At the end of the day's classes, the little badgers gathered in the library again.

Then came a lion cub and an eagle cub.

Without the pressure of the Four Wizards Tournament, their gathering looks more like a small gathering among friends, except that they can't drink black tea or eat. After all, Mrs. Filch is watching you...


"Well, it feels like a study corner." Qiu was in a daze, breaking the quiet atmosphere, "I always feel like I participated in a study corner when I was in elementary school."

"Ah, elementary school or something." Summers stopped writing and looked at Qiu curiously, "Did you go to elementary school? I heard that the Zhangs and his wife are both wizards."

Qiu explained, "It is precisely because they are wizards that they let me go to elementary school. In fact, my parents are employees of the Ministry of Magic. They usually don't have much time, so they asked me if I wanted to find a tutor or go to school." "

"Rich people." Summers lamented, "My mother didn't want to hire a tutor for me at all. If she didn't want me to get ahead, she might have just found a school and thrown me into it. Unfortunately, I ended up I didn’t go to those aristocratic schools.”

Robert patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "Her wish actually came true. Look, can you say that Hogwarts is not an aristocratic school? You must know that many pure-blood families have long ago Maybe they are nobles, otherwise how could they get so many land deeds?"

Summers was stunned, "Yes, what you said seems to make sense." He nodded and said, "If a school attended by nobles can be called a noble school...then doesn't that prove that Am I already a member of the aristocratic school!"

As he said that, he turned to look at Robert, "What do you think is the possibility of me convincing mom with this?"

"Well, I think you can give her a confusion spell first." Robert suggested tactfully, "At least this is the first time I've heard this statement..."

He laughed and said without hesitation that he was just talking nonsense.

Summers looked at him speechlessly, wondering if he should punch him as a sign of respect.

"Tutor..." Stebbins and Cedric were both a little confused, "Are you studying at home?"

Hermione nodded, "Yes, please invite a tutor to come to your home for lessons."

The two of them still didn't quite understand, "Wouldn't it be better if mom taught the class?"

"Although dad always says some strange things, I can still read..."

"Well." Hermione scratched her head and explained in more euphemistic words, "Some courses... must be taught by experts..."

As she spoke, she gave an example, "For example, ancient magic texts are rarely used. If you want to learn them, you must ask professionals to teach them."

"Muggles can also learn ancient magic scripts?" Cedric was a little surprised. "Then wouldn't they also be able to do magic?"

"Some Muggles may know more ancient magic texts than wizards." Robert pointed to the reference book in Hermione's hand, "Actually, many of us don't know how to use ancient texts, but Muggles have a large population base. , if a group of people are willing to keep studying these words, and add some luck, they will always get the correct answer."

Cedric expressed disbelief.

But others had no intention of wanting him to believe it.

"Speaking of it, it seems to be very quiet recently." Stebbins said with emotion. "I don't know why, but since the game ended, it feels like the whole world has calmed down."

"Isn't that normal?" Robert said matter-of-factly, "Because the person who caused the disaster ran away, everyone else was celebrating in various ways."

Stebbins thought for a moment, and it seemed like this. Voldemort, the culprit who caused the chaos, was said to have disappeared in the Rotten Kingdom. No one knew where he went, but some diviners said that he had left for Neon.

Although the fortune teller herself was a little surprised how she found the whereabouts of Voldemort.

The people at the magic house were a little angry after hearing about this incident. Is there any mistake? Why did you run back to their country again? Voldemort, what obsession do you have for our neon!

However, after tortured several priests, they turned blue and asked to leave Hogwarts.

According to the grapevine, it was because Voldemort seemed to have messed up their country and now they had to go back and take charge.

An informant complained while eating rice, "That guy used killing to create many powerful spiritual bodies, and made his soul stronger by devouring those spiritual bodies. This is not the right way, and will also make the entire Ni Hong has become confused. The most important thing is that although he has left, his men are still producing large quantities of spirits in our country! Ah, I don’t know how many spirits I will kill when I go back this time."

Although she kept complaining, Robert could see the anxiety and uneasiness in her heart. Obviously, this young lady who likes the second dimension still has concerns at home.

"Ah ha, remember to send us comics and CDs when you go back." When sending her away, the little badgers made their own request.

The little witch nodded, "As long as your country's customs doesn't mind cross-border private donations..."


The expressions of the little wizards were dull, so to speak, they seemed to care a lot?

"The witches who lived in Hogwarts left us some interesting things." Hermione took out some beautiful cards, "This is it."

The little badgers looked around curiously, and then they discovered that it was a card with many blessings written on it.

"There should be no problem." Robert checked the cards carefully, because the magic of Neon Country itself is strange and somewhat different from the orthodox magic. Their understanding of spells is biased towards attack.

Or curse to kill.

If you accept a gift from a Neon Kingdom wizard, you will really die without knowing how.

Fortunately, these little witches were just expressing their goodwill, probably to leave a way out for themselves, and there was no back trick on the card.

"An unexpected gift." Robert expressed his surprise, "Why are you sending these cards?"

"I heard that these cards can be used for communication, such as sending out calls for help." Hermione took the cards back with a smile, "But we are so far apart, how could we be able to come over after sending out calls for help, so these things are really just Just some small gifts, probably to express your care for us for so many days?"

I don't know why, but Hermione seems to be in a good mood?

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