Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 44 I want to go to the train station and take a plane

"As you can see, we eat on the first floor. Over there is the living room. If you want to play wizard chess, you can play with Fred and the others there. Bill lives on the fourth floor. He just came back from Egypt yesterday and is sleeping now. , so you'd better keep your voice down. Molly and I's room is on the fifth floor. If you are hungry at night, you can knock on the door. Percy and Fred live on the third floor, Ginny is on the second floor, and Ron lives on the second floor. The top bedroom. There is a ghoul in the attic, but you don't need to worry about it." Mr. Weasley introduced the Burrow, "Robert, you can live with Fred and the others. Go up and have a look. Well, Molly just dried the quilt yesterday."

Robert carried his luggage and climbed the stairs behind the twins.

Fred introduced his room, "Dad wrote before that our room has gotten bigger. In fact, even if it hasn't gotten bigger, this room is enough for the three of us to live together."

George raised his eyebrows, "Our room is the biggest!"

Just as they were talking, the twins opened the door to the room. There were three beds on the left, a desk at the head of the bed, and a row of wardrobes on the right. Under the square window was a window sill, and there seemed to be a bird outside the window sill. The cage, sheets and quilt cover are all brown, with a circle of yellow on the outside.

"Wow!" Fred's eyes were bright and he looked very excited, "This is the room I most want to have!"

George happily ran into the room, yelling, "Fred! This is at least twice as big! I mean, you don't have to worry about hitting your head when you're somersaulting in there!"

The two of them jumped up and down happily in the room, completely unaware that they had left the door open.

"Fred! George! If you don't stop yelling, I'll let you know why I bought a new duster!" Mrs. Weasley's voice came from below, and the twins made a gesture of closing their mouths. Robert was amused by their movements.

"Want to play Quidditch? How about we put our things down and play for a while?" Fred suggested.

Robert shrugged, "Okay, as long as you don't think my skills are bad."

"At least in terms of speed, Robert, you are very talented." George patted his shoulder and consoled him, "What you need to practice is various Quidditch moves, evasive moves or offensive moves."

Robert said angrily, "Come on George, I can't guarantee that I will be measured in close combat, especially in the air."

This was true. Robert could usually hold himself back a little, but when it came to a real fight, his tactics were really bad. The Slytherins in the school hospital agreed with their hands and feet with tears in their eyes.

In this way, Robert started his holiday life at the Burrow. In addition to doing homework or playing Quidditch with the twins, he occasionally helped Mrs. Weasley take care of the vegetable fields and livestock, and he also learned a lot of household spells. Rolling Ball Bird - this is the name given by Robert himself. He is kept in the bedroom. In addition to playing with balls, he occasionally rolls to the window to bask in the sun. He is quite well-behaved. Robert had no idea what kind of bird this bird was. At first he thought it was a ball escaper, but after threatening to eat something, the little guy learned to fly on his own.

From then on, it flew low over the Burrow whenever it had free time, making Mr. Weasley laugh.

"What's its name? It looks so round," Mr. Weasley asked during dinner. "If you don't have a name for it, we can think of one together."

Robert paused, snapped his fingers, and called out to the ball, "Opal."

The chubby bird flapped its wings and flew into Robert's arms, "Well, it seems to like this name."

"What does it eat?" Ginny looked at the round opal and seemed to want to touch it.

Robert picked up a piece of lettuce leaf, wrapped it with a piece of bacon and brought it to the little guy's mouth. It chewed the stuff into its stomach in small bites, "Omnivore."

"What?" Ginny was a little confused.

"Well, I mean, it eats a little bit of everything." Robert was stunned for a moment and explained, "The appetite is not bad, um, about the same as me."

Ginny started staring at the opal again.

"Wait a minute, let me feed it first." Robert fed the little guy some other vegetables and meat before passing it to Ginny, "It has just eaten, so don't rub it hard."

Ginny cheered, hugged Opal, and rubbed her face against the creamy yellow fur. The little guy showed a scared expression.

"By the way kids, regarding the Quidditch Cup, we may need to go there in advance." Mr. Weasley seemed to have remembered this matter. "I just discovered that the plane actually takes a day and a half to fly to Vancouver. After that, we You have to go to the Maple Leaf Kingdom’s Ministry of Magic to collect the door key, and finally arrive at the competition venue.”

Mrs. Weasley was a little surprised, "Merlin, in that case, we have to advance at least three days..."

"That's right, Molly, we are leaving at dawn tomorrow morning. I have already booked a flight for noon tomorrow." Mr. Weasley said, "Okay, kids, you need to go to bed early. If you get up late tomorrow, we will Just leave him at home."

Mrs. Weasley seemed a little worried, "Oh, Merlin, why do you have to go in the morning for the noon ticket? King's Cross station is so close, we can get there soon?"

Robert almost spat out a mouthful of water. Going to King's Cross station to take a plane? Mrs. Weasley, you really have some ideas. For such a big plane, uh...

No matter what, Robert felt that maybe the train station could actually put down a plane, even though there was no long enough runway to take off.

"Um, Molly, I think the plane might not be at King's Cross station. The guy who gave me the ticket told me I was going to London Heathrow International Airport to catch a plane. I mean, where is this?" Mr. Weasley asked. Confused.

Judging from the location of the Burrow, it might be closer to the airport than to King's Cross Station, but Robert didn't dare say that!

Considering the procrastinating nature of this family, if they heard that the Burrow was not far from the airport, they would definitely drop things like crazy.

Look, this is where it starts.

"Fred, you forgot something again!" Mrs. Weasley's roar echoed in the carriage.

"Hey, Mom, you can't always say that to me. It was George who came back just now!" Fred's aggrieved voice came from upstairs.

"Okay, okay, George's braised beans, Ginny's scarf, Ron's baseball glove, Percy's quill, Bill's earrings, I'm serious, honey, you don't look good with that!" Wes Mrs. Lai was offended, "You all listen to me! If anyone forgets to bring something again, just let me fantasize on the plane!"

Mr. Weasley smiled coquettishly, "Well, Molly, I seem to have forgotten my dark red tie."

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