The snowy owl brought Elsa's reply at breakfast.

"Elsa said they have been a little busy recently and may need to finish those things before taking me to the flower country." Robert ran to the Gryffindor table and found the twins who were cooking eggs.

"So, you agree?" Fred asked happily, "Then we can reply to mom!"

"Yes, I just need to go to my aunt's house on July 30th. Well, I may need to ask Professor Dumbledore for a leave." Robert slapped his forehead, "I almost forgot about it. "

With that said, he hurriedly came to the teacher's desk. Professor McGonagall was chatting with Principal Dumbledore, probably reporting on today's work. When she saw Robert coming over, she was a little surprised. She still remembered this student. After all, McGonagall Professor Ge likes all children who are extremely talented in transfiguration.

However, she prefers people who respect the rules.

"Mr. Leslie, it's meal time." Professor McGonagall's expression was serious, but her tone was still soft. "What happened that made you have to leave the table?"

Robert stuck out his tongue silently, as if he had made Professor McGonagall unhappy. However, he had no other time to talk to Principal Dumbledore. He could only apologize to the professors first. After all, it is always bad to disturb other people's meals. .

"That's right, Professor." Robert briefly talked about his family's situation, and said that this time the elders in his family strongly requested him to go back to worship his ancestors.

"I don't know what important holiday September 3rd is, and no Chinese student has ever made this request." Professor Snape glared at Robert, "I think Mr. Leslie must have other reasons for asking for leave. , if you want to skip the class for some ridiculous reasons, then you should come back."

For the people of Fu country, worshiping ancestors on the Hungry Ghost Festival may be a custom that is difficult to understand. Although they have Halloween, this kind of large-scale ancestor worship activity across the country is really a bit strange, especially that ancestor, which may include more than ten of you. Ancestors from previous generations.

Just when Principal Dumbledore was about to say something, Professor Binns appeared out of nowhere. Robert was shocked. Even though this old professor was hanging around in front of the young wizards every day, he appeared. There were only a handful of times in the auditorium.

"Principal Dumbledore, I would like to ask you for a short leave. September 3rd this year is a bit special, and I may not be able to attend class." Professor Binns said slowly, "My old friend in the Flower Country told me that this year There will be some special activities during the Chinese Ghost Festival. I thought about it and decided to attend. After all, this is the last major celebration for ghosts in this century. To be honest, I am very honored to be invited. Hey, this happened What's the matter?"

He saw Snape with a constipated expression, and the professors with curious expressions. Finally, he saw Robert standing aside with a well-behaved expression.

"Mr. Leslie, what are you talking about?" Professor Binns looked at Robert in surprise, "Why are you not in your seat?"

Robert blinked his eyes and said in a particularly innocent tone, "I'm asking for leave, Professor Binns, for the same reason as you. In fact, my elders in the flower-growing country asked me to go back to worship my ancestors during the Ghost Festival this year, but I really have no way to ask for leave. Professor Snape explains the importance of this holiday, thanks to Professor Binns for your explanation."

"Ah." Professor Binns said dullly, "Generally speaking, only when the family is prosperous will children in other countries be asked to return home to worship their ancestors. Well, although I don't know how to explain the importance of ancestor worship this year, but I think." He paused, "If you are not allowed to go, it is probably the same as not being allowed to see your family for the last time."

Professor Snape seemed to want to say something sarcastic, but he remembered something and closed his mouth with a gloomy expression.

After Principal Dumbledore thought for a moment, he smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I have to approve this leave."

As he said that, he nodded to Professor Binns, "Tomorrow I will ask Professor McGonagall to readjust the class schedule for the new semester. As for Mr. Leslie."

He turned his head and smiled at Robert, "You'd better come to my office in the evening. I think Professor McGonagall will tell you the time. I may need to communicate with your family."

Robert was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be asked to go to the principal's office, but he immediately reacted and said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Professor, since my adoptive parents are both Muggles, um... I beg you Notify them in a slightly less exciting way, such as suddenly appearing from the fireplace." As he spoke, his face sank, "If that happens, Elsa will definitely ask us later if the wizards need pure wood for their fireplaces. It's not easy to maintain, Professor."

Dumbledore winked playfully, "Don't worry, Mr. Leslie, I think the owls at Hogwarts will be happy to help me with this little favor. By the way, Ms. Elsa shouldn't have a phobia of birds, right?" .”

Robert breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked Principal Dumbledore before returning to his table.

The twins seemed to want to come over to him, but were suppressed by their brother Percy. Percy also seemed to have something to tell them. Just like that, after finishing the meal, Robert was stopped by Professor McGonagall and asked him to give him the book. To Mr. Honey Badger, he followed Professor McGonagall to the eighth floor, in front of the extremely ugly giant stone monster.

"Buttertooth Mints." She said, and the stone monster suddenly came to life and jumped to the side quickly. As it moved, the wall behind it cracked, and a spiral staircase appeared in front of her.

The stairs actually rotate and rise.

Robert looked at this object with some surprise. In the wizarding world, he could actually see something like an escalator. This was really magical.

Professor McGonagall took the lead in stepping onto the stairs, with Robert following closely behind her. As they stepped in, the wall behind them slowly closed, and the stairs spiraled higher and higher until they saw a shining oak door in front of them. There is also a bronze ring in the shape of a griffon.

Arriving at the oak door, Professor McGonagall knocked on the door. The door opened automatically and they walked in. Professor Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk with his eyes closed.

Professor McGonagall said hello to the principal and left. Dumbledore didn't know what he was thinking at this time. He didn't even hear Professor McGonagall's greeting.

Seeing this, Robert did not disturb him, but stood there and looked at Dumbledore's office with a curious look.

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