in the seven continents has been cleaned up, and the situation in the northern continent is gradually getting on the right track.

Enzo, who was promoted to the realm of endless wizards, gradually stabilized his condition.

Therefore, it seems understandable that he now wants to leave the wizarding world and pursue a more ambitious goal.

However, this incident undoubtedly caused an uproar to the wizards in the north.

"I've made my decision."

Enzo looked calm, looked around everyone, and said solemnly: "The guardian witch formation in the northern continent has been strengthened by me."

"With the existing strength in the north, it will not be a problem to stop the attack of the sixth-order demon lord."

"As for the position of Grand Speaker after I leave, I plan to let wizard Geralt take over until the Supreme Council sends a new Grand Speaker."

While speaking, Enzo pointed his finger at another white-robed wizard.

Everyone looked at him one after another.

The white-robed wizard named Geralt had a trace of astonishment on his face. He seemed not to have expected that Enzo would appoint him as the Acting Chancellor of the Northern Continent.

"No, absolutely not."

Wizard Geralt shook his head quickly and said in a deep voice, "According to the rules set by the Supreme Council, only sixth-level endless wizards can hold the position of Grand Speaker."

"And I am just a Holy Soul Wizard."

Everyone nodded after hearing Wizard Geralt's words.

The wizarding world does have such a rule. After a continent establishes a parliament, the person holding the position of Grand Speaker must at least be an endless wizard.

Because only a powerful enough endless wizard can protect a continent and mobilize the power of the guardian wizard array.

"It doesn't matter."

Enzo looked calm and said softly, ": It's just the position of Acting Speaker, and it doesn't violate the rules of the Supreme Council. Besides, this is a special period, and there is nothing we can do about it."

While speaking, Enzo looked around.

Enzo had no choice but to hand over the position of Acting Chancellor to Geralt. If there was an endless wizard in the Northern Continent, Geralt, the Holy Soul Wizard, would not be able to turn to him.

But in fact, there are no endless wizards except Enzo in the northern continent today.

Although Wizard Geralt is a Holy Soul Wizard, his strength is already second to none in the Northern Continent, and he can barely control the wizard's guardian formation.

For Enzo, this is obviously a no choice.

Since returning from the star realm, Enzo has stayed in the wizarding world for a full hundred years, and the originally unstable realm has gradually become stable.

Today's multiverse can be described as magnificent.

Enzo longed to become a higher level powerhouse, so he decided to leave the wizarding world and move towards a greater goal.

Therefore, the northern continent must be handed over to a new guardian.

If we think about it emotionally, the first person Enzo thinks of is naturally the wizard Frostley. After all, the two of them once belonged to the Phantom Academy of Crows.

But unfortunately, Wizard Frostley is not strong enough.

He does not have the ability to become the guardian of the northern continent. Even with the strength of the All Souls Wizard, it is very difficult to mobilize the northern guardian formation.

Under this premise, Enzo could only choose Wizard Geralt.


After listening to Enzo's words, Wizard Geralt was still a little hesitant. Originally, he had high ambitions for the position of Speaker of the Northern Parliament.

He even competed with many wizards in order to become the candidate for the Speaker of the Northern Parliament.

But the situation today is completely different. Ever since the Northern Continent experienced the invasion of the Blood Demon General Faroshi and the demon army a hundred years ago, all the Northern Wizards have had a clear understanding.

The multiverse is extremely vast, and there are countless powerful people.

Under the current situation, even the wizarding world may be invaded by aliens at any time, and the northern continent cannot guarantee absolute safety.

Therefore, the position of Grand Speaker, which was originally coveted by many wizards, seems to have become a hot potato.

Without sufficient strength, it is naturally impossible to protect this continent. Many people understand this, so they are not too jealous about Geralt wizard taking over the position of Acting Grand Speaker.

Instead, it was because of Enzo's departure that he became worried.

"I have decided."

Enzo took a deep breath and looked at everyone. Leaving the wizarding world and going to the battlefield of the multiverse was a choice he had made after long considering the path.

Therefore, this decision will not be easily changed.

Seeing Enzo's resolute attitude, the wizards had different expressions on their faces. After a while, wizard Geralt sighed and accepted the position of Acting Grand Chancellor.

"Perhaps, I should also consider leaving the Northern Continent."

Wizard Dwight's eyes flickered slightly, and his thoughts kept changing. If Enzo left the wizarding world, it seemed that he could also consider leaving the Northern Continent.

However, Wizard Dwight is not here to set foot on the plane battlefield of the multiverse.

Instead, he wanted to go to the Central Stigma Continent.

After all, given the current situation, what happened to Blood Demon General Faroshi could happen again at any time, which means that the northern continent is no longer safe.

It is even said that the entire wizarding world is no longer as safe as before.

Only the Stigma Continent in the middle region is relatively stable. After all, it is the core area of ​​the entire wizard civilization, and there are supreme wizards sitting there.

No matter how crazy the Abyss World is, it doesn't seem to be that easy to attack the Central Stigma Continent.

In the parliament hall, everyone has their own thoughts.

When they learned that Enzo, the endless wizard, was about to leave the Northern Continent, there were many people who had the same thoughts as Wizard Dwight.

After all, everyone knows the fate of Fengze and the other seven continents very well.

Under the invasion of the Blood Demon General Faroshi, all the continents fell, and countless wizards lost their lives and souls.

There are countless lives in the seven continents. Except for those who left early, they were all killed by the Blood Demon General Faroshi.


Seeing everyone's different expressions, Enzo coughed twice and said, "I know what you are thinking. Judging from the current situation, the Central Stigma Continent is indeed safer."

"However, there is one thing you should also understand."

"Today, the Supreme Council is launching the world recruitment plan. If you want to leave the Northern Continent and go to the St. Mark Continent now, you'd better think carefully."

Enzo looked around at everyone.

In today's wizarding world, although the Central Saint Mark Continent is safe, it also makes everyone fearful, and that is the World Recruitment Plan.

In order to start a war with the abyss world, the Supreme Council has launched a world conscription plan.

In the entire wizarding world, any wizard has the right to participate in the world conscription plan, even fallen wizards.

Moreover, in addition to adhering to the voluntary principle, the Supreme Council also implemented forced conscription.

All wizards who are in the Stigma Continent in the Central Territory, as long as they receive a conscription order, must go to the Abyss battlefield to report within the specified period regardless of any reason.

In the past hundred years, countless wizards have been sent to the battlefield.

But fortunately, the current compulsory conscription is limited to the Central Stigma Continent. For example, the wizards in the Northern Continent have not received orders.

However, if a wizard chooses to go to the Central Stigma Continent, then he will naturally be within the scope of conscription.

After hearing Enzo's words, everyone fell into silence again.

It may be dangerous to stay in the northern continent, but if you go to the abyss battlefield, the mortality rate will be too terrible. According to the news from the outside world, today's abyss battlefield has become like a meat grinder.

Ordinary wizards may face the threat of death every day in the abyss.

Even wizards with immortal lives are still at risk of falling when they encounter more powerful demon lords, but high risks naturally lead to high rewards.

In just one hundred years, too many wizards have made a name for themselves in the War of the Abyss.

There are even some all-spirit wizards who, in just a hundred years, have successively broken through the realm, been promoted to become endless wizards, and are heading towards the supreme realm.

Today, there are seven endless wizards who have become famous in the wizarding world and are known as the strongest under the Supreme.

And these seven endless wizards are also called the Seven Sons of the Witch World!

If it were peacetime, they would definitely be protected on the spot in order to advance to the supreme realm in the future, but now they are all thrown on the battlefield to experience, and seek opportunities for breakthrough through life-and-death fights.

Among the sixth-level life forms in the wizarding world and even the multiverse, Enzo's strength is considered to be the best.

However, compared to the Seven Sons of the Witch World, his reputation is insignificant. This is mainly because Enzo has not made a name for himself on the abyss battlefield.

Back in the star realm, Enzo fought with the sun god Apollo and survived.

It's a pity that no one knows about such a record. In the current situation, the world only knows that Enzo defeated the Blood Demon General Faroshi among the Ten Demon Generals and is the guardian of the Northern Continent.

As for the rest, nothing is known.

For any wizard, the pursuit of power is an eternal topic. Enzo doesn't care about fame, but if there is a chance, he would like to make a splash on the abyss battlefield.

At least, he wanted to know how big the gap was between the so-called Seven Sons of the Witch World and himself.

"Although I am about to leave the wizarding world, there is one thing I can promise you."

Enzo looked at everyone and said again, "If one day, the Northern Continent encounters a threat like the Blood Demon General Faroshi, I will never sit idly by and ignore it."

After hearing Enzo's statement, everyone felt a little relieved.

Enzo did this to reassure everyone. After all, as the guardian of the Northern Continent, he did not want all the wizards on this continent to flee to the Stigma Continent in the Central Territory.

No one can make a conclusion about what will happen in the future.

However, the only thing Enzo can guarantee is to do his best to help the Northern Territory. Even if he goes to the abyss battlefield and the Northern Territory is threatened, he will try his best to come back.

But those are things for later.

After handing over the position of Acting Chancellor to Wizard Geralt, Enzo explained some more things and then set off for the forest world.

Today's forest world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although this plane is still dominated by forests, due to Enzo's rule, the fallen spirits and green demons have gradually moved towards modern life.

The combination of technology and magic is used in various things.

Thanks to Enzo's protection, the world of forest spirits is now in a very stable situation. Except for those Green Demons and Fallen Spirits who were recruited to other worlds by Enzo, everyone's life can be very comfortable. (End of chapter)

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