What Mrs. Figg gave her was not cat food.

Although she has many cats, it does not mean that she only has cat food.

In fact, what she gave Harry was some jerky, and some sweets.

Hmm, maybe she thought Harry was hungry but was too embarrassed to say so?

The dried meat was very fragrant, and Harry couldn't help but swallow. Seeing that the big black dog was eating happily, he also wanted to taste it, but what kind of meat was this?

It should be...not rat meat...

Harry laughed dryly, but with so many cats in Mrs. Figg's house, it's normal to have mouse meat, right?

Putting such dangerous thoughts out of his mind, Harry shrank his neck and couldn't help but smile when he saw the big black dog's tail wagging happily.

"Hey, man, how about I give you a name?" Harry touched the big black dog's back and said to himself without waiting for the dog's answer, "Since you're so dark, how about... Black?" ?”

An uninvited guest came to the Dursley home.

"Nice to meet you, Penny." The principal, who had a long beard and long hair, smiled, "This shouldn't be our first meeting, right?"

Facing a respected elder, Penny did not give him any good looks, but asked, "Why are you here?"

Dumbledore seemed ready to comfort her, "Don't be so nervous, Petunia, I'm just here to visit..."

"No wizards are allowed in my house!" Petunia screamed, her voice so harsh that Vernon and Dudley turned pale with fear.

"Petunia? What's wrong with you? My dear?" Vernon swallowed, "Is it this old man..."

Petunia glared at him, causing Vernon to swallow his words and turn to glare at the old man sitting on the sofa.

"Even though you said that, Petunia, you still let me in instead of letting an old man over a hundred years old blow the wind outside the door. Thank you very much." Dumbledore said calmly and gently, " You see, you don’t actually hate wizards as much as you think, so, can we sit down and have a talk?”

"We have nothing to talk about, Mr. Dumbledore," Petunia said firmly. "You didn't talk to me when you enrolled my sister in your damn school."

Principal Dumbledore said helplessly, "We have discussed, Petunia, you have no magic talent. If you have even a little talent, I will let you enroll."

"You told me that my sister died without talking to me." Petunia stared at Dumbledore with a murderous look, as if that could kill the old man.

Dumbledore opened his mouth and finally sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"You didn't even talk to me when you sent that kid here!" Petunia yelled angrily. "He blew puddings into the sky! Blocked the sewer for over a week! Climbed onto the roof of the school! And... The lawn I worked so hard to build has turned into a joke!”

Penny was panting like an angry cow.

"That's a magic riot, Petunia," Dumbledore explained. "It's very common, especially among young wizards."

"He also blew up half the living room!" Petunia yelled.

The room fell silent, and all that could be heard was Penny's heavy breathing.

"That was just an accident. It shows that his magic is powerful. You should be proud of him." Dumbledore said.

Vernon laughed angrily at his words, "Proud? You ask us to be proud of him? He almost killed my son! He was lying next to that bastard boy at that time! As for me! An ordinary office manager had to It took someone a month to restore my home to its original appearance and tell the neighbors that it was just a renovation mistake!”

Dumbledore said helplessly, "Mr. Dursley, you don't need to exaggerate the matter. All you need is a repairing spell."

Vernon's face began to turn red, "Don't tell me your tricks! I don't believe it! I don't believe it at all!"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly.

Vernon continued, "Just like that bastard from more than ten years ago! I asked him if he had a car, but he told me they used brooms!"

"That's a broomstick," Dumbledore explained.

"Yeah, yeah, you don't need a car, you just need a broom!" Vernon's face began to turn purple, and he seemed to be getting more and more angry, "He also told me that his parents left him a gift at the bank. Got a lot of gold coins!”

Dumbledore was still trying to explain, "The Potter family is a very famous and ancient wizarding family, and it is normal to have a large amount of gold galleons."

A heart-stopping laugh came from Vernon's throat. "Yes, yes," he said. "Look, sir, open your eyes and see!"

His voice rose an octave, "Who now! Still using gold coins! Who else!"

Dumbledore opened his mouth, and he realized that their communication was actually blocked, just like now.

Although he has never exchanged it, he knows that the currency currently used in circulation in the Muggle world is actually banknotes.

Explaining the value of gold coins to a Muggle is like explaining the importance of paper money to a wizard. It is not something that people can easily accept, especially people like the Dursleys who ignore, resent, and reject wizards.

"Does he want to humiliate me?" Vernon's anger continued to burn. "Tell me that he was born in a family with a long heritage and preserved currency from centuries ago, and we only have paper currency! Yes, even if we have no more Too much wealth is of no use!"

He laughed like a night owl, "Because we are all from the bottom of the family without gold coins to pass down!"

Vernon finally let out the anger he had suppressed for many years, which almost made him breathless. Petunia screamed and pulled a chair for him, let him sit down, and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. Come down.

"I don't think he meant it that way." Dumbledore sighed. He did not explain any more. Neither party understood the other's life, and forcing an explanation would only cause more quarrels.

Petunia glared at Dumbledore fiercely, "Please leave my house!"

Dumbledore once again felt unwelcome and even disgusted by this family, but he still said, "Petunia, I hope you can agree to Harry coming to school next year."

Petunia and Vernon gasped, and then...

"Get out of here!"

"Don't tell me anything about magic schools! That kind of lie!"

"Do all the people named Evans have a grudge against you?"

"Do you want that bastard to blow up my whole house when he comes back?"

"You have already killed one, do you want to kill the last one too!"

"I'd rather let him go to any school than bring wizards and magic home!"

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