"Mr. Ollivander said that this is the most interesting pair of wands he has ever made. Did you know? He said that these wands are twins!" Fred said proudly, "That sounds really good, doesn't it? , George.”

George punched him and said, "That's right, man, this means we can have twice as much fun in whatever we do."

The two of them had some fun.

Robert was a little curious about the characteristics of their wands, but he was embarrassed to ask. The material and core of the wand were very private matters, and even related to the life of the wand owner. The less people knew about it, the safer it would be.

After playing around for a while, time passed quickly, and it was half past twelve in a blink of an eye.

"I seem a little hungry. Have you brought any food?" Robert rubbed his stomach. Angela should have prepared food at this point.

After Robert went to school, Angela's work became at least once a week, which gave her enough time to do her own things. Although she was a little reluctant, the foundation would not pay a huge fee to work so easily. Of course, there are not many people in the first place.

The money was provided by Cliff, and considering the need for confidentiality and other reasons, he readily hired Angela.

However, Robert had been living in the Leaky Cauldron in order to be able to use magic, so it was impossible to get lunch from Angela in Yorkshire.

As for Elsa and Cliff, well, Merlin bless them, they must not send a special letter to apologize for their lack of attentiveness, otherwise Robert will be really embarrassed!

After all, this is the most overlooked aspect for inexperienced parents sending their children to school for the first time.

The twins were a little embarrassed. They took out a bag of sandwiches. The stuff was packed in a cardboard box and was stuffed inside.

"Mom prepared some for us." Fred blushed a little, "Well, you might not like them, they are too dry."

Robert pretended to be surprised and asked, "Mrs. Weasley made it by herself? This is really great! I envy you!"

"Can you give me a piece?" He looked directly into Fred's eyes and explained seriously, "You know, Elsa doesn't know how to cook, so I want to know what mommy tastes like. If If you don’t mind.”

Robert said it very sincerely, and the twins were deeply moved by these words.

"I think mom will be very happy." George handed over the carton in his hand, "Try it, I washed the lettuce leaves!"

Robert happily picked up something that had appeared in a movie and was more like a big rice ball than a sandwich, and took a big bite. His mouth instantly became dry.

For well-known financial reasons for the Weasley family, this sandwich was not considered delicious. Even because Mrs. Weasley was too busy, she seemed to stuff the sandwiches in without pressing them, which caused Robert to You have to be careful with the stuffing inside.

Lettuce leaves, tomatoes, a small pile of what might have been sausages, Robert had to chew them before they fell to the floor and entered his stomach.

"This tastes good." Robert said vaguely, and as he said that, he took out what he had brought, a fruit juice soda.

"Try it, I made it myself." Robert thought of the wall-breaking machine in the hotel. Unfortunately, it worked all night before Robert found the perfect formula.

Robert filled these sodas in the cups Cliff gave him. According to Cliff, these were pre-sale items. He wanted to see if wizards would accept this kind of thing, which was regarded as advance market research.

Robert accepted it with peace of mind. He wanted to open a convenience store in the wizarding world, but Charles actually left two stores for him! Right in Diagon Alley.

He plans to start with these two stores after completing market research next year.

The twins had obviously never drank fruit soda, but the sweet taste was well received by them.

Sure enough, people in Fu country all love sweets.

"Don't drink too much of this stuff. It's not good for your teeth, and it can make people hiccup." Before Robert could finish explaining, the twins started their performance one after another.

"Oh my God, Hiccup, are you sure this is just a Muggle drink and not a curse? Hahahaha, this is really interesting!" Fred was laughing while hiccupping, feeling very silly.

Robert covered his face, it was so embarrassing, but he still explained, "This is a Muggle drink, with a gas called carbon dioxide added. Because it cannot be absorbed by the human body, the gas will be discharged from the mouth, which is why you burp."

"Cool! Merlin's beard, it's Muggle magic!" Fred shouted.

George suppressed his face and flushed, as if he wanted to stop his hiccups.

"Drinking a little in moderation in the summer will give you a cool and pleasant feeling." Robert raised his eyebrows, "Speaking of which, when I learn the freezing spell, think about it, gentlemen, this is definitely the most perfect way to cool down in the hot summer. Heat agent."

"Oh, okay, okay, hiccup." George felt a little better, "This may need to be used with the hiccup breaking spell."

Robert wanted to tell him that this thing had nothing to do with the hiccup potion, but he didn't.

By the way, it seems that you can try mixing the burping potion with the freezing spell to make a crispy cold drink, which will definitely be a hit in the summer - especially when used as a joke among friends.

During the play, a large box of sandwiches had been consumed. Fred rubbed his stomach and said depressedly, "I seem to be full."

George nodded in agreement.

"That's your illusion. As long as you go to the toilet, you will feel hungrier." Robert slowly began to check if there was anything edible in his luggage. Well, it seemed, there was none.

He was a little depressed. He even forgot to bring snacks. This is simply unscientific!

Okay, okay, he's in the world of magic now, science and all, to hell with it!

As he spoke, a clicking sound came from the corridor.

Robert looked outside the box and asked doubtfully, "What is that?"

"What?" Fred was a little confused.

"Hmm, it sounds like the sound of a pushcart. Oh, by the way, is there a food delivery person on the train?" Robert then realized that it was the classic entrance method of the pushcart conductor.

This is a very important character on the Hogwarts Express because she has achieved the achievement of firmly controlling the stomachs of all Hogwarts students before the start of school.

"Definitely not a poltergeist," said Fred.

George also responded, "It's definitely not the ghoul in our house."

Just as the two people were speculating wildly, a woman with a smile and dimples opened the door of the box and said, "Honey, do you want to buy something to eat?"

Robert looked at the trolley with curiosity, which was filled with various snacks and pastries.

The centerpiece was pumpkin pie and crucible cake, and others, Robert could recognize, were chocolate frogs and Bibi's All-Flavour Beans in fancy boxes.

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