Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1,292 Spider Devil Prison

Will be revised tomorrow.

After arriving in the forest world, Enzo went straight to the Tower of the World.

Today, Enzo, after being promoted to a sixth-level life form, already controls more than seventy planes under his command. In order to strengthen his rule over these planes, Enzo has built world towers one after another.

Each World Tower represents the absolute dominance of a plane.

Moreover, relying on the Tower of the World, Enzo can also control the dynamics of the world at all times. For example, at this moment, Enzo is standing in the Tower of the World, with a huge light curtain in front of him.

A large amount of information is constantly emerging before our eyes.

This light curtain records everything about the forest world, such as racial divisions, number of creatures, and resource conditions.

"Chip, retrieve the intelligence map of the world of Terra."

Enzo gave the order in his heart, and the light curtain in front of him became illusory for a while, and then all the intelligence information about the world of Terra appeared in front of Enzo.

The so-called Terra World is the new dimension that Enzo obtained in the past hundred years.

Although this world has been controlled by Enzo, the situation is not completely stable. The experience of being invaded by abyssal demons has left many alien rebels in the world of Terra.

However, under Enzo's arrangement, these alien races can no longer make too many waves.

"The world of Terra, the world of Tal, the world of the sea of ​​clouds..."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, thinking about the planes under his command and the matters that had not yet been dealt with. After a long period of thinking, he nodded alternately.

During his one hundred years in the wizarding world, Enzo dealt with too many things.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that everything that needs to be done has been completed, so it seems logical to go to the multiverse and embark on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Enzo took a deep breath.

Then, he thought again, and in the illusory light curtain in front of him, the vast battlefield of the universe emerged, in which the abyss world was divided into a thousand layers of worlds.

In the ancient times of the multiverse, the abyss was known as the Thousand Layers Abyss.

This is mainly because the abyss world has a thousand abyss layers, and each layer of abyss represents a relatively independent world.

Even the abyss layers above are each equivalent to the big world.

Different from the flat world of the Wizarding World, the abyss layer in the abyss world is very clearly divided into levels. The higher the abyss, the more resources it contains.

At the same time, the lower you go into the abyss, the barren it becomes naturally.

Every demon, no matter how strong or weak, is desperately moving towards the upper abyss. Therefore, the real strong ones are often in the upper abyss world.

Enzo has decided to go to the abyss battlefield.

And his target is the 567th level of the abyss, a place known as the Spider Devil Prison.

According to the information Enzo possesses, the Spider Devil Prison has long been regarded as a battlefield by the wizard civilization, and only twelve endless wizards have been sent there.

However, the war in Spider Devil Prison has been going on for ten years.

But it is a pity that the wizard civilization still failed to win this abyss world. Even after spending a lot of resources, it still failed to achieve the desired effect.

Therefore, today's Supreme Council once again issued an order for world conscription.

Any wizard who goes to the Spider Devil Prison will receive rewards from the Supreme Council, some of which are even related to the secrets of the Supremes breaking through the seventh level.

"It's almost time to set off!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he took a deep breath. Now that he had made his choice, there was nothing left for him to continue to struggle with.

Three days later.

Multiverse, abyssal world.

On the devastated and desolate land, the air is filled with the smell of sulfur. As far as the eye can see, there are caves and pits everywhere. Not long ago, the Spider Devil Prison just experienced a terrifying battle, and there were many broken limbs scattered around. Arms, some belong to wizards and some to demons.

In the distance, a broken skeleton soldier was wandering staggeringly ahead.

In the war that just happened, several immortal-level demon lords were killed, but this little skeleton survived to this day because of good luck.

If he had better luck, he might be able to seize this opportunity.

As the lowest level of creatures in the abyss world, if skeleton soldiers want to evolve, they must continue to swallow the fire of souls before they have a chance to upgrade to a higher level.

But now, the opportunity is right in front of us.

The Spider Devil Prison, which had just experienced a brutal war, was full of wandering soul fires. Some of them even came from higher demons, but now they have become like wandering souls.

But he saw the little skeleton staggering towards the front.

The floating ball of soul fire in the distance was very attractive to him. However, before the little skeleton could get close to the ball of soul fire, the surrounding space suddenly became distorted.

The next moment, the Gate of Nothingness slowly emerged.

The figure in black robe walked out of the door, and the invisible pressure spread, directly crushing the little skeleton's body, and the soul fire disappeared.

This is today's abyss world.

Weak abyssal creatures can only pray to the will of the abyss to prevent disaster from befalling them, otherwise perhaps just the aura exuded by the strong will be enough to kill them.

"Is this the Spider Devil Prison?"

Enzo looked around, feeling the aura of the abyss around him, and a trace of thought appeared on his face. Spider Devil Prison is the world of the 567th layer of the abyss.

According to the hierarchy of the abyss world, this place already belongs to the middle abyss.

However, due to the special nature of the Spider Devil Prison, the situation here is very complicated. The wizard civilization, under the leadership of the Supreme Wizard, failed to capture this territory for ten years.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of thought appeared on his face.

Although the Spider Devil Prison has not yet been captured, judging from the current situation, the wizard civilization should have taken the initiative. This can be seen from the surrounding situation.

There are traces of witchcraft rampant all around, and the corpses of demons pile up like mountains.

"Forget it, let's go to the Emerald City to report first."

Enzo shook his head, and then decided to go to the Emerald City to report first, which is the base of the wizard civilization in the Spider Devil Prison.

Because he is in the abyss world, Enzo cannot mobilize the power of rules.

In order to save his own magic power, Enzo could only head towards the Emerald City on foot, but fortunately he had prepared a map in advance.

Swish, swish, swish!

Walking on the devastated and desolate land, there was a sudden rustling sound in his ears. Enzo looked around and saw a huge creature slowly appearing in the cave in the distance.

"Is this... a spider demon?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The creature that appeared not far away should be a spider demon. It was an intermediate demon and a common creature in the spider demon prison.

From the name of the 567th layer of the abyss, it is enough to know that this abyss is the lair of the spider demon.

However, according to the information controlled by the wizard civilization, the first spider demon in the abyss world did not come from here, but from the upper abyss.

However, the original ancestor of the Nerubians was defeated in the Battle of the Abyss.

As a loser, he was kicked out of the upper abyss, and had no choice but to build a lair on the 567th floor of the abyss, and has since become the master here.

However, as the years passed, the ancestor of the Spider Demon had long since died.

The descendants who were once conceived by the ancestor of the spider demons betrayed the king of the spider demons, ate his corpse, and each ruled a territory.

That happened during the Second Age.

With the fall of the ancestor of the spider demons, the second generation of nine-headed spider demons rose up. Relying on the power gained from devouring the ancestors, they each ruled a territory.

This situation lasted for a long time.

It was not until later that the real big shots in the abyss world began to pay attention to the Spider Devil Prison, and secretly intervened in the development of this abyss layer.

After one war after another, the nine-headed and second-generation spider demons that had devoured the ancestors died one after another.

In the end, only two spider demon lords survived, namely, the current ruler of the spider demon prison, Thousand-Eyed Soul-stealing Spider King Katu, and the spider demon queen Elise.

These two spider demon lords are both sixth-level life forms.

In terms of strength, they may not be as good as the sun god Apollo, or the blood demon general Faroshi and other strong men, but both the Thousand-Eyed Soul-Seizing Spider King Katu and the Spider Demon Queen Elise are both powerful. Possessing strong dominance, he showed his strongest strength in the Spider Demon Prison.

Moreover, the reason why these two spider demon lords were able to dominate the spider demon prison was mainly due to the secret intervention of a big shot in the abyss world.

Eternal Night Demon, Hoyard!

Although I don’t know why this seventh-level demon lord interfered in the affairs of the Spider Demon Prison, both the Thousand-Eyed Soul-Seizing Spider King Katu and the Spider Demon Queen Elise obeyed each other’s orders.

But this is normal.

In the abyss world, any demon lord will be loyal to a more powerful existence. Only those demons can truly control their own destiny.


In the distance, the spider demon crawling out of the crypt was obviously a low-level demon. It didn't even have a human shape, it was completely beast-like.

After discovering Enzo, the spider demon rushed over immediately.

Enzo was not polite, he waved his hand casually, and the strong wind turned into a sharp blade, instantly splitting the spider demon into two, and he was dead.

Enzo then moved on.

The land of Spider Devil Prison is very desolate, which is completely different from the information Enzo knew before. He originally thought that this place should be covered by a forest environment.

After all, creatures like spider demons mostly live in dark forest environments.

But now, the Spider Devil Prison is deserted.

"Is it because of the war?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. Perhaps the current situation in Spider Devil Prison was due to the war.

Since the beginning of the Plane Expedition, the Spider Devil Prison has been in constant war.

The forest environment that originally belonged to the spider demons had been destroyed by the expeditionary force with strong means, in order to make the spider demons lose their place to survive.

In order to fight against the wizard civilization, the spider demons can only go to the crypt world.

They were able to persist for so long by taking advantage of the environment, otherwise the entire Spider Demon Prison would be razed to the ground under the joint efforts of several endless wizards.

A few hours later, the outline of a city appeared ahead.

After a lot of witchcraft intervention, the city has now become a war fortress, with wizard towers standing on the ground and floating arks flying in the sky.

Emerald City.

This is the Wizard Civilization Expeditionary Force. At the base of the Spider Demon Prison, Enzo walked forward, revealed his identity, and quickly entered the city.

"You are Wizard Enzo, right?"

At this time, a figure in the distance came towards me. The wizard in white robes exuded the strong aura of an endless wizard.

"Are you...Emir wizard?"

Enzo looked at the wizard opposite him, and the chips in his mind were running rapidly. The other person was a wizard named Emil, who belonged to the same era as himself.

As a witch, Emil is not a wizard from ancient times.

She was an endless wizard who was promoted to the sixth level during the Third Era. She didn't have any achievements to be proud of in her life, but she was the biological sister of the French wizard.

The French Wizard is one of the Seven Sons of the Wizarding World.

Since the all-out war between the wizarding civilization and the abyss world, batches of powerful people have emerged in the wizarding world, led by the Seven Sons of the Wizarding World.

The French Wizard is one of them.

It is said that the other party fought against the Eternal Night Demon Hoyad thirty years ago and escaped unscathed. Such a record was enough to make him the object of worship by many wizards.

As the sister of the French wizard, the wizard Emile is also not weak in strength.

However, compared with the Seven Sons of the Witch Realm, he is far behind, but he still has the strength of a sixth-level life form, and is now one of the commanders of the Spider Demon Prison Expeditionary Force.

"Welcome to the Emerald City."

Wizard Emil extended his palm generously, and Enzo responded according to the etiquette of the wizarding world. The news that he was about to come to Spider Devil Prison had already been known to the Emerald City.

Therefore, the wizard Emile came to greet Enzo himself.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the two entered the high tower inside the Emerald City. Emil introduced Enzo to the situation in the Emerald Spider Devil's Prison while describing the distribution of troops in the Emerald City.

In a moment, Enzo had a preliminary understanding of the situation in the Spider Devil Prison.

As a middle-level abyss world, the war in the Spider Devil Prison has lasted for more than ten years. Under the powerful methods of many endless wizards, the wizard civilization has the absolute upper hand.

However, it is not easy for the wizard civilization to end the war.

After all, there are many powerful people in Spider Demon Prison, and the two Spider Demon Lords have the support of Eternal Night Demon Hoyard behind them.

Relying on the advantages of the environment, the nerubians and wizards compete with each other.

"Where are the other endless wizards?"

Enzo was a little curious. After all, he was also an endless wizard. Now that he was going to the Spider Devil Prison, Emil should not be the only one to receive him.

But now, he only saw one endless wizard.

"I'm so sorry, Sir Enzo."

Almi shook his head and said softly, "Wizard Norsa and the others have now gone to the 400th layer of the abyss to support them, so now I am the only endless wizard in the Spider Devil Prison." (End of Chapter)

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