A sharp whistle came from the sky. This was the signal from the Kamo family, sent by Kamo Kengen to the other two Kamo teams around. Obviously, they were in trouble.

Gojozaka, who was cleaning up the cursed spirits, also found the blood puppet falcon in the sky and prepared to take people to watch.

"Hmph, I still let you send a signal."

Opposite Kamo Kengen, Zenin Tomie shook the blood off his hand in disgust.


Kamo Kengen looked at his bleeding chest and couldn't help but feel shocked by the opponent's strength.

In the previous battle, the Zenin family sneaked away the cursed spirits of Kamo Kengen's three-man team and then led the three into the encirclement.

"Quickly give up, I have no interest in weaklings."

Zenin Tomie sneered.

Zenin Tomie's technique is to condense the air blade in his palm. Although the power is weaker the farther the distance, a hit at zero distance will surely tear the external muscles and even cut the ribs and injure the heart.

Just now, Kamo Kengen was accidentally hit by a close-range attack, but thanks to a cursed tool beside him, he was able to block some of the damage, so it was just an ordinary external injury.

"Really... arrogant."

Kamo Kengen stared at Zenin Tomie and replied bluntly.

"Boring nonsense."

Just as Zenin Tomie was about to attack again, an unknown flame suddenly appeared in the open space beside him.


The flame collided with the air blade and then canceled each other out.

"Zenin Tomie, you are a bit bullying."

Kamo Tadashi walked out from the side, accompanied by Kamo Tsubo, and it was obvious that the flame just now was his work.

"Not bad, it can actually cancel my spell, how about another time?"

Zenin Tomie was excited and ready to attack again.

"It's really lively."

Gojo Saka appeared here with the people of the Gojo family, which obviously caused dissatisfaction among the contestants of the Zenin family.

"Hey, do you want to break the rules!"

Gojo Saka responded calmly when someone questioned him.

"Of course not, I just happened to hear the puppet's signal and came to take a look out of curiosity. I won't stop everyone from competing."

Gojo Saka smiled like an old fox.

"It's okay, I'll deal with you after I deal with the guys here."

Zenyuan Tomie said disdainfully.

Just when the two sides were on the verge of a fight, a creepy roar came from the bushes not far away from them.

Then a green curse spirit filled with a corrupt breath appeared in front of everyone, and the curse power that just exploded drew it out.

"Special Curse Spirit·Defeated Devil"

The appearance of the special curse spirit made everyone present unable to move for a while.

"This sense of oppression is undoubtedly special!"

Zenyuan Tomie and others cursed inwardly and prepared to escape, but unfortunately, the surroundings were covered with green liquid at some point.


Looking at the corroded grass, Gojozaka analyzed calmly.

"Hey, let's join forces first, otherwise no one can escape today."

"Tsk, whatever."

The three leaders looked at each other and then launched the spell. For a moment, air blades, fire bombs, and ice cones greeted the special-grade curse spirit and stirred up a cloud of smoke.

Just as everyone was relaxing, a green tongue tied up a magician from the Zenin family and quickly pulled him into the smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, only half of the magician was left.

"Damn, why did the special-grade curse spirit appear? What are those people up there doing?"

Zenin Tomie cursed, and the other two did the same.

Obviously, the security personnel who were originally promised did not appear. On the hill in the distance, a man with a row of sutures on his forehead looked in the direction of the crowd and smiled slightly. There were three magicians lying beside him, of course, dead.

"What's the point of such safety measures? It's better to let them experience the real horror so that they can grow. But if they die, there's nothing we can do."

Noso kicked the corpse of the first-level magician next to him, and suddenly several branches stretched out from the ground and dragged all three corpses into the ground.

"Thank you, Hanami."

Noso looked in the direction of the crowd again and sighed.

"What if all the magicians of the new era died in the festival?"

Back in the center, the special-grade curse spirits were constantly killing. In addition to the Zenin sisters, there were only three second-level magicians and Zenin Tomie left in the Zenin family.

Everyone tried to break through but couldn't solve this sea of ​​acid. Except for Kamo Kenji, the rest of the quasi-second-level and below magicians in the Kamo family were also seriously injured, most of them were injured by the splashing acid.

As for those who were tied by the tongue, there was basically no way to survive.

"Damn it!"

Zenin Tomie looked at the special-grade curse spirits on the field and couldn't help feeling fear, but she was afraid of life.Hope to pull him back immediately.

"I am a quasi-first-class magician, I must not die here."

Zenin Tomie looked at the big tree beside him and used a spell to cut down the tree without caring about the magician hiding beside him. The tree fell to the ground and splashed the acid on the ground on the people around him, killing the magician.

Looking at the big tree that was constantly corroded by the acid, Zenin Tomie quickened his pace and stepped on the tree and prepared to escape.

The other magicians around were disgusted by his operation and couldn't help criticizing him, but they were tied up by their tongues and sent into the mouth of the cursed spirit.

"Zenin Tomie! Come back to me quickly!"

Kamo Kenki cursed, and then used a spell to block the opponent's path.

"Kamo Kenki!"

Zenin Tomie recognized Kamo Kenki's face and became furious. If it were normal, he would still take into account the other party's identity, but now it was time to escape for his life.

Zenin Tomie shot out an air blade but was dispersed by the flames again.

"Asshole, you are still fighting at this time!"

Kamo Tadashi said angrily. Kamo Kengen was seriously injured and the others were useless. He probably couldn't hold on for long.

"Sorry, Master Shinichi."

Kamo Tadashi felt guilty towards Shinichi.

The special grade curse spirit seemed to have discovered Zenin Tomie and then swung out his tongue again to tie her up, but when it was halfway recovered, it was cut off by the zero-distance air blade.

Zenin Tomie was thrown aside but accidentally found the Zenin sisters hiding together. Before he had time to think, the curse spirit had come to him.

Obviously, the curse spirit was very angry at the guy who cut off his tongue.

"I shouldn't die here!"

The crazy Zenin Tomie pushed the two sisters in front of the curse spirit. The two sisters looked at the disgusting curse spirit and screamed in fear.

"You are really a pitiful and weak guy."

Accompanied by a mocking voice, the curse spirit's head was pierced by a red blood line and then slowly fell down.

Shinichi Kamo jumped down from the tree, stepped on Zenin Toie's head and hugged the two sisters.

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