Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 29 The Curse of Defense Against the Dark Arts

As expected, Professor Stein left.

Two days after the night outing, there happened to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As soon as they opened the door, the little wizards were surprised to find that the classroom was empty, and even the desks had disappeared.

It wasn't until Professor McGonagall with a frosty face came that the young wizards knew that starting from today, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class would be changed to self-study until Principal Dumbledore found a teacher who could take over the class temporarily.

Obviously he couldn't do it. There was only one month left for the holiday. Even the greatest white wizard couldn't kidnap someone to teach for only one month, and it was still the finishing touch.

The freshmen were a little uneasy, until the upperclassmen revealed a not-so-secret secret at the dinner table with a look of fear on their faces.

"Hey, you know, Defense Against the Dark Arts is cursed." The twins who ran to the Hufflepuff table to eat their food naturally picked up the roasted chicken legs and began to exchange the information they heard one by one.

"That mysterious man whose name must not be mentioned, he wanted this job! But Dumbledore rejected him very simply, and he put a curse on this course!" Fred said in a surprised tone, " He actually wants to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. I mean, does he want to train himself a group of wizards who can defeat him? As expected of a mysterious man, his idea is really weird!"

Robert, who was shocked by his brain circuit, replied angrily, "You are overthinking Fred, why would anyone want to add more opponents to themselves?"

"But he wants to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!" George was a little panicked. "I can't imagine seeing him in school!"

Robert wiped out the beef in his mouth and said comfortingly, "Relax, George. With Professor Dumbledore here, we don't have to worry about safety at all. He will definitely drive away the mysterious man."

As if the name "Dumbledore" had a soothing effect, the twins soon fell silent.

"Oh, yes, you're right." Fred relaxed and picked up another chicken leg. "Principal Dumbledore is here. By the way, why do I think your Hufflepuff's roasted chicken legs are better? Eat some?"

Mr. Honey Badger, who was sitting next to Robert, glanced nervously at him, but Fred didn't see it.

"That's because you didn't eat chicken drumsticks from your own college!" Robert swatted away the guy's guilty hands and got the last chicken drumstick. "Speaking of which, I think the mysterious man wants to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. The reason is pretty easy to understand.”

George asked in surprise, "Isn't it really to cultivate old enemies?"

Robert said angrily, "I've said it all. Voldemort has been defeated by his old enemy, so there is no need to worry about anything. George, we are now discussing why he wants to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Of course." Robert picked up a piece of mutton chop and said slowly, "If it is true that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is cursed, then we must pay attention to it."

"You actually called him by his first name!" Fred exclaimed in a low voice, "Man, I don't know why, but mom doesn't let us call him by his first name."

George focused on another question, "What's wrong with the curse? That's what everyone says."

"Are you two ready to study hard and make progress every day from today on? Why are there so many questions all at once!" Robert thought of his previous embarrassing sentence and couldn't help but said it, but these two guys obviously didn't He understood the point of Robert's laughter, but Robert was not prepared to explain. Instead, he changed the subject and began to explain.

"Then first, answer Fred's two questions." Robert lowered his voice and gestured for the two of them to come closer. "According to "Hogwarts: A School History", the founder Salazar Slytherin was not only in school but also in school. He promoted the concept of pure blood and taught black magic to students! His point of view at the time was that if you want to defend against black magic, you must have a deep understanding of this magic. It is obvious that the mysterious man wants to imitate the founder and train subordinates for himself. .”

The twins were so surprised when they heard the news that they didn't notice that the chicken drumsticks in their hands had fallen on the dining table.

Robert gave them a moment to digest the news and got himself some pumpkin juice to drink.

"Fred's second question, I can only provide a little bit of my own conjecture. According to my speculation, in that dark history, the mysterious man cast a magic spell on his name in order to cause panic to the magical world. The spell is a mixed spell that includes name magic, tracking magic and other advanced magic. Of course, I am not talking about how profound this magic is, but I want to tell you that through this magic, he can know the identity of the person who mentions his name. Specific location.”

Fred was a little confused, "So? So what if he knows the location?"

"Hey, don't forget that he has a bunch of Death Eaters!" Robert's expression of surprise was exaggerated. "He can let his men enter your home and kill you and your family! This is the mystery. The reason why all wizards are afraid of people and dare not call his name!"

Fred shrugged, "Is that so? In fact, I don't need to worry. Although our home is a bit crowded, the Burrow is protected by protective magic. Right, George."

George also had a relaxed expression on his face.

Although Robert didn't want to scare them, he didn't want them to take it lightly. "According to records, some families who had turned on protective magic were still visited by Death Eaters. So, be careful. The mysterious person gave his name to the one who used it," he said. Magic must have a very high priority!"

Only then did the twins realize the seriousness of the problem, but then they relaxed again, "Well, luckily he was defeated, but why did mom and dad ask us not to say that name even so?"

"Well, this involves George's problem." Robert pointed at George with the dinner cup in his hand, "You know, there are generally two types of curses, permanent and time-sensitive, and Defense Against Dark Arts The magic class is not a living creature, but a course, that is to say, it has no body. For this kind of existence, I think no one can impose a permanent curse on it except the great magician Merlin."

"So?" George asked, "What are you trying to say?"

Robert said seriously, "This means that the mysterious man is definitely not dead! Because if he dies, the curse will be lifted by itself!"

The twins gasped.

"I think Professor Dumbledore also took this into consideration, so he would rather recruit new Defense Against the Dark Arts professors every year than solve this curse." Robert began to eat the pumpkin pie, his favorite This, "Maybe this curse can also deduce some information about the mysterious person, such as approximate location, vital signs and other information. That's why I say, if such a curse really exists, we must pay attention to it."

The twins looked at each other.

"I don't think it's a wise choice for us to come here to share the meal." Fred grimaced, looking very troubled, "Robert, to be honest, if my mother knew what you said, she would definitely think you were crazy. Out of control!"

"Well, these are all my inferences. Please don't tell Mrs. Weasley to worry!" Robert quickly reminded the two of them, "This is not a prank!"

They both nodded and put their hands in front of their mouths, making a zipper motion.

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