Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 45 The wizard’s first experience with the computer

By the time a group of people rushed to the airport, the plane was about to take off in two hours.

"Fortunately, we are still in time." Mr. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, "What is this, a big machine? Checking luggage? Why should I open my suitcase to show you, hey! Put down my suitcase quickly. ! Where are you taking it?! That’s mine, mine!”

After a series of chaos, they finally dealt with the scary security inspector at the door.

Mr. Weasley looked melancholy, "Merlin, why do Muggles have to check whether there are any dangerous items in their suitcases when they go on a long trip? Everything belonging to wizards is dangerous to them! I can't imagine opening it. How many times will the suitcase violate the Statute of Secrecy in the future!”

Robert also looked frightened. He thought that taking planes and trains in China did not require security checks, but he was stopped.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people going to watch the games recently, and there were also a lot of people going to the Maple Leaf Country by plane. With the help of the Ministry of Magic staff, the Weasley family finally boarded the plane in disgrace.

"Wow... my ears are moaning." Fred slumped in his seat, his expression a little dazed, "I can't hear the sound, George, George! My brother, where are you?"

George looked like he was about to collapse, "Oh, Merlin's beard! Fred, I feel very bad. I must be deaf. What should I do? Are we going to say goodbye to the sounds of this world in the future?"

Mrs. Weasley looked very panicked, "Merlin, Arthur, what's going on? I feel like something is wrong. Children, are you all okay?"

"Hey, Molly, I'm here, I've always been here, don't be afraid, this should be a normal situation." Mr. Weasley had sweat on his forehead and was pretending to be calm.

Percy had a look of horror on his face. He clung to the seat tightly, his face was pale and he didn't dare to speak. As for Ron.

"Ugh..." He had already vomited.

Ginny hugged Opal tightly, not daring to open her eyes.

Bill shook his long hair and was the calmest one, "Well, this feels a bit familiar. By the way, the last time Tali and I went to play, the roller coaster we made felt like this."

"Tali?" Ginny was shocked and no longer afraid. She stared at her brother sitting next to her and exclaimed, "Bill, are you looking for a sister-in-law for me?"

"Huh? I heard something!" Fred immediately became energetic. His head was no longer dizzy, his ears were no longer ringing, his legs were no longer sore, and he was full of strength. "Bill, you actually have a girlfriend!"

"What?!" Mrs. Weasley's voice rose an octave, "Oh my god, Bill, why didn't you tell me! Is Tali beautiful? I mean, you can bring her back and show us, really Yes, I never mind if you bring an Arab wife back!"

Bill looked confused, "Wait, wait, do you have some misunderstanding?!"

"No wonder you have long hair. Do Egyptians like long hair?" Mr. Weasley touched his thick red hair (laughing) and asked Mrs. Weasley, "Dear, what do you think of my long hair?" Sample?"

"Well, honey, I guess we'll have to buy more shampoo..." Mrs. Weasley gave him a kiss, "I also want to see what you look like with long hair. .”

A group of children were forcefully stuffed with mouthfuls of dog food and felt like they were about to overeat. Robert could only use Bill's troubled expression to the point where he was about to explode.

"Tali is just a colleague! Don't think too much! And she's already married!" Bill quickly interrupted the random thoughts of these unreliable guys. He felt so tired. I just went to work! Why do you have to go through a forced marriage Shura field!

"Ah, is that so?" Mrs. Weasley was obviously a little disappointed, but she cheered up for a moment, "It's okay, Bill. I heard that girls in Egypt are very beautiful and have good skin?"

Mr. Weasley also said, "It is said that Egypt has a lot of delicious food. Do they not drink alcohol or eat seafood? If so, the wedding banquet will seem very monotonous! I also want to try the legendary champagne tower."

Ginny opened her eyes wide and shouted in disbelief, "Wedding party?! Is it Bill's? That's amazing!"

Bill raised his forehead and said, "Oh my god, what are you talking about? Aren't we going to watch the Quidditch Cup?"

The family was noisy, but fortunately there was no one else on the plane - this must be the effect of magic.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, ladies, do you need lunch?" A flight attendant came over with a dining cart and interrupted their conversation, "Or do you need some drinks?"

"Can I order food on the plane?" Fred's eyes lit up. "Is there any crucible cake?"

"Crucible?" The flight attendant looked confused.

"Crucible cake!" Fred gestured, "Chocolate cake in the shape of a crucible."

The flight attendant said awkwardly, "No, no."

"Where's the pumpkin pie?" Robert looked forward to it for a moment, and suddenly he wanted to eat pumpkin again.

The flight attendant seemed to have a bad look on his face, "No..."

"Where are the chocolate dolls and Bibi's multi-flavored beans?" George also looked at the flight attendant expectantly.

The flight attendant didn't want to talk, so he opened the dining car and introduced stiffly, "Today's offering is beef stew with mashed potatoes, boiled carrots, bacon, vegetable salad, butter meal packs, honey cake, and jams include strawberry jam and cherry jam. Both, please enjoy.”

After serving food to everyone, the flight attendant pushed the dining cart and left, as if he was afraid of being pestered further.

"This yellow one doesn't seem to be pumpkin juice. Robert, do you recognize this?" Fred looked at the drink in front of him curiously.

"This is orange juice." Robert took a sip and felt it was a bit too sweet. "It's not freshly squeezed."

Fred took a sip and said, "Well, it looks like oranges soaked in syrup."

"The beef doesn't seem to taste good," Ron whispered, but no one paid him any attention.

Mrs. Weasley didn't seem too happy and said, "What's going on with these salads? They're not fresh at all! How can you feed the kids stale food?"

Fred took a spoonful of tomato sauce and said, "Well, is this really made from tomatoes? It feels a little stronger than what we make at home."

"Same for cherry jam." George ate the box of cherry jam cleanly, "It's quite sweet."

Mr. Weasley was a little excited, but also a little disappointed, "Is this what Muggle food is like? It feels much worse than wizard food."

Robert wanted to tell him that you are overthinking, and only the national dish of fu is like this...

Especially the Wellington Sardine Steak.

As for its popular name... because it is too scary, it may cause people who see that name to feel various physical discomforts, or even lose their SAN value, so we will not go into details.

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