For little wizards who are addicted to sugar, pulling out teeth is much scarier than facing Voldemort.

After all, facing Voldemort only takes a moment, but pulling out a tooth means that you won't be able to eat sweets for a long, long, long time!

The twins' expressions immediately became sharp. Robert didn't expect that he just mentioned "light taste", and the two guys automatically figured out that Neon Country is a country that is extremely short of sugar.


It makes sense to a certain extent...that's it...

So, while the little wizards were waiting anxiously, the arrival of the Hogwarts Express marked the beginning of the new semester.

"Ah ha, life in the last year of school is so unhappy. We were thrown abroad to fend for ourselves. If we don't come back alive, does that mean we will have to wander overseas for the rest of our lives?" Li Shang After getting in the car, he first frightened the freshmen with his own repertoire, and then came over to complain to his friends.

"I don't know if they are pretty or not." Robert leaned on the table and said weakly, "But Hermione and Harry are this year's prefects, and both prefects are not in school. Is Gryffindor really okay? "

If we follow Principal Dumbledore's theory, this prefect should be a student of the same grade who has a good relationship with Harry. But unfortunately, Harry lost his best friend just last semester, and other students seemed There was no such thing as this, so now that the principal was in a coma, the acting principal, Ms. McGonagall, gave the badge to Harry without hesitation.

"Why should I choose someone else when there is obviously someone better?" These are Professor McGonagall's original words. Different from Principal Dumbledore's approach to balance, Professor McGonagall is unexpectedly a strong-willed man?

But soon, Robert knew that he was overthinking.

Although it is said that they are going to other countries for exchange and study, they are going to three countries at once. Even Hogwarts does not have that many people to send out. In this case, there will be some bias in the distribution of students.

Slytherin was sent to Durmstrang, Ravenclaw to Beauxbatons, Hufflepuff to stay as housekeeper, and Gryffindor was naturally sent to Neon.

Of course, this was just the initial idea. When it was actually implemented, students from other colleges would still be mixed in among these students.

The deans argued for a long time, and the final result was——

The basic framework is inconvenient, but at least three to four people from each college must go to other countries. For example, Robert and his dormitory were thrown into the neon country.

Of course, the meaning of the professors was also very clear. Since Harry was going to find trouble with Voldemort, it would be better to gather all the people who were close to him together, which would increase his combat power.

"I'm so envious that you guys can go out and play." Hannah looked envious. "We can only stay in school and can't do anything."

"Actually, there are still a lot of things you can do." Summers said seriously, "For example, help Professor Sprout take care of her magic plants."

Ernie sat next to Hannah and stared at Harry with a gloomy look, as if he wanted to eat him.

Hannah let out a desperate cry, "Oh, I really don't want to be with dragon dung this school year..."

As she said that, she raised her head again and looked at the seniors pitifully, "Do you think there will be another event like this next year? Can we go to other countries?"

Robert really wanted to tell her that we still wanted to stay, but...

The pure-blood family wanted to stew him and the twins together, how could they give them a chance to stay.

Fortunately, he still has a group of very reliable employees. Although the house elves are timid, they are surprisingly reliable at this time, and there are many like-minded wizards joining them. Especially when recruiting people, Robert pays attention to the character of those people.

Now, although I dare not say that after several years, everyone has been the same, but at least they have stood the test of time.

In any case, before returning, everything in Roguo must be handed over to them.


A long whistle echoed over Hogsmeade.

The little wizards of Hufflepuff watched the Hogwarts Express go away with envious eyes. It was great. They could go abroad for exchange and study or something like that. To round it off, it would be studying abroad!

"Ah, so the only ones left in the school now are those from Badger Yard." A young wizard said with a sigh.

Hannah pointed at a few people standing aside, some distance away from them. At a glance, she knew that they were not Hufflepuff students. "There are still some people who were left behind, like Gryffindor's Weasley and Slater." Lin's Malfoy..."

Ron glared at her fiercely, "Who is on the same side as Malfoy!"

"Oh, I know you are not in the same group. Now you are all in the same group as us." Hannah said weakly, "But we are going back to school now. If we stay out for too long, I think Professor McGonagall will hit someone. "

Even so...

It was too bad that the professors didn't follow him, thinking he could skip a few classes, such as Potions.

It was not the professors who left with the little wizards this time. In fact, it was impossible to think about it. There were only a few professors in Hogwarts. Who would come to class if they ran away!

What followed was actually a representative of the school director...

Simply put, school directors choose a person to represent them and accompany them on the trip.

Although it is just a representative, it does not mean that this person is found randomly. At least one thing is that he must be an Auror.

Therefore, it was only natural that a certain godfather appeared in front of Robert and the others... How strange!

"Black!" Harry shouted, "Why are you here!"

Sirius came up and gave him a bear hug. This somewhat sad man had taken good care of himself. He no longer looked as tall and thin as before. Not only had he gained a lot of weight, but he had also become much stronger.

"I heard that you were going to Neon Country, so I applied with the minister." Sirius said, "Of course, he was a little reluctant to let me leave, but I know that you will definitely not miss the opportunity to duel with Voldemort. In short, look I'm so happy to see you so brave, and I think James and Lily will be proud of you too."

Harry hugged him back, feeling warm in his heart.

Maybe because of his status as a godfather, Harry always felt a father-like warmth when facing Black. Maybe, this is father's love?

"Okay, boys and girls, I need to go with you for the next time." Blake greeted everyone, "I will do my best to protect you, but I think you must want more than just Protection, right?”

He blinked and said, "I am also from your age. I know what you are thinking. If you want to learn from me, maybe neon will come in handy when you get there."

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