Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 70 Abnormalities in the Kitchen

The Weasley family finally reconciled.

After experiencing this incident, Percy became much calmer. Although he occasionally scolded the twins for their nonsense, he would no longer snitch to Mrs. Weasley.

The instant acne-busting sugar eventually became popular, and although its inventor was listed as "Cornelly Fudge," little wizards knew that it was actually the work of the Weasley twins.

For this, the little lions were very angry. This was equivalent to one less person from the "Gryffindor Collection", no, two people!

Percy solemnly apologized to the twins in the auditorium, which changed everyone's perception of him.

"At least he's a bold guy," Mr. Honey Badger said to Robert. "I thought he would hide and pretend nothing happened."

The exploration of Hogwarts Castle continues, and the twins seem to have calmed down a bit recently. Although Mr. Zuko is prohibited from selling the Weasley brothers’ quick-acting acne-removing candy, he said that this counter can be rented to the twins, and the rent can be Wait until they have new products for sale before you start giving them.

The development of new products is not an easy task, and the twins have recently spent a lot of time reading books about herbal medicine, which makes Professor Sprout delighted.

No matter what, at least the twins should get good results in this year's Potions and Herbs class.

"Thank God, Robert, we finally found you." Fred stuck out his tongue and sat in front of Robert.

Robert gave him a strange look and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Fred repeated the question, "Did you forget it again?"

Robert looked confused, I forgot something, why didn’t I know.

"Today is Halloween dinner!" Fred yelled, "If you miss it, you'll be talking about it for another year!"

"Yeah!" Robert slapped his head and said tangledly, "I even forgot about this!"

"Hurry up, the dinner is about to start!" Fred said, "I'm going to call George. He must be looking for you in the library!"

Robert waved to him and quickly stuffed the book into the cloth belt.

By the time the three people hurriedly arrived at the auditorium, food had already been placed on the table.

The dome of the auditorium was changed to look like billowing dark clouds. Countless bats were flying on the ceiling and walls. The round pumpkins were hollowed out, carved with weird smiling faces, lit with candles, and floated in the air. This made the auditorium look a little bit strange. Dim.

Delicious pastries and candies filled the field of vision, and Robert finally tasted the Halloween pumpkin pie. "Sure enough, the taste is different from usual, and it seems to be a little more delicious."

"Because pumpkins are the most delicious at this time!" Mr. Honey Badger ate his mouth full of sugar residue. "Would you like a candy apple?"

"Must." Robert reached out to take it and took a bite, feeling his mouth full of sweetness.

The little wizards ate until their bellies were full until they couldn't eat any more, then they reluctantly stopped what they were doing. As the plates became clean, the dinner was over.

Nothing strange happened. The well-fed little wizards returned to their dormitories in an orderly manner.

Robert originally thought that the night would just go by, but when he was getting ready to go to bed after washing, a note appeared on his bedside.

It was signed Cole and asked Robert to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night.

Somewhat curious about what the elderly house elf was up to, Robert went to bed.

The biological clock woke Robert up at 1 o'clock on time. He put on the phantom cloak he made and walked out of the common room.

After expertly scratching a laughing pear, Robert saw Cole standing behind the door.

"Is it Mr. Leslie?" Cole asked in a lowered voice, which made his voice sound even shriller.

Robert also whispered, "It's me, Mr. Cole."

"Oh, although Cole heard Mr. Leslie's voice, he seemed to be unable to see him." Cole opened his eyes wide and glanced left and right.

Robert could only take the opportunity to get into the kitchen and then took off his cloak.

"Hey Cole, I'm in," Robert shouted to Cole, startling the elderly house elf.

"Um, Mr. Cole, it's so late, why did you call me?" Robert asked curiously, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Oh, no, no, no, the house elves won't let the wizards do anything." Cole shook his head, "In fact, we discovered a spiritual world."

"What?!" Robert's eyes widened, "In Hogwarts? A spiritual world?"

After a short Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he already knew what the spiritual world was. Simply put, it was a different space with sufficient spiritual power. There might be precious potions and magic books in it, usually from ancient times. A place where wizards store important items.

"Listen to me, Mr. Leslie, the spirit world is not stable. We reported it to Principal Dumbledore, but the principal said that this spirit world can only exist for one night." Cole whispered to Robert, "The principal has already After checking it, there is no danger inside. The great Headmaster Dumbledore gave this spirit world to the house elves, but we decided to take you on the adventure with us!"

Robert's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Yes, the other house elves have already gone in." Cole said, "Shall I take you over to have a look?"

Robert thought for a moment, and it was a bit unrealistic to go back and call the twins at this time. They must not know which secret passage they had gone to explore. They would not be able to find anyone in a short time. The opportunity was rare, so he no longer hesitated and followed Cole walked to the fireplace in the corner of the kitchen.

At this time, the fire in the fireplace had been extinguished, and an oval-shaped aperture with a faint blue light floated inside the fireplace. When looking at it, there seemed to be a layer of water waves flowing in the aperture.

Cole gestured and walked in. Robert stretched out his hand and touched the aperture. It felt soft, like a piece of fine cloth. But here's the problem. The aperture looked only a little bigger than a house elf. He wanted to How to get in.

After hesitating for a moment, Robert continued to move forward. What he didn't expect was that after his whole body came into contact with the aperture, the aperture seemed to become larger for a moment.

The next moment, Robert's eyes suddenly became clear.

A pale green forest with soft light appeared in front of him. The sky was obscured by branches and could not be seen clearly. In the distance, there seemed to be house elves exclaiming from time to time. Cole was standing not far from the circle of light, waiting for him.

Robert did not speak to Cole immediately because he was attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him. The slightly transparent trees in the soft light were like the kingdom of elves in fairy tales.

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