"Okay, since you know Quidditch, have you ever carefully understood Quidditch? Its rules, everything about it?" Fred looked expectant.

Robert shook his head, "I only know that it is the first sport of a wizard who needs to ride a broomstick to catch the Golden Snitch."

"Oh, Merlin's beard, you don't know enough. You must know that the Quidditch game is a peak duel between 14 people! Each side of the duel sends 7 players, including 3 chasers and 2 batters. A player, a keeper and a seeker. Three kinds of balls will be used in the game, including a Quaffle, two Bludgers and the most important Golden Snitch." Speaking of Quidditch, Fred was excited Dancing with joy, "We will play on an oval field that is 500 feet long and 180 feet wide. There are 3 goalposts of different heights with hoops on each end of the field. You have to throw the Quaffle into those hoops. Score, but the goalkeeper will definitely hold on to the hoop.”

George continued, "The Bludgers we talked about before are iron balls that run rampant in the field, interfere with the players, and try to knock them all off the broom. The batter can kill the Bludgers and protect other players. People!" As they said that, the two of them even bent their arms and showed off their non-existent muscles.

"That's it." Robert nodded and sent his blessing, "You will definitely be the best hitters!"

"Thank you!" the twins were very excited, "We will definitely become the best beaters in Gryffindor history!"

"Gryffindor? Is it one of the four major colleges?" Robert asked curiously, "My father seems to be from there, but my mother is in Ravenclaw."

The twins became even happier and cheered, "Gryffindor is the best! Of course, Ravenclaw is also good! Robert, you must come to Gryffindor!"

Robert rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me, you will definitely get into Gryffindor!"

"Actually," George said, "everyone in our family was a Gryffindor before."

"If we all get into Gryffindor, Mum will be very happy!" They said so, and the topic went off the rails. Robert also wanted to remind them that they seemed to have forgotten to mention the love and hate that Chaser and the Golden Snitch had to say. As for love and hatred, looking at their attitude, they are going to start crazily promoting Gryffindor, who they think is the most powerful.

The black boy was obviously a Gryffindor fan. Quidditch and Gryffindor had an unparalleled attraction for the three of them. It wasn't until they got off the bus that they remembered that there was another person in the box.

"Sorry Robert, we were too involved." Fred apologized first.

George was also a little embarrassed.

The black boy was still excited and said, "Hey, Robert, let's go watch Quidditch together next time! First graders are not allowed to participate, but we can go watch the game!"

Robert was intrigued by them and happily agreed.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the car and we will take you to school." This should be the voice of the train conductor.

Robert stuffed the books in his hand back into his suitcase and began to put on his robe, as did the other three.

They hurried forward to follow the flow of people in the aisle, Robert still holding his velvet in his arms.

The train slowed down slowly and finally stopped. The little wizards pushed and shoved them to get off the train. The platform was a bit small and dark, so no one else could be seen.

The night was a little cold, and the biting cold wind blew, and Robert had an unpleasant feeling.

Just as he was thinking about this, as a strong wind blew by, light rain fell from the sky. The velvet pudding didn't like the rain, so when he saw this, it got under Robert's robe.

"Oh, God!" came the black man's voice, "I hate rain!"

They were the last to get off the bus, so it wasn't as crowded as the people in front, but the cold wind that was everywhere didn't stingy with a backstab from behind.

The four people were shivering because they were cold.

Robert silently rummaged in the cloth bag on his waist. This bag, which was huge and might have used some kind of anti-gravity magic, had already been stuffed with a lot of things.

Finally, when a certain hybrid giant's loud voice rang out, he took out a dark umbrella.

"Robert, you are so awesome. How did you think of carrying an umbrella with you? I mean, where did you put it before?" The black man was so surprised that his voice was too loud. Robert had already I saw someone secretly talking about them.

Ignoring the question, Robert asked him a question, "Man, didn't you find a very serious problem?"

"First-year students! Hey, first-year students, come to me!" Hagrid's loud voice was still clear in the rainy night. The bearded man saw all the little wizards holding their heads and looking at him with curiosity, so he Continue to shout, "Are all the first-year students here? OK! First-year students, follow me! Watch your step,"

With that said, he turned and walked towards a path outside the station.

In every sense of the word, this is a path. It is too narrow, and the ground is uneven. Under the wash of rain, it looks muddy and slippery. It is dark on both sides of the road. It seems that something is staring at these little people in the darkness. wizard.

The cold and unknown frightened these little ones who had left home for the first time. Their faces were pale and they followed Hagrid tremblingly, fearing that they would fall down or be abandoned if they didn't pay attention.

The four of Robert walked together. The umbrella protected them from getting wet. The black boy stood beside Robert. It wasn't until they left the path that he had time to ask, "What serious problem did you just say?"

Robert was about to answer when he heard Hagrid shouting, "See the other side? That's Hogwarts. Now, we're going to go there by boat. Pay attention! Each boat can't have more than four people!"

He pointed ahead. At his feet was a lake that glowed slightly with silver. On the hillside opposite the lake stood a majestic castle. There were many spiers on the castle, and orange lights shone from the windows of the castle, making it It looks even more mysterious in the dark.

At this time, a row of small boats were floating on the lake, with small dim lights hanging on the boats. Under the swaying lights, thin lines of rain could be seen.

Obviously, this is their next mode of transportation.

"Get on the boat first." Robert pulled the black man and they ran over quickly. As soon as the four of them sat down, they heard Hagrid shout again, "Are you all on the boat? Let's go!"

The boat rowed forward across the lake.

The twins sat in the front and back of the boat, close to the black brother and Robert. Thanks to the big umbrella, they would not get wet even on the boat.

Robert was finally able to answer the black man's words. In the night of heavy rain, he had to raise his voice, "You forgot to introduce yourself!" He said angrily, "Do you want us to spend the next time Do you call me 'that classmate who thinks the Florob caterpillar is a magical creature'?"

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