Using all his IQ, in less than half an hour, Scrimgeour, the current minister of the Ministry of Magic of the Corrupt Kingdom, scared the Prime Minister half to death.

However, to Scrimgeour's surprise, what scared the Prime Minister was not all kinds of magical creatures, but Scrimgeour's unintentional words - Do you think these things only exist in the magical world?

Do you think that the magical world and the Muggle world exist in different dimensions?

Give me a break!

For those magical creatures, there is no difference between the Muggle world and the wizarding world, okay?

If it weren't for the long-term restraint and guidance of the wizards, there might be magical creatures running around all over the country now!

Sa Huan'!

Mr. Prime Minister's eyes widened, and his whole body seemed to have been stuffed with a large piece of lemon black tea cake, which was sour, astringent and a little sweet.

Although we may also be attacked by monsters, it seems that wizards are at the forefront. Wow, when you think about it, it doesn't seem so bad...that's weird!

"If we use missiles at all costs, can we get rid of those magical creatures?" Mr. Prime Minister put forward a point of view, "Or, nuclear bombs?"

Scrimgeour rubbed his chin, feeling that this Mr. Prime Minister had great potential to win over!

When he faced this kind of thing, he didn't ask the wizard for help, but first found a way to solve the problem on his own. This shows that he is a person who knows how to think, and this kind of person should be very interested in change, right?

Some people are ministers of magic on the surface, but secretly they are the vice-presidents of the New Wizarding Alliance.

Recently, the old pure-blood families have made a resurgence, trying to cause trouble for our new Minister of Magic with "Voldemort's return incident", "Fire Dragon escape incident", "Gringotts and surrounding streets being destroyed incident", etc.

Of course, Scrimgeour would not surrender so easily. He withstood the pressure, but was unable to stop all the little moves of the pure-blood family.

"Really, we are obviously wizards, but in the end we have to go further and further in the struggle for power." This was something that Scrimgeour, who was born as an Auror, was angry but helpless.

Fortunately, the other vice chairman, who was not masked, gave him an idea.

"Why not find some Muggle-born wizards to learn from Muggles?

"It's best to be the kind of wizard who is stuck in the wall, can't find a job, is almost thirty years old, and has a wife and children who can only eat dirt.

“Let them learn how to use the news media to attract the attention of wizards so that they will not live under the lies of pure-blood wizards.

“Let them learn how to divide labor and cooperate to reduce the living cost of wizards.

"Let them broaden their minds and think of more ways to make money, instead of hiding shiny gold coins in the dark underground like stupid dragons.

"Moreover, haven't you been dissatisfied with the current situation in the wizarding world for a long time? Why do Muggle-born people become unemployed after graduation? If you want to enter the Ministry of Magic, you must be related to a pure-blood family. There are obviously so many talents, but because of pure Blood prejudice cannot be reused."

"Aha, I really can't imagine what the wizarding world will become if this continues." Scrimgeour thought as he walked out of the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic. "Sure enough, we should start changing from now on to improve the relationship between wizards and Muggles. Relationships are also necessary. If Mr. Prime Minister hadn't revealed some information tonight, I wouldn't have known that Muggles had such dangerous weapons."

After stroking his long hair, which was as long as a lion's mane, Scrimgeour walked into the first conference room of the Ministry of Magic with an expressionless expression.

Change begins with conquering these purebloods!

While Scrimgeour was struggling to deal with the difficulties of the pure-blood wizard, something was quietly happening.

Even if all the mysterious people try their best to prevent the spiritual world from opening all over the world, as long as there are a few who open it in a corner that no one knows about, the world will change a little.

What's more, most countries have never thought about closing the spiritual world.

Of course - it is more accurate to say that only the Ministry of Magic of the Corrupt Kingdom wants to close the spiritual world to maintain the absolute rule of pure-blood families.


Encountering a mystery along the way is a possibility from the beginning, isn't it?

Miss Yoko Higashino thought of this because she forgot the time on duty and had to walk home at night.

It's a little hard to describe what's going on.

Although her name is Yoko, she is definitely not an idol, and she is definitely not a fan of detectives with mustaches and big breasts, but she has the beauty of Ms. Yoko.

"Beauty" is very important in the mystic side. Generally speaking, the more beautiful a person is, the more talented she is in becoming a mystical side person.

To put it simply, one has a high enough charm value and is a natural warlock.

This is the case for Miss Higashino Yoko, but nothing like tonight has never happened to her in her eleven years of life.

"Wow." Ms. Higashino Yoko opened her eyes wide and looked at the translucent creature lying on the ground. "It's a puppy."

However, the other person spoke, "No, it's not a dog."

"The puppy is talking!" Ms. Yoko's eyes widened, "It's so amazing!"

The creature called a dog said weakly, "I told you it's not a dog... forget it."

It fluttered, got up from the ground, and asked in a majestic and majestic voice, "Hey kid, do you want to be a magical girl?!"

"I don't want to!" Miss Higashino Yoko refused without hesitation.

"If you want, just talk to me... wait, what did you say?" The dog's words were choked in his throat, and he stared at the little girl with a constipated look on his face, "You, how come you don't want to be a magical girl!"

Ms. Higashino Yoko said seriously, "Because I have to go to school and do my homework! Not doing my homework is not what a good child does!"

The dog-shaped creature looked confused, then lowered its head in frustration, "Ah, is that so? That's true. After all, the mystery has disappeared from ordinary people for a long time, and it is appropriate to be rejected by others..."

The more he spoke, the more disappointed he became. The dog-shaped creature buried its head in its forelimbs, exuding a feeling of despair.

Suddenly, a carton of milk was placed in front of it. Yoko stared at the dog that was about to disappear, and said with a serious face, "Dog, are you hungry? If you don't mind, this carton of milk will be given to you. Oh!"

"I told you I'm not a dog!" The dog-shaped creature was helpless to resist this misconception of its species, "I'm a fox, a fox!"

As it spoke, it raised its paw and pointed to the hillside in the distance, "You know there is a temple there, right?"

Yoko's eyes widened, "So are dogs the guards of the temple? So awesome!"

A creature that looked like a dog but was actually a fox sighed, "Please don't change my species again... Oh, forget it."

After saying that, it thought for a while, lowered its head, skillfully tore open the carton, and started drinking milk, "Well, although the taste is very strange, but... okay, girl, I accept your offering!"


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