Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 100 Secretly Breeding

"Mrs. Figg, Mrs. Figg!" Harry knocked on the door of a house two streets away.

"Hey, it's little Harry." Mrs. Figg opened the door, "Why, Petunia and Vernon didn't even call to ask me to take care of you, and just asked you to come over?"

She looked a little angry, and Harry wasn't sure if that was because he was causing more trouble for her by not telling her.

"No, that's not the case, ma'am." Harry explained, "I saw an injured... cat on the side of the road."

"Huh?" Mrs. Figg raised her eyebrows, "Then you can bring it to me, and I will be happy to give it a warm home."

Harry's eyes wandered for a moment, and he suddenly felt that it seemed like a good idea to bring the big black dog over to Mrs. Figg.

But then he shook his head, what was he thinking!

If the big black dog lives in Mrs. Figg's house, what will happen to Kicker, Snow, Paws, and Buttercup?

Although he didn't like Mrs. Figg's house that smelled of cabbage, and he didn't like that she always told him about the cute little guys she had raised, but Harry thought he couldn't let a big dog go. To bully those smart little guys.

"No, no, ma'am." Harry swallowed, ah, no, it would be too rude to say that.

He quickly thought of a reason, "That cat doesn't like other people. Yes, that's right, only I can get close to it, it's true! If you bring it over, it will definitely cause you trouble."

Mrs. Figg looked at him in surprise, until his heart beat loudly and he lowered his head, not daring to look at her.

"Well, that's quite a stubborn little fellow, isn't he?" Mrs. Figg closed the door.

Harry stood dejectedly in front of Mrs. Figg's house, feeling like a complete failure.

The big black dog was still dying and waiting for his rescue, but he couldn't even provide it with a dinner.

Turning around, Harry was ready to go home. He wanted to try to see if he could save a little from his dinner. Just a little bit, the big black dog should be able to regain his strength, right? After it recovers its strength, it can go out to look for food on its own, right? Then its injury will definitely heal soon, right?

Just then, the door opened behind him.

At this moment, this crazy old lady who wrapped her hair in a plastic hair net, wore a pink woolen coat, and thick tartan slippers on her feet, in Harry's eyes, she was the one who looked at the saint in her arms with loving eyes. Son’s mother!

She held a mesh bag in her hand, and there was a tinkling sound inside.

"Could it be cat food?" Harry thought, "By the way, can dogs eat cat food?"

"There are some wound medicine and food in it." Mrs. Figg said fiercely, "Don't come to my house without saying hello next time!"

Although she said harsh words, at this moment, Harry just felt that she was really the gentlest person in the world!

It would be better if she didn't keep pulling her to describe her cat experience in detail!

Although he was scolded by Mrs. Figg, Harry had never been so happy!

He quickly came to the hiding place of the big black dog.

It was a corner of an abandoned park. The slide of the children's slide had disappeared, but the small conical house remained. At this time, the heavy snow covered most of the house, and the big black dog dug a passage by himself. Got in.

It found itself a home.

"Hey, are you still there? I got you some medicine and some food." Harry shouted.

After a while, a black dog head emerged from behind the snowdrift.

Harry's eyes lit up and he immediately ran over happily. The big black dog got back and gave Harry a little space.

"Hey, it's not cold here?" Harry was a little surprised. It's amazing. In winter, even if you live in a house without turning on the stove, it will be very cold, but this is considered as a problem in the snow. The kennel was surprisingly warm.

Harry didn't know how to bandage the wound, so he could only clumsily apply the medicine Mrs. Figg gave him to the bleeding area of ​​the big black dog.

Perhaps it was too painful, and the big black dog couldn't help but shiver.

"Did...did I hurt you?" Harry asked at a loss, "I'm sorry, it's my first time to give medicine to an animal."

The big black dog turned his head, licked his little hand, and then put his head on his front legs, exposing his belly.

"Is it here too?" Harry was surprised, but didn't think much and applied the remaining medicine to the wound.

Maybe it was an illusion, but he always felt that the wound was slowly healing.

"How could it be so fast?" Harry smiled mockingly, "It must be because it's too dark here, which caused my eyesight."

The big black dog looked at Harry and rubbed his big head against him.

The big black dog didn't know what kind it was, and its hair was very hard. Being rubbed back and forth by it, Harry felt a little itchy on his neck and chin.

Harry laughed, "Don't... don't be like this, it's so ticklish! Hahaha!"

The big black dog played with him affectionately for a while, then picked up the net bag on the ground and started tearing it apart.

"Hey, that bag! I want to return it to Mrs. Figg!" Harry yelled, rushing towards the big black dog.

Perhaps out of fright or out of instinct to protect food, the big black dog jumped back two steps with the mesh bag in its mouth.

Harry could only stop, waved his hand, and said in as calm a tone as possible, "Hey, don't be like this, buddy, the bag in your mouth is not mine, how about giving it back to me, I only want the bag and the food in it It’s all yours!”

The big black dog took a few steps back.

Harry, who didn't understand what he wanted to express, took another step forward, "I just want the bag, hey! What do you want to do!"

I saw that day the big black dog suddenly exerted force on its hind legs, jumped forward, and threw Harry to the ground.

Harry was frightened by its movements, and for a moment, horror stories such as "Mrs. Margot's little son was attacked by a vicious dog and his head was bitten into pieces" appeared in his mind.

"Will I be bitten to death and eaten by it? Will my aunt and the others come to find me?" Harry's mind was spinning rapidly, "Will I be published in the newspaper? Will anyone be sad for me?"

Then, he discovered to his dismay that he didn't seem to have any friends who would cry for him.

Sobbing quietly, he was so sad that he didn't even notice that the snow around him was beginning to creep into the frost.

Suddenly, there was a moist feeling on his face.


Harry was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the big black dog in front of him. It was lying on Harry's belly - as if it was its own nest, and was licking Harry's tears with its big scarlet tongue.

"You...are you comforting me?" Harry asked softly, he was a little unsure.

The big black dog wagged its tail.

Even though it was snowy outside, Harry felt his heart suddenly warm.

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