Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Flavored Beans and Magical Creatures

According to the research party, the pumpkin pie in the HP world is probably a Cornish meat pie, but it has no meat in it and is filled with pumpkin.

Thinking of this, Robert swallowed, he was a little hungry...

Ten minutes later, the smiling conductor and food delivery lady left, leaving behind equipment all over the floor, ah, it was food.

The twins bought lots of sweets, which used up half their pocket money, and Robert bought some pies and cakes.

The pie is only half the size of a palm, its crust is relatively soft, and it is full of sweet pumpkin. Robert thinks this thing is more like a pumpkin pie folded in half. The most important thing is that it tastes very good.

The crucible cakes are fist-sized chocolate cakes. They look a bit like a crucible with various jams. There is also a small chocolate biscuit handle inserted in the jam. Due to the difference in jam, these crucible cakes look It's colorful up there.

"Would you like to try some braised beans?" George handed over a box. It was a box that looked like a tall steeple in a fairy tale. There was an opening on the top where you could put your fingers in.

"Just pick one, this is the essence of it." George smiled, obviously having no good intentions.

Robert shrugged, okay, this may have become a repertoire, giving young wizards who come to the magical world for the first time a chance to deeply understand the world.

He stretched out his fingers and picked one out at random.

"Ah, it's green." George said, "Well, let me guess, what did the green food taste like last time I ate it?"

Fred looked at the bean and laughed loudly, "That must smell like booger!"

"Maybe it smells like spinach," George said.

Robert struggled for a while. After all, in his impression, it seemed that the smell of boogers was indeed green. In other words, why would wizards know that this was the smell of boogers and not earwax.

And multi-flavor beans do have the smell of earwax, so they are all secretions. How do you tell the difference when you eat them?

"Hey, Robert, you have to know that if you buy it and walk away, you are willing to admit defeat." Fred smiled very proudly, "You must eat the multi-flavor beans you took out."

All right.

Robert could only close his eyes and throw the bean into his mouth.

Hmm, it seems to have an earthy smell. Well, it doesn't seem to taste like spinach. Oh, now that I think about it, Robert opened his eyes and said with a strange expression, "This seems to smell like grass."

"Oh..." the twins' somewhat depressed voices sounded, "Okay, it tastes like grass, good luck."

Naturally, this event will not end here. Fred smiled and took out a bean from his brother's hand, "Why is it green again? Could it be that our lucky color today is green?"

Saying this, he threw the beans into his mouth.

"Oh! Merlin! This tastes like overcooked cabbage!" Fred cried sadly, "It tastes terrible."

George laughed at his brother and quickly took out his share, "Looks like I'm lucky, it's golden!"

As he said that, he stuffed the bean into his mouth, and then his expression changed drastically, "Bah, bah, bah!" He vomited three times in a row, picked up the juice soda on the side and drank it down, "It tastes like earwax!"

Fred and Robert burst into laughter and looked at George who wrinkled his face together. This would definitely make them laugh for a year!

"Hey guys, do you want to see a real magical creature?" A black man stuck his head out, his voice was loud and rhythmic. Robert thought for a moment, this might be a racial talent!

"Wow!" The twins looked at each other with interested expressions, "Yes, we want to see it, come in quickly!"

The black guy was obedient. He quickly got into the box and closed the door.

For some reason, a sentence came to Robert's mind: When God closes a door for you, he will also close the window for you.

With the doubt of "Why did I suddenly think of this sentence?", three round heads stretched out.

"Hey, what is this?" The little brother first saw a cup on the table, which contained a transparent liquid. At this time, there were some bubbles on the wall of the cup.

Robert took out another glass of fruit juice soda and said, "I made this myself, fruit juice soda. You can try it and give me some suggestions."

The boy happily took the soda, but he didn't drink it. Instead, he rubbed his hands and opened the carton carefully.

A flash of emerald green flashed before everyone's eyes...

The three people stared blankly at the figure twisting on the leaves in the box.

Flobber caterpillar, brown, 10 inches, toothless worm, hazard class X.

The slender worm looked malnourished at first glance. It weakly raised its head and went to eat the lettuce leaves again.

George said with some uncertainty, "Where have I seen this thing before?"

Fred also came over and curiously poked the insect with his hand, causing its body to stiffen instantly.

The Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures of the Ministry of Magic classifies magical creatures into five levels from X to boring people).

Robert almost laughed out loud. If this thing were in the Muggle world, it would probably be the same as the caterpillar on the green vegetable leaf. But, its mucus is a natural thickening agent, so there is nothing wrong with calling it a magical creature.

But this is obviously not what the twins want.

They quickly pulled the black guy over and started trying to have some fun with this guy who might have the same talent for pranks.

Just when the three people were playing together for various reasons, a plush, round thing rolled out of Robert's luggage. Because it had no limbs, the little guy bounced into Robert's arms. This attracted The attention of others in the box.

"Oh, Robert, I think I saw a Puff Down?" Fred spoke first, "This little guy looks a bit like Ron's one."

"Ron? But I didn't see him with a Puff Down? Oh, by the way, it's called Pudding." Robert was a little curious. He knew that Ginny should have a dwarf Puff in the future, but did Ron also have one? ?

Fred was a little embarrassed, "Well, actually, Ron's one flew away."

"Flying away?" Robert was extremely surprised. He looked at the little guy in his arms and then at Fred, "Puffs can fly? Why didn't I know!"

George immediately sold his brother, "who shot Ron's stuffed feathers away like a bludger!"

"I just subconsciously swung the bat and it flew away!" Fred couldn't help but defended, but this did not affect the understanding expressions of the group of people at all.

After a round of boos, Robert continued to ask, "What is a Bludger?"

The other three people all looked surprised, "Oh my god, Robert, don't you know Quidditch?"

Robert gave an innocent expression at the right time, "I know about Quidditch. After all, it was mentioned in my father's diary, but what does this have to do with Quidditch? Isn't the Quidditch game just about catching the Golden Snitch?" Yet?"

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