Gojo Satoru fell from the sky to Shinichi's side. He wanted to show off his skills, but now there was no need.

"Has it been solved?"

"Yes, but I still need Brother Satoru's help."

The two started chatting as soon as they met.

"Eh~ what?"

Gojo Satoru asked excitedly.

"I want you to call Brother Jie over. This special-grade cursed spirit here is as powerful as the one on Yujin's side, so, you understand, right?"

Shinichi showed a wicked smile on his face.

"But you also know that although I can copy and store your spells, it's not yours if it's not yours. You should do the teleportation of Cang~"

Shinichi put the knife back and said easily. This is the truth. Although his purple eyes are better than Gojo Satoru's six eyes in the operation of cursed power, the original owner is really better at using these spells.

Just now, it was because the cursed power of the Beng Yue was too exposed. Even if we could feel it intuitively, we knew where he was, so we could use Cang to rush there and save the situation. As for going to other places in the high school, Shinichi couldn't do it.

"I understand~"

Gojo Satoru took on the job readily and took away several other students. Now only Shinichi was left here.

"Okay, next here..."

Before Shinichi could relax, a loud noise came from the direction of the high school.

"That's the high school's Jiku?!"

Shinichi sensed the cursed power in the direction of the sound and used the lame Cang to leave here again. Little did he know that the moment he left, a figure in the dark quietly appeared and came to the sealed Beng Yue.


Finally, Shinichi came to the Jiku. The person guarding the Jiku was dead at this time, and the body was charred and still burning. There were also several bodies of other magicians on the road.

"How could this happen?! If the real one wasn't here, it would be impossible to sense the things that were previously collected in the high school's secret library!"

Shinichi knew that some of the Sukuna fingers and other cursed objects collected by the high school over the years had been tampered with, but since the real one was killed by him, he was no longer worried, but it was still stolen today.

"These corpses... were they done by Ruhu, tsk, so many of them came at once."

Just as Shinichi was examining the corpses, on the other side, Noso had already completed the theft with Ruhu, this time stealing a total of 6 Sukuna fingers and "Special Cursed Object·Cursed Embryo Nine Phase Diagram" No. 1 to 3.

"How is it, how is Hanami now?!"

After completing the task, Ruhu asked anxiously, after all, the new combat force that Noso pulled in to undertake the task of retreating in abnormal situations was the one who took on the task of retreating in abnormal situations, and Hanami was not a guy who usually fought, so Ruhu was very worried.

"Don't worry, as long as Hua Yu and the others can't escape on their own, that guy will take action. Although he can't be exposed too early, he can definitely do it easily with his strength."

羂索 said with a smile. The next second, a black vortex appeared on the ground in front of羂索, and the seriously injured Hua Yu and the Beng Yue sealed in the blood star were thrown out.

"Hua Yu!"

Lu Hu quickly walked to Hua Yu's side and felt that the breath was still there before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This mission is over. How is it? Did you gain anything?"

羂索 asked with a smile, and the black shadow flashed and then made a sound.

"A human magician with purple eyes and black hair and another human magician with blue eyes and white hair are very strong, and the stone man was easily sealed by the magician with purple eyes."

The turbid voice came out, and looking at the sealed Beng Yue and the words of the black curse spirit,羂索 frowned.

"Kamo Shinichi can easily solve the Collapse... Unexpected..."

Noso's fear comes from the six-eyed magicians who have not been cut off for thousands of years. Even if he kills the newly born six-eyed, another six-eyed will be born immediately. Until today, the biggest threat Gojo Satoru appears.

This forced him to consider how to seal Gojo Satoru. Finally, the prison gate became his first choice. Even if Gojo Satoru can break through, it will be hundreds of years later. At the same time, because Gojo Satoru is only sealed and not dead, new six-eyed magicians will not appear.

"I think that the magician with purple eyes is also very threatening."

The black shadow spoke again, which also made Noso start to worry. Other things are easy to say, but there is only one prison gate, so he must find another way to solve Kamo Shinichi.

"Thank you for your hard work. Everyone go to rest. There are still some things to prepare before the plan starts..."

Lehu took Hua Yu away, and the black shadow also wrapped the Collapse and disappeared, leaving Noso alone. After sensing that there was no one around to monitor, Noso took out the hidden talisman.

After absorbing part of the blue cursed power from two of the Sukuna, the light of the spell began to shine.It began to shine, and the dim blue light on it indicated that it had reached a perfect state.

"The conditions for opening have been met, and the next step is to solve the problems of Gojo Satoru and Kamo Shinichi..."

The rope put away the talisman and Sukuna's finger and looked sinisterly into the distance.

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