Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 98 Xiaosai possessed by the Saint of Love

Robert and the others hurried to the auditorium.

At this time, many people had gathered here, and the professors were nowhere to be seen. The little wizards leaned their heads together in twos and threes, discussing the reasons for being summoned.

There was some noise in the auditorium.

"Excuse me, has any of you seen Cedric?" The three of them asked the students they saw, trying to find their roommate.

Most of the students looked panicked and shook their heads until they reached the Ravenclaw table.

"Cedric? He seems to be with Cho Chang." A Ravenclaw student said, "Hey, isn't it over there?"

Robert turned his head and looked at where he was pointing. Cedric and Zhang Qiu were standing together. From above, it looked like they were having a normal conversation between men and women. But when he looked down, he realized that the two guys were holding hands tightly.

"What happened?" Zhang Qiu looked at the classmates around him curiously, his eyes lingering on Slytherin, "They seem a little nervous."

"Well..." Cedric hesitated, and he said slowly, "You know, emergencies occasionally happen in the magical world, and they are very dangerous."

"Oh, of course." Zhang Qiu forced a smile, "I heard from my mother that before I was born, there was a very evil dark wizard who was wreaking havoc on the land of Corruption."

"Well, that's right, but the dark wizard was defeated." Cedric nodded.

Zhang Qiu seemed to be a little yearning, "If possible, I really want to meet the wizard who ended the dark age. He is so great, isn't he?"

Cedric felt his neck feel a little heavy, and he began to recall the books he had bought for Christmas in his mind.

We can't continue discussing the Boy Who Lived with Qiu. We are all men. What if Qiu suddenly becomes interested in him?

You can't get angry or show off that you are stronger than that boy, that will only make Qiu feel like an empty-headed troll.

You can't change the subject, that will make Qiu feel like you don't want to chat with her.

After thinking for a long time, Cedric began to sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, Ced, you bastard! We thought you were killed and almost turned the whole castle upside down! We didn't expect you to come earlier than us!" Robert's angry voice rang in his ears, thank God , Cedric swore that he had never looked forward to this sound so much in his life!

Although occasionally I feel that the owner of this voice is too annoying!

But that must be all an illusion!

"Hey, it turns out to be the beautiful Miss Zhang." Robert extended his hand, "I'm glad to see you after the Christmas vacation. I hope you have a perfect vacation."

Qiu smiled lightly, and with Robert's determination, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

In terms of appearance, Qiu may be of mixed race. After all, Asians' facial features are not as prominent as Zhang Qiu's. Her eyes are large, her eyelashes are very dark, and she looks like she is wearing eyeshadow. She has a high nose bridge and her skin is very delicate and shiny.

Zhang Qiu's face is not big, smaller than other girls at Hogwarts, and her facial features are delicate. This may be because she likes Quidditch and serves as a seeker, and occasionally exudes a fierce aura.

But when she smiles, she is unexpectedly gentle and tranquil, with a heart-thrilling magic.

This is a witch who combines the beauty of both Asians and Europeans. No wonder when she entered school, all her seniors were in love with her.

"Okay, Ced, I forgive you." Robert patted Cedric on the shoulder, "With such a beautiful female companion, no wonder you forgot the way back to the dormitory."

Zhang Qiu laughed out loud, then lowered his head, his face slightly red.

Robert's eyes lit up and he didn't object?

That means there is drama!

Immediately, he felt like he had just received a lemon, and Robert was heartbroken.

Xiaosai, you bastard, we agreed to be single brothers together, but you ended up taking action in advance? !

Cedric's face turned red, "Only, just now...just..."

I won’t go down anymore.

Mr. Honey Badger pricked up his ears, looking eager to try, and Summers opened his eyes wide, as if to see Cedric's expression clearly.

Classmate Xiaosai was embarrassed for a long time before he realized that it was wrong! I have a girlfriend now! This is someone you singles need to look up to!

What do I have to be afraid of!

So, he held his head high and said with a slightly proud tone, "We are chatting..."

Miss Zhang Qiu immediately answered, "We are talking about the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter."

"???" Robert glanced at Cedric suspiciously.

Classmate Xiaosai, what are you doing, discussing another boy with your girlfriend? Still the kind of national idol.

Cedric was immediately frightened. As a newbie, he could only look to Robert for help.

However, Robert gave a look that said, "It's up to you." He discussed with Miss Zhang Qiu an extremely dark era for wizards.

"The mysterious man and his men used the Unforgivable Curse without restraint, causing the death of a large number of Muggles and wizards. They took pleasure in killing others and were a nightmare for many people of that era." Robert narrowed his eyes. Mr. Weasley said that his parents were Aurors and probably participated in operations against Voldemort and Death Eaters.

"For the sake of ideals and beliefs, many wizards participated in that war. Later, the mysterious man crazily retaliated against those who opposed him. He was too powerful at the time, and many people fell, but more people stood up. "Robert softly told the records about that period of history that he saw in the book.

"He never missed, which made him even more unscrupulous. Finally, one day, he missed." Robert raised his eyebrows, "We don't know exactly what happened at that time. We only know that that night, Voldemort was defeated and disappeared. ! The Boy Who Lived - Harry Potter, he survived Voldemort! Although Voldemort left an indelible mark on him, he could not kill him!"

The people around were infected, as if they could feel the fear of being dominated by Voldemort, see the despair on people's faces, and...

People's joy after hearing that Voldemort disappeared!

"He is so great..." Miss Zhang Qiu's eyes were a little blurred and she looked at Cedric, "Do you think so?"

Cedric was immediately alert, holy shit! Why do I feel like I suddenly have a love rival!

Alarm bells rang in his heart, and Cedric's brain was running at a speed that could circle the earth three and a half times per second. Finally, he thought of it!

"The darkness will eventually fade away, and we will usher in the light." Cedric's voice was hoarse, but Miss Zhang Qiu felt as if her heart had skipped a beat.

"No matter what happens, I will be your support!" Cedric said decisively, "Even to the end of my life!"

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