Lunch was over as the last piece of pudding disappeared on the dinner plate.

The three of them stood up and left the table. Robert stuffed the peppermint candies he got before disappearing into his pocket and followed the twins out of the auditorium.

At this time, Fred seemed to remember something, patted his head and said, "By the way, Robert, we were planning to tell you something very important."

"What?" Robert asked curiously, "Aren't you telling me about the cursed Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"Of course not, it was just a conversation starter." George said depressedly, "In the end, you took us off topic."

"Fortunately, we have good memories!" Fred boasted with a smile, "At least we remembered it before class."

"If we forget, mom might send us a roaring letter!" George showed an exaggerated look of horror, "Okay, man, I know you really want to know what it is, do you want to take a guess?"

Robert was a little confused. He didn't know what was worth celebrating recently, "Are you going to add a little sister?"

The twins instantly lost their smiles

"Oh, of course not." Fred said with vacant eyes, "Why do you think that."

"Bill, Charlie, Percy, you two, Ron, and Ginny." Robert counted the Weasley children on his fingers. "Don't you think Ginny will be free for a long time?"

As he spoke, he patted Fred and George on the shoulders and encouraged, "It's time to suggest to Mrs. Weasley that we have another little sister, so that Ginny won't be lonely, right? You are both boys. , she always has a little girl’s secret.”

"Well, this seems like a good idea." George looked at his brother, "Why don't you write a letter and tell mom?"

Fred nodded in agreement and off they went.


Robert looked confused.


Don’t you want to tell me something very important? !

Rubbing his temples, Robert still couldn't keep up with the twins. He had to go to the Transfiguration class. Professor McGonagall was very strict. Since the last Magic Snowball Competition, she seemed to have raised the standards of the young wizards' Transfiguration. She has learned a lot. Originally, the final exam only required mice to turn into snuff bottles, but now she is actually considering whether to give everyone rabbits! You know, rabbits are bigger than mice! Robert could already imagine how many classmates would draw circles and curse him after this exam.

Transfiguration is a relatively advanced skill, and even wizards of Dumbledore's level will use it extensively in battles.

Both spells and transfiguration require a lot of energy and practice, and transfiguration is a bit more difficult.

Judging from Robert's own exploration, it takes four stages to master the Transfiguration technique.

The first is to turn objects into objects. For example, Professor McGonagall usually asks students to turn matches into needles in the first class. This is a transformation of the shape of an object. Since matches and needles are both very small objects, as long as you understand the principle of the transformation spell and practice more, this step will be done. Very easy to do.

The next step is to turn living creatures into objects. Like turning beetles into buttons. In the same way, beetles and buttons are relatively small items that are less difficult to convert. Under the influence of the spell, as long as there is no spelling accident, the beetle will stay in place and remain motionless.

The next step is to turn items into living things. The difficulty of this transformation is that the living creature must move. For example, the third-grade test question is to turn a teapot into a turtle. After three years of studying at Hogwarts, the little wizard's magic power can already support the consumption of this spell, while the turtle is slower. If you practice seriously in class, this The test questions are actually not as difficult as imagined.

Finally, it is about turning living things into living things. This involves cross-species conversion and requires more knowledge. For example, if you need to turn a mouse running on the ground into a flying crow, you must first know that a mouse has four legs, and its hind legs are stronger and more powerful. Then when deforming, you have to turn its hind legs into wings and its front legs into wings. This will ensure that the crow you create has a pair of wings strong enough to support its flight.

As long as you survive these four stages, you will basically be an introduction to the art of transformation.

After completing these four stages of study, you will learn a more difficult spell - the Vanishing Curse. In the words of Professor McGonagall, it means "those things that disappear turn into nothingness". To put it simply, it can be understood as those things turning into air. Well, for this spell, Professor Snape, who is dedicated to cleaning up the little wizard's poor skills and brewing potions, is very familiar with it. Basically, in every class, you can see Professor Snape's gloomy face and the wand. Swing, the crucible is empty.

There is another kind of magic spell with similar effects, which is the household magic spell - the descaling spell, also called the cleaning spell. The reason why it is considered a spell rather than a transformation spell is because after this spell is released, the items will be transformed into It has to be clean and tidy, rather than leaving dirty things incidentally stained with dirty items.

Especially when most wizards are not as powerful in transfiguration as they imagined, cleaning them up is definitely a must-have spell for home travel.

The above is the knowledge of Transfiguration that you must master for the exam. If you want to continue studying, you must get an E or O in the exam.

Most of the advanced transformation courses involve human transformation, and the most representative one is Animagus. It is said that if the Animagus transformation is successful in the exam, you can get an O.

Of course, the most important thing for transfiguration is magic power. If the magic power is not enough, it will be in vain to try to change anything. If the magic power is enough, you can use water flow to transform nine dragons. You can also play with Nine Dragons and Pearls at home - as long as Don't flood your home.

After attending the Transfiguration class and listening to Professor Binns' groggy lecture on the history of magic, Robert finally saw the angry twins in the auditorium again.

Just as Robert was about to say hello, he heard Fred say, "Robert, please stop talking until we finish talking!"

"Every time you take the topic astray!" George also looked angry, "We are here with a mission!"

Robert immediately surrendered with his hands, his expression innocent, as if he was saying, "You can't blame me! It's so easy for you to forget things!"

"It's like this. This year's finals have been advanced. On July 5th, Dad asked us to ask you if you would like to watch the game with us before going to the Flower Country. After all, you should have plenty of time." Fred explained, "This is a rare feast."

Robert thought for a moment, "Well, I need to ask what day Elsa's flight is."

"Ticket ticket?" The twins looked at Robert curiously, "Is it the voucher for the thing that can take us from London to Maple Leaf Country?"

"Huh?" Robert was also a little confused, "You mean, we're going by plane this time?"

"That's right!" the twins said in unison.

Fred explained, "If we go through the magic route, there will be many transfer stations, so in the end we decided to take a plane."

Well, that's up to you, as long as Mr. Weasley doesn't get punished again.

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