Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 99 Blake escaped from prison?

Cedric's sudden enlightenment caught Robert off guard.

So much so that I was force-fed a lot of dog food, which almost made me vomit.

Lemons are so delicious!

I really want to kill this traitor!

Robert was thinking randomly, and then he looked at Cedric resentfully, what kind of cram school did you attend during the holidays? So outstanding?

While we were chatting, the auditorium gradually became quiet. Looking up, we saw professors taking their seats at the teachers' bench.

The last ones to sit down were Professor Snape and Principal Dumbledore. Both of them had tired faces. It was hard to find such expressions on them. I wonder if they were trying to deal with the sudden appearance of the spiritual world.

Principal Dumbledore stood up from his seat. His expression was very serious, as if he was saying, "What I say next is not a joke. You must listen carefully."

"I'm sorry to call you all together on the first day of the holiday. I think you must have many stories about the holiday that you want to share with your friends, but I must not disturb you at this time." Although Principal Dumbledore wrote on his face He was full of exhaustion, but his voice was still full of energy. It was hard to imagine that this was an old man over a hundred years old.

Principal Dumbledore paused before continuing, "The Ministry of Magic confirmed today that Voldemort's follower, Sirius Black, successfully escaped from Azkaban Prison."

The little wizards started whispering, and some people who knew the inside story showed panic expressions.

"I'm sorry, children." Headmaster Dumbledore said softly, "Although Sirius Black was once a student of this school, it is undeniable that he is dangerous, more dangerous than most wizards."

Panic filled the auditorium, and the little wizards were a little commotion, but they still managed to stay calm.

Robert saw Cedric holding Zhang Qiu's little hand tightly, which seemed to give her some comfort. Qiu quickly calmed down and smiled back.

Mr. Honey Badger seemed to be frightened. He stood there completely with a strange expression, like fear and excitement.

Summers frowned and asked Robert in a low voice, "That fugitive will not come to Hogwarts, right? There shouldn't be any reason for him to come, right?"

Robert nodded subconsciously and hesitated again.

Why did Sirius escape from prison at this time?

Shouldn't he have waited until the summer vacation before Mr. Savior's third grade to escape?

Could it be that the food in Azkaban Prison has deteriorated since the spiritual world opened?

But, that shouldn’t be the case, right?

Doesn’t that guy feel that he has sinned heavily and wants to atone for his sins in prison?

After racking his brains, Robert couldn't figure out the reason why this guy escaped from prison early.

It can't be because you're counting the time and your godson is about to go to Hogwarts, so you're planning to escape from prison, see him, and give him a surprise, right?

Could this be a surprise?

It was simply frightening!

Maybe little Harry will fulfill Robert's fantasy.

A middle-aged man with a slovenly beard and a haggard appearance stood in front of him, with an excited expression and exaggerated movements, shouting, "Child, I am your parents' best friend, your godfather, and I am a wizard. You don't know what it is." Wizard? Come on, let me do some magic for you."

It’s very touching just thinking about it!

"If anything happens around you, anything that you think is unusual, you must tell your dean." Principal Dumbledore's voice was low, and people were unconsciously attracted to it. "I'm not alarmist. No kidding, this is really important, we still don’t know what method he used to escape.”

The little wizards did not leave the auditorium. In fact, after Principal Dumbledore finished speaking, they started eating.

Today's dinner is still a variety of roasted meats, vegetables, desserts and pumpkin juice. The house elves' cooking skills are still at a high level, but the little wizards' minds have long been far away.

"Hogwarts Castle should be the safest place. I think we will definitely not be attacked by that terrible fugitive." Summers said with certainty, "And Principal Dumbledore is here. He is the most powerful person in this century." Great White Wizard, is there anyone who can protect us better than him?"

After hearing Summers' words, the little badgers nodded, feeling that what he said made sense.

And when everyone was enjoying dinner in peace, Principal Dumbledore announced another thing.

"Starting tonight, there will be Aurors patrolling the castle. Please be careful, because some of them have been fighting dark wizards for a long time, and they are extremely vigilant to any disturbance. You are likely to be injured. If you can, Energizer Stay in the dormitory." Just as he said that, a dozen young people came in. Some of them might be a few years older than the upperclassmen, but some of them looked very old.

Principal Dumbledore shook hands with them and took them to the principal's office.

Unknown to everyone, Principal Dumbledore left Hogwarts that night.

The return date has not yet been determined.

Harry was very distressed. He picked up a big black dog last night.

It was badly injured, with blood overflowing from its abdomen. There was not much flesh on its body, and it looked like it was about to die.

Harry wanted to help, but he couldn't because his aunt wouldn't give him more food to feed a pet.

His name is very common, Harry. There are at least seven or eight people in a school with this name. His last name is also very common, Potter.

In fact, he didn't understand why his aunt's last name was Dursley, but his last name was Potter.

Until one day his aunt revealed that his parents died in a car accident and he was adopted.

Harry's uncle, Vernon Dursley, is a middle-class executive at the Granning Drilling Company. He was fat, so fat that you could barely see his neck, and his chin had three layers that made him look like he was wearing a thick, flesh-colored napkin. When he is angry, his round, fat face will turn purple and he will yell. The sound can attract people from several kilometers away.

Mrs. Dursley, Petunia Dursley, was once a colleague of Mr. Dursley until they decided to get married and she became a full-time housewife. She has a thin figure, curly blond hair, and a long neck. In addition to cleaning the already clean house even cleaner every day, she also craned her neck to see if any neighbor had secretly made the garden more beautiful than hers.

It's very housewifely.

The Dursleys had a young son named Dudley, and they doted on him very much. Harry sometimes wondered if they would dote on him so much if he lived with his parents.

There was a moist feeling on his hand. Harry looked down and saw that it was the big black dog licking his hand.

Harry seemed to see the big black dog crying.

Is it asking itself for help?

He suddenly had an urge to secretly raise this big black dog!

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