Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 32 Conjectures about Transfiguration

The principal's office is also circular in structure, with many things placed there.

Robert turned around and saw a tall gilded perch placed behind the door. At this time, a strange bird stood on it. It was as big as a swan, with bright red feathers all over its body and a tail. The beak and claws are golden, and it is looking at the little wizard who enters the office.

Robert quickly said hello to it. This was a phoenix. Although Robert felt that it did not have that special noble temperament, it was very elegant.

"That's Fawkes." Professor Dumbledore's voice came from behind, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Robert turned around and saw Dumbledore's deep blue eyes, "They are indeed beautiful, Professor."

Dumbledore smiled, casually picked up a letter on the desk, greeted Robert, and then said, "Mr. Leslie, your adoptive parents have briefly told me the whole story. I I don’t think there is any reason to stop a person from looking for his last relative.”

"So, do you agree to approve the leave, professor?" Robert said in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Leslie, please remember to come back before the end of September." Principal Dumbledore said gently, "You must make up for the courses you missed in time, otherwise, your Dean Sprout will The professor will be very angry."

Robert nodded quickly, "Okay professor, I will definitely come back in time and make sure I don't miss my homework."

After leaving the principal's office, Robert breathed a sigh of relief. Without the principal's approval, it might not be a simple matter to go to the magical world of Flower Planting Country, because...

The Ministry of Magic is very opposed to wizards going there. Even the Ministry of Magic does not exist in the Flower Country, so Robert can only use Muggle methods to go there.

Walking down the spiral staircase, Robert glanced at the ugly stone sculpture that had been restored to its original state. Robert waved to it and ran towards the stairs.

After a while, he saw two identical red-haired figures standing there waiting for him.

"Hey, Robert, have you successfully asked for leave?" Fred waved to him. Robert ran over and took a breath before saying, "Yes, I have successfully asked for leave. By the way, I can follow you after the holiday." Are you going to the Burrow? Elsa has agreed for me to be a guest at my classmates' house before I go to the Flower Country."

Merlin, Cliff, where did you abduct my dear Aunt Elsa again! Robert's teeth began to grind. This unreliable adoptive father never forgot to take Elsa to show dog food when he was at work.

Hearing his words, Fred and George cheered and high-fived each other, "That would be great!"

"Okay! Let's start tonight's adventure!" Robert said with a smile, "Do you still remember what I said?"

"I know, three trips back and forth!" George waved his hand nonchalantly, "We've already remembered it!"

"No! I mean precautions! This is very important!" Robert looked at the two of them seriously, "You have to remember that it is a room used by people to hide things, I mean all kinds of things! If you don't If anything happens due to following the precautions, I can't explain it to Mrs. Weasley, and conversely, you can't explain it to Elsa, right?"

The twins looked at each other and shrugged helplessly, "Okay, Robert, you are right, so the main task today is not exploration?"

Robert explained with a smile, "Let's go exploring first, and then I will teach you a spell, the armor spell. Whoever can hold on to the armor spell longer can stay in it for a longer time."

As he spoke, he waved his wand and cast spells on the three of them. Seeing the disinterested expressions of the twins, he thought for a moment and raised his eyebrows to seduce them, "By the way, if you are teaching those Slytherins a lesson, With the Iron Armor Curse, you can ignore their attacks. Think about it, gentlemen, that means you can kick a few more feet before ending the battle. Think about it, isn't it very relaxing?"

Even so, Robert silently apologized to the little Slytherin snakes, always feeling like he had been perfectly blamed again.

While talking and laughing, the three of them walked into the Room of Requirement, which was still filled with many things in a messy manner.

"My spell can only last for an hour, so, gentlemen, see you in an hour!" Robert said, rushing to the shelf with the most books.

The twins also began to look for props that interested them.

"Transfiguration Notes?" Robert looked at the notebook in his hand in surprise. The owner of this notebook may be a scumbag with a lot of ideas. There are many strange questions written on it, but there are also some interesting ones.

For example, why can food be turned into air through a vanishing spell, but air cannot be turned into food through a transfiguration spell.

Robert complained silently, "Maybe it's because your magic power is not enough!"

Many people may think that food cannot be conjured out of thin air. This idea is correct, but everyone has said that this is the idea of ​​a scumbag!

After the mischievous duo broke the Whomping Willow, Professor McGonagall conjured up a large plate of sandwiches and pumpkin juice directly on Professor Snape's table!

Of course, it can also be understood that it is a flying curse rather than a transformation curse, because when Professor McGonagall taught Gamp's transformation law, he mentioned five exceptions, of which food was one.

As we all know, transfiguration is time-sensitive. It is not difficult to understand the exception of food. For example, if you turn sulfuric acid into pumpkin juice, it will be fine when you drink it, but when the magic effect wears off, the pumpkin juice will turn into something terrible. Sulfuric acid, cauterizes your insides.

But what if that means using a magic stone to transform?

The magic stone is a very high-level magic prop made by wizards. Its most well-known effect is immortality and turning stones into gold, but it also has other wonderful uses, such as permanently fixing the magic effect. If you use this prop, Sulfuric acid permanently turns into pumpkin juice, so does that mean that the so-called "Gamp's law of deformation" is also defective?

If this law is flawed, but the reason why it is regarded as truth by wizards, is it because of the knowledge barrier from the great magician or...

The magic power of the magic world cannot support them to perform this kind of magic that is similar to making something out of nothing.

On the contrary, in some fantasy novels about the Flower Planting Country, it appears that Taoist priests saw that the people were starving, so they transformed food for the people to enjoy. Is this a form of transformation?

Thinking of this, Robert suddenly had an urge to try. When he was in fourth grade, should he take a flying car with the savior?

He kind of wants to know if Professor McGonagall can really create something out of nothing. If he can, then he can be sure of one thing. Gump's Law exists, but if your magic power is high enough, you can break this law.

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