Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 43: Leaving an orphan on your death bed?

Regardless of whether the fruits of victory are sweet or just like chewing wax, the little wizards will have a holiday after this day!

The report cards were placed on the bedside of the little wizards early the next morning. Not surprisingly, Robert did very well in the test. The twins finally got straight E's under the threat of Mrs. Weasley's stick. This should be It can alleviate the murder caused by Percy's non-stop complaining behavior for a school year.

Notices prohibiting underage wizards from abusing magic outside of school during the holidays were sent to every student. The twins seemed a little frustrated. They still wanted to show off their talents during the summer vacation!

As if only a moment had passed, everyone packed their bags and happily walked out of the common room, preparing to take the boat and cross the Black Lake again.

Just as Robert walked out of the castle gate, a gray stuffed ball suddenly jumped into his arms, startling him.

After taking a closer look, Robert realized that this thing looked familiar, "Pudding! I thought you ran away from home!"

Isn't it Robert's velvet pudding?

The little guy bumped Robert's chest, jumped to the ground again, and bounced towards the vegetable field. Robert looked at his pocket watch. It was still a while before the gathering time, so he followed up to see what the little guy was going to do. what.

"What the fuck?!" Robert looked at the little cream-yellow thing in the vegetable patch, and his jaw almost dropped in shock, "Pudding, you even have a child!"

What Robert didn't expect was that Pudding bumped into his child, then toward Robert, and then without hesitation, he rushed into the vegetable field and disappeared.

"Is this considered to be an orphan at the end of the life?" Robert didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He squatted down and took the shivering little guy into his arms.

What's going on? Pudding ran away from home and found a guy for me to have sex with?

"Huh?" In his wild imagination, Robert felt something was wrong with the little guy in his hand, and then, a tail stretched out from behind it.

"Hey hey hey hey?!!!"

Robert sat on the ferry with a blank expression holding a creamy yellow fur ball, which made the twins and Lee Jordan afraid to speak loudly.

"My family is unfortunate..." Robert sighed.

Looking at the tail on the back of the little guy, it is white, a bit like the tail feathers of a bird. If you look closely, it seems to have a slightly curved beak. However, that part is too small! This guy's balls are so big that it seems like he only has his body!

Robert poked the little guy's body. It was soft, much like pudding.

"What name should I give it?" Robert was stunned, feeling that the combination of yellow and white was very similar to a kind of food, "How about horseshoe layer cake!"

The little guy felt the deep malice, woke up in an instant, stretched out his hidden wings and fluttered...

"You actually have wings?!" Robert was shocked.

"It turns out that Pu Rong Rong can really fly!" These are twins.

"Oh, Merlin! What did I see? Wings? It turned out to be not a feather but a bird?" Lee Jordan was stunned.

Robert's expression gradually darkened, "Bu! Ding!"

That damn Puff Rong that left home brought him a fat bird back!

However, he didn't see what kind of bird it was, so he could only think of it as a bird that was a little fat.

After disembarking, there is another long path, and the Hogwarts Express appears at the end.

The freshmen seemed to be the first ones to arrive. Robert and the others got on the bus first and found an empty box. After sitting down, Fred asked with some confusion, "Did we forget something important?"

George tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shouted in panic, "Oh oh oh, Merlin, Wolf Fang UFO!"

As soon as he reminded him, Fred also instantly remembered their original plan, "Wow! How could we forget this important event!"

"Well, it seems that it was because I made Filch faint..." George sighed, "Sure enough, this is all Filch's fault."

"Okay, brother, we have to think about any remedial measures now." Fred interrupted George's thoughts and called to Lee Jordan and Robert, "Quick, quick, quick, we need to think of a way to make Percy... …”

"What are you calling me for?" A familiar voice sounded outside the door. The four of them were startled. They turned their heads and saw Percy standing at the door with dark circles under his eyes. "The library doesn't have the books I need." , I spent the whole night searching in vain." With that, he closed the door and left.

The four people looked at each other.

Fred shrugged, "Well, considering he's been up all night."

Afterwards, they started chatting and forgot about Percy.

The train was speeding through the wilderness, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at King's Cross Station. After changing their clothes and getting off the train, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were already waiting there to greet them.

As Mrs. Malkin's business grew, she launched "Daily Muggle Style", which was specially designed to customize clothing for wizards who needed to live and travel in the Muggle world. The Weasley family relied on their large population base and knowledge of Muggles. Gua's kind attitude and the endorsement of this series gave them more money to enjoy life, and they no longer lived in poverty as before - at least Ginny had a new dress.

For some unknown reason, a few days ago, the Ministry of Magic actually sent someone to remind Madam Malkin to abide by the relevant provisions of the Statute of Secrecy, otherwise her shop would be canceled and closed. Mrs. Malkin kicked the people out unceremoniously and asked the staff to go back and take a good look at the laws she had made.

She also posted on the door the dress code provisions of the Statute of Secrecy: "When dealing with Muggles, witches and wizards should dress in full accordance with Muggle standards and should be as up-to-date as possible. Clothing must be Adapted to the climate, place and occasion” to show that it is perfectly legal to sell these clothes.

For a time, the people of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement were disgraced. Fortunately, Mr. Weasley refused to accompany them to the investigation, otherwise it would have been very embarrassing.

This incident was reported by the Daily Prophet. Minister Fudge made such a joke before he took office. Everyone in the Law Enforcement Department from top to bottom was forced to pay a fine to calm the incident.

Madam Malkin's Robe Shop also took the opportunity to advertise, telling all wizards that she was going to open a branch called "Mrs. Malkin's Wardrobe".

Everyone got into Mr. Weasley's car and looked at this legendary prop. Robert was a little wary, Bumblebee, is that you Bumblebee?

By the way, Bumblebee, why are you turning blue?

Not caring at all how such a small car could fit eight people and a lot of luggage, Robert followed the Weasley family to the Burrow.

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