Throughout the summer vacation, the wizards were eating melons.

What to eat, the Ministry of Magic and pure-blood families.

Although the employees of the Ministry of Magic are basically pure-blood wizards, pure-blood wizards and pure-blood wizards are also different.

Just like the Weasley family is biased towards Muggles, Sirius is also biased towards Muggles, and there are other pure-blood wizards who want a balance between the two.

Of course, the positions of those pure-blood supremacists will generally be higher. After all, they are the defenders of family interests. However, an organization cannot only have people with high power. There are also many low-level staff. After all, people are needed to work. Well.

However, during this summer vacation, the purebloods fell into the ocean of the people.

When you go out for tea and come back, a document on the table that is intended to be used against Scrimgeour disappears; before you go home, the Floo powder placed in front of the fireplace will be used up; when you go to the bathroom, don't mention toilet paper. Even the door panels will disappear...

After two months of battle of wits and courage, the purebloods immediately came up with their trump card and resigned!

Then they discovered in despair that Scrimgeour had changed hands and found a group of people to replace them. They quickly took over and took over the work without any pressure and went through it smoothly.

I'm afraid he brought a hundred people to play house of cards with them, right?

Percy completed his bridge work very well, that is, helping to make friends and giving money, which expanded his social circle a lot.

No matter where you are, gold coins are hard currency, especially gold galleons, whose purchasing power is still higher than that of pounds!

Although the gadgets of fairies are not as powerful as magic swords, they are still dazzling and fascinating.

In just one summer vacation, except for some greedy people, Percy had already won enough allies.

"Maybe you're right. Things like gold coins are really useful." Percy mockingly accepted the investment from his brother and said to Robert, "Last night, a dozen pure-blood wizards wrote to tell me , if they are willing to pay them 10,000 gold coins, they are willing to stand on my side."

"They want to eat." Fred laughed maliciously, "Or maybe he thinks we are the so-called... um, what is that word?"

He looked at Robert. Although he was smiling, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Cash machine." Robert sighed, "Really, have we gone too far? I feel like our expenses this month are a bit scary."

George shook his head, "Actually, it's not much. You have to know that we usually spend more than this on developing new products. It's just a bit sad that an interesting idea cannot be realized."

"I don't want to know at all." Robert complained, "You have so many ideas every day, who knows how much material you waste."

As he spoke, he showed a heartbroken expression, "That's all money!"

"Hey! You didn't save anything!" Fred shouted dissatisfied, "Don't forget how many metal plates you broke!"

"That's different!" Robert said plausibly, "As long as one of the fifty dollars succeeds, I can make back the money, but if you want to make back the money, you need to sell at least fifty products."

The twins immediately looked at him with blank eyes, "You vampire."

Robert had a proud look on his face, "Who wants to have fewer alchemists from the Rotten Kingdom?"

"Okay, if you continue to argue, I will go and get you allies." Percy put away the small bag containing gold coins and went to work.

Not long after he left, Mrs. Weasley walked in with a sad look on her face, "Okay kids, we are going to Diagon Alley. Hey, why are you the one chosen?"

With that said, she sighed and left.

The twins and Robert looked at each other.

"You didn't tell mom?"

"You didn't tell Mrs. Weasley?"

The three asked each other at the same time.

He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head at the same time, "No, I thought you said so."


Looking at each other awkwardly, Robert said helplessly, "What should we do? Should we tell Mrs. Weasley?"

"Let's forget it." Fred shook his head, "If she finds out that we asked her to go, she will definitely be very angry."

Robert felt the same, "Stop it, Harry told Hermione that I was going to Neon too. She wrote a letter and scolded me, and then signed up herself. I don't even know how to get along with Granger." Couple explain this.”

George shrugged, "Explain it however you want, but is it really that dangerous this time?"

"That's a mysterious man, and we can't even mention his name casually. If he finds our location, maybe he will also find the new magic base." Robert reminded, "Forget it in the rotten country, neon is thousands of times away. Don’t mention his name, or you can just call him by his real name - Tom? Ah, by the way, have you seen "Tom and Jerry"? We can use the blue cat to refer to him."

"'Tom and Jerry'?" Fred thought for a while, feeling a little enlightened, "Ah, you mean the magic movie that dad played in Diagon Alley...well, animation."

No matter when and where, "Tom and Jerry" is a super classic animation work.

George nodded, "Speaking of which, Voldemort's name is indeed Tom, Tom Riddle."

The friends quickly determined their nicknames for the great Mr. Dark Lord, and reluctantly went downstairs under Mrs. Weasley's impatient urging.

"If I go to Neon, what do I need to bring?" Fred looked at the products in Holly Garden in confusion, feeling a little dazzled.

"To be precise, you don't need to bring anything." Robert thought for a moment and gave a pertinent opinion. "Anyway, the westernization there is quite serious. Maybe everything has been prepared for us. By the way, they usually have three meals a day. There is rice, and I also eat noodles with rice. I like to eat fish and seafood, well, maybe shells..."

The twins scratched their heads, "Sounds good."

"Oh, their flavors are very light." Robert said expressionlessly, "Although it's a bit strange to say this, their flavors are slightly lighter, including chocolate cake, toffee, ice cream, cookies..."

"This is the only thing you can't do!" Fred looked horrified, "If you don't consume enough sugar!"

George also looked horrified, "We will definitely faint from hunger!"

Robert's eyes twitched, these two guys are addicted to sugar! No, I should say, are British desserts damn sweet?

Oh, and they have salty ones too.

But it’s still too sweet, right?

"Just control your sugar intake." Robert laughed maliciously, "Otherwise, when we deal with Voldemort, you will go to Hermione's parents to have your teeth extracted."

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