"It disappeared..."

Fuguro Shiner, holding the Youyun, looked at Hanamiya, who was lying on the ground just now, and was very confused.

"Just now, did something move? I didn't even notice it..."

Fuguro Shiner sat down on the spot after thinking for a while. There was no way. He thought he could just wait here, but he lost it without paying attention.


Shinichi ran over. He knew what Jiku had lost. Even if he didn't check, he knew that Sukuna's finger and three cursed fetus nine phase diagrams were gone.


Fuguro Shiner explained to Shinichi what had happened just now, but Shinichi was not angry about this situation.

"Can you steal Hanamiya and the new cursed spirit without Uncle Shiner noticing..."

Just as he was thinking, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru rushed over from a distance. After a conversation, they learned that the Hengyue sealed by Shinichi had also disappeared.

"It's a pity. I originally wanted to add a few special-level combat forces to my side."

Shinichi crossed his arms and said helplessly.

"It's okay. The higher the level of the cursed spirit, the higher the possibility of unexpected situations after being controlled. These two are not bad."

Suguru Jie comforted him. He had just captured many curse masters in the high school and rescued several magicians on standby, but the situation on the Jiku was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, the "door" leading to the barrier was changed every day, so there was no need to worry about the theft of the Jiku. As a result, the intruder this time actually had a certain degree of planning.

"It's okay, I will always come back."

Shinichi also comforted everyone.

"Speaking of which, you and Hui met, right? How was it, were you exposed?"

Looking at Fushiguro Shier beside him, Shinichi suddenly asked. This time the two sides stayed together for a long time, so they probably recognized each other.


Fushiguro Shier half-asked and half-answered. Maybe he was too slow or maybe he didn't want to believe it, but no matter what, it was time to confess now.

"Don't worry, Hui has lived a good life these years. You have seen all this. You need to verify it yourself whether he will accept you."

Shinichi pushed Fushiguro Shier and said with a smile.

"Okay! Let's leave this to the staff of the technical college. Let's go find Hui!"

Gojo Satoru patted the shoulders of the two, and his smile became even more intense as if he had been waiting for this day for a long time.


In the hospital of the technical college, there is no place for outsiders. If you want to ask why, it is probably because Ieiri Naoko has a bad temper and she does not allow irrelevant people to come.

Scarcity makes things valuable. As the only two magicians in the technical college who can use the reversal technique to treat others, her opinions are basically agreed to.

"I'm here."

Ieiri Naoko put down the information in her hand, which contained the death report of some people and the treatment details of the injured. No students died in this exchange meeting, but several other magicians in the technical college died, especially those who guarded Jiku and nearby people all died.

"There are quite a few minor injuries. Fushiguro, Yuji and Maki all have different degrees of abrasions and fractures, but Kugisaki's injuries are more serious. If it's any later, there will be sequelae. I have to thank Mr. Fushiguro for this."

Ieiri Naoko took a sip of coffee. She hadn't slept all night, so she was very weak now, and even the dark circles under her eyes were a little worse.

Fushiguro was silent, he just stood quietly beside everyone like a sculpture.

"Okay, Naoko~ Tell us where Kei is quickly, this is a very important moment!"

Gojo Satoru said jumpily, but everyone has long been accustomed to his personality.

"As for Fushiguro, you should be on the third floor with Yuji to visit Kugisaki, and remember to keep quiet."

After explaining the precautions, Ieiri Naoko lay down on the chair and began to rest. Now is a rare rest time.

"Let's go!"

Gojo Satoru took the lead and led Shinichi and Fushiguro Shiori to the third floor. As for Geto Suguru, he had already returned. After all, the cursed spirit manipulation technique can also help rebuild and check for dangers.


Gojo Satoru pushed the door open with a bang. Yuji Itadori and Yuji Itadori were sitting by the bed peeling oranges for Nobara Kugisaki. After all, they were companions and injured, so this was natural.

"Gojo teacher?! What's the matter?"

Yuji Itadori asked first and ate a slice of orange peeled for Nobara Kugisaki.

"Itadori! This is for me!"

"Sorry, sorry, I ate it accidentally."

When the two were playing and joking, Fushiguro Megumi had already seen Fushiguro Shiori behind the door at Gojo Satoru's wave.

"You're still hesitating even though you're here."

Shinichi saw Fushiguro Shiori's hesitation.So he pushed him in.

"Hey! You little brat!"

Fuguro Shiori complained to Shinichi behind him. When he turned around, Fuguro Megumi and the other two were already looking at him.

"Strong uncle? You're here again!"

Itadori Yuji said excitedly. After all, he was the benefactor who saved him twice. Fuguro Megumi also looked at him.


Fuguro Shiori exhaled slowly.

"Long time no see... Megumi."

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