After a long time, Robert came back to his senses and said to Cole sheepishly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Cole, I seem to be obsessed."

"It doesn't matter, everyone who comes in for the first time will be attracted by this forest, even Principal Dumbledore is no exception." Cole said, "Just now, some house elves came over and said that they found a good place. , do you need me to take you over to have a look?"

Robert nodded, "Okay, you have been here longer than me, so you must be more experienced. By the way, Mr. Cole, can you please take a photo for me? This place is so beautiful."

[Discover a special map and take a photo, get +2 skill points. 】

After thanking Mr. Cole and putting away the camera calmly, Robert finally determined that the number of skill points that can be obtained in the spirit world is 2 points.

Perhaps the ancient tree visited during ancestor worship is a spiritual realm.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Cole, Robert came to the place that the house elves said was good.

It was a pool filled with light green liquid, only the size of a bathtub. The house elves gathered around the pool, showing intoxicated expressions.

"What is this?" Robert looked at the pool curiously.

Mr. Cole couldn't help but sniff it, and after a long while he said, "I don't know either, but this thing seems to contain magic power and may have been left by ancient wizards."

After nodding, Robert took out several potion bottles and filled some liquid. He was surprised to find that the green liquid in the potion bottles quickly became transparent.

"How strange?" Robert stared blankly at the medicine bottle in his hand. Just as he was thinking about something, he heard a "plop" and Mr. Cole lost his footing and slipped into the water.

There was a commotion among the house elves who were watching. They didn't know what to do and subconsciously disapparated and disappeared.

Robert panicked for a moment, then calmed down, quickly took out his wand, turned a nearby tree into a rope, and threw it into the pool.

Mr. Cole grabbed the rope and was slowly pulled out of the water by Robert.

A magical thing happened. The white hair next to the ears of the old Mr. Cole first disappeared. Then, the wrinkles on his body were smoothed out, and the dim white mist on his eyes dissipated.

It seems to be getting younger?

Robert was stunned for a moment, frowned, and subconsciously stayed away from the pool.

Mr. Cole first looked at his body in disbelief, and then whispered, "Mr. Leslie, do you believe me?"

Robert looked at it strangely and said, "Of course, we are friends?"

Mr. Cole looked horrified, "This, this, this, this is so rude, how can I be a friend of a wizard..."

Robert waved his hand and said helplessly, "Okay, Mr. Cole, just tell me if you have anything to do."

"The water in this pool is good." Mr. Cole said seriously. "I just soaked for a short time and felt that my body was rejuvenated."

Robert glanced at the pool water subconsciously. He was a little hesitant. This thing with unknown effects...

But then, he saw Mr. Cole's expectant eyes.

Well, after all, Cole probably won’t harm me...

Robert thought so casually, took off his coat, followed the wall of the pool, and sat in the water.

Before he could even sit down, Robert felt the energy that Mr. Cole was talking about.

It was a bit like Professor Sprout's magical energy surged into Robert's body, filling his whole body first, then compressing on its own, filling again, and then compressing again.

Drowsily, Robert seemed to hear Mr. Cole calling him.

Opening his eyes, a pair of huge eyes were looking at him with concern, "That's great, Mr. Leslie, the water in the pool suddenly disappeared. Cole was shocked, so he could only get you out of the bottom of the pit first. Come out, it’s great that you’re okay.”

The water disappeared?

Robert looked back towards the direction of the pool, and there was indeed only a big pit left there.

He subconsciously began to check his body. He felt refreshed and a lot of the burden on his body disappeared.

got windy.

The ubiquitous dim light floats to the top of the pool with the flow of wind, like smoke and illusion.

The leaves rustled, and Robert looked blankly at the pool in front of him. He seemed to see the shadow of a towering tree floating above the pool.

The tree was so big that the pool was just a small hole accidentally left when the roots of the tree turned over the soil as they grew.

Suddenly, the shadow shook violently, and the tree trunks and even leaves trembled, turning into countless fragments and dispersing in the air.

There was a slight tug on the legs of his trousers. Robert came to his senses and looked down. It turned out to be Cole.

"It's time for us to leave, Mr. Leslie," Cole urged. "I feel like this place is going to disappear."

Taking another look at the forest that was still slightly emitting light green fluorescence, Robert grabbed Cole's raised arm and said to it, "Excuse me, Mr. Cole."

The house elf snapped his fingers, and the two disappeared.

The world is spinning.

Wizards' spatial movement was always simple and rough, like being stuffed into a leather tube and pulled out from the other end. Robert returned to the kitchen in a very uncomfortable way.

Shaking his head, he felt like vomiting.

"Mr. Leslie, how are you? Do you want a cup of hot cocoa?" Cole asked.

Robert rubbed his eyebrows and nodded.

After the warm and sweet liquid fell into his stomach, Robert felt a little better. This night was really interesting. He first took a cold bath, and then apparated to Hogwarts Castle. I don’t know what the so-called spiritual world is. , of course there was an extra space in the fireplace, and it disappeared silently.

Just when he was a little dazed, several house elves came over. They were holding a very large book. The book was as big as three of them. The whole body was green, and countless vines were wrapped around the front. It looked very... heavy.

"What is this?" Robert was stunned and subconsciously reached out and poked the book.

The book trembled for a moment, and then broke into pieces. Countless tiny fragments were scattered in the air. The house elf was frightened and stood stiffly. The air in the kitchen suddenly became fresher. Robert seemed to smell it. The smell of green grass.

His expression became a little strange, and as the book disappeared, he felt as if something was attached to his body.

After comforting the frightened house elves, Robert crawled back to the dormitory. The roommates showed no intention of waking up. He climbed into bed, and the curtains blocked all sight. In the darkness, a book exuding a faint light appeared in Robert's hand. Dusk's book.

Although he couldn't read it, he knew the name of the book.


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