Shinichi put the Zenin sisters on a vacant space that was not corroded by the acid, and then did warm-up exercises on the spot.

Shinichi had been wandering around, originally wanting to find the security personnel mentioned by Gojo Satoru, but he accidentally discovered two powerful and unfamiliar cursed powers.

When he sensed from a distance, he found that it was Hanami, one of the four disaster-level cursed spirits, and there was an unidentified man next to him, and then the two of them worked together to kill three first-level magicians.

Seeing this, Shinichi turned around and fled the scene without hesitation, preparing to find Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru for support, but was attracted by another cursed power halfway. Although it was not as good as Hanami and the unidentified guy, it was undoubtedly a special-level one.

After arriving, Shinichi watched the cursed spirit kill the Zenin family magician indifferently, and did not take action until the critical moment when the Zenin sisters and Kamo Kenki and others were about to be killed.

"Hey! Kamo Shinichi, what did you do!"

When Zenin Tomie saw Shinichi suddenly break in, he immediately got rid of the threat of the curse spirit and turned to scold Shinichi.

"Shut your mouth, if you still want to live."

Shinichi ignored Zenin Tomie and looked at the fallen curse spirit. He knew that this attack of blood penetration could not exorcise it.

"Don't pretend, how about getting up and trying again? Maybe you can successfully eat me."

Shinichi provoked the curse spirit. Obviously, the current situation is very critical. It is necessary to make a big noise to attract the people from the high school.


The curse spirit on the ground slowly raised its head. Because its own body was in a rotten state, the penetration damage caused by the blood penetration just now was very limited.

"Human... magician... powerful... great tonic."

The curse spirit looked at Shinichi and showed a cruel smile, as if a lion with a sure victory was eyeing its target.

"Yes, yes, come on, let me see your special strength!"

Shinichi untied the cloth wrapped around his waist and then pulled it open to reveal the iron chain inside.

The curse tool "Wanli Lock", a magical curse tool that can be infinitely extended as long as one side is not seen by others.

At this time, the curse spirit has repaired the severed tongue, and it is ready to use this trick to deal with Shinichi. As long as it is tied tightly enough, this human will surely die after being dragged away.

"Gulu... Puff..."

The curse spirit aimed at Shinichi and then threw out the tongue covered with green liquid.


Shinichi wrapped one side of the Wanli Lock with a cloth strip and then threw out the other side. The iron chain and tongue touched and entangled together, which made the curse spirit grin again.

"Want to compete in strength? Satisfy you."

Shinichi looked at the confident curse spirit and then used all his strength to throw the iron chain up, and the curse spirit on one side also left the ground under the huge centrifugal force.

The cursed spirit was forced to spin in the air and smashed one tree after another, then crashed into a boulder. With a bang, the boulder was shattered by the impact, and the tongue of the cursed spirit was torn off because it could not withstand the force.

Shinichi slowly took back the Wanli Lock and wrapped it around his hand.

"Hu... Hu..."

Looking at the cursed spirit in the rubble, Shinichi couldn't help but gasp. The weight of this cursed spirit was still very large.


A mouthful of green acid suddenly sprayed out and sprayed on Shinichi's body. Although Shinichi reacted in time, it still stained his clothes.


Shinichi immediately tore off the clothes that were stained with acid, and now half of his body was directly exposed.

"You really like to sneak attack."

Shinichi looked at the cursed spirit and sneered. The cursed spirit also understood what Shinichi meant and showed an ugly smile with its expressionless face.

"【Blood Coagulation】"

Just when the cursed spirit was about to continue attacking, it felt that it could not control its body freely.

"What's wrong? Keep going. If you don't come, I'll come."

Shinichi wrapped the chain on his hand and ran towards the cursed spirit.

Puff ---

The fist that condensed the cursed power hit off half of the cursed spirit's face, and the cursed spirit still could not make an effective counterattack.

Although the blood piercing just now failed to solve it, it left some blood in its body. This blood was absorbed by the cursed spirit as its body recovered, thus affecting the cursed spirit.

The cursed spirit was still wailing, and Shinichi already felt a little bored.

"You have oppression but no actual strength. No wonder they dare to put you here."

Shinichi was about to give the cursed spirit the final blow but heard the shouts of the people on the side.

"Puff... How could this happen?"

At this time, Zenin Toie's body was pierced by a thick branch, and blood was constantly flowing. If nothing unexpected happened, he would die from excessive blood loss in a while.

Many broken earth appeared beside the rest of the people.The twisted branches that came out, some of the slower ones also turned into the same appearance as Zenin Tomie.

Shinichi didn't care about so much and instantly activated the spell to cut all the branches with horizontal blood-piercing.

"Could it be Hanami?!"

Looking at these branches, Shinichi couldn't help but think of the special-grade cursed spirit Hanami and the man next to him in the distance.

Just as Shinichi was rescuing everyone, a branch wrapped around a dried finger slowly approached the cursed spirit's mouth. The lying cursed spirit felt a huge curse power and then ate the finger in front of him without hesitation.

Shinichi instantly felt the curse power of Sukuna's finger, but when he turned his head, the cursed spirit had already eaten the finger.

"Not good! Get out of here quickly!"

Shinichi immediately set off and activated [Red Scale Leap] to transport the Zenin sisters and other seriously injured people out of the acid sea one by one at the fastest speed. Kamo Kenki and others also left this place of trouble immediately.

Just as Shinichi threw the last person out, a green ray directly pierced Shinichi's shoulder, and then continued to corrode the flesh on his shoulder.

"This is... acid?!"

Shinichi immediately used the technique to draw out the blood and acid from the pierced area.

"Human, how is my strength?"

At this time, the cursed spirit had been transformed. After swallowing Sukuna's finger, its own curse power, technique strength, and physical strength were all improved to a higher level.

The cursed spirit's face no longer shed corrupt acid, but it was still terrifying and disgusting.


Shinichi felt annoyed when he looked at the cursed spirit in front of him who had entered the second state. If he had known, he would have killed him immediately, but this was also a delusion. Hanami would interfere with him and repeat the operation at the moment Shinichi made a move.


Kamo Kenji, who had already escaped, shouted anxiously, but there was no response.

"Don't shout, we have to leave here quickly."

Gojo Saka said nervously.

"You bastard! What are you thinking?! It was Shinichi who saved us!"

Hearing what Gojozaka said, Kamo Kenji couldn't help but yell at him and grabbed his collar.

"That's why we can't let Master Shinichi's efforts go to waste!"

Gojozaka fell silent after he finished speaking.

"Please, everyone, save him."

Zenin Maki knelt down and begged, and her sister Zenin Mayi also knelt down beside her.

Seeing these two girls kneeling down to beg themselves, the others fell silent, but a surviving Zenin family magician refuted them.

"You two rubbish, you are lucky to be saved, but you still want to harm us!"

At this time, there were only two second-level magicians left in the Zenin family magician. After cursing Zenin Maki and Zenin Mayi, they left without looking back.

"With that guy here, we can at least hold the cursed spirit back for a while. If we don't leave now, who will?"

Just when the two were less than ten meters away, a man with stitches on his forehead slowly walked over. The two thought he was reinforcement and walked over without any defense.

"Ah, this is my body..."

The heads of the two slowly fell, and the headless bodies fell to the ground powerlessly.

Nosoko swung the knife in his hand violently, and blood was scattered all over the ground.

"How can you abandon your companions and escape by yourself? Don't you think so?"

Nosoko said with a smile, and the kind smile and the blood on his face formed an extremely inconsistent face.

"This guy... a curse master, how did he get in?"

Kenji Kamo thought secretly in his heart.

"Hana, remember to always pay attention to the fluctuations of the cursed power around you. If Gojo Satoru or Geto Suguru comes, remember to react immediately."

Nosoko said lightly to the empty side.

"From now on, no one around me is allowed to move, or they will end up like these two."

Noso threatened everyone with a smile.


On the other side, a sound came from the position of Shinichi and the cursed spirit.

"It seems that the effect is not bad, Sukuna's finger."

Noso said as he looked in the direction of the loud noise.



The acid attacked Shinichi in an overwhelming manner. Although Shinichi dodged it flexibly, it still affected him.

"Cough cough... puff..."

Just when Shinichi dodged the green ray again, he suddenly coughed up blood.

"This is..."

Shinichi was very confused when he looked at the blood he vomited.

"The gas after the acid evaporated."

As a top student, Shinichi came to a conclusion after just thinking for a while.

"This cursed spirit, even its brain has become better."

And the cursed spirit laughed wildly after seeing Shinichi vomiting blood.

"Human, wait until I kill you, then I'll kill them all."

The cursed spirit said, then he put his hands togetherHe gestured and made an unexpected move for Shinichi.

"【Field expansion·Corrosive acid sea】"

In an instant, the surroundings were filled with acid and there were few places to stand, and the acid was still surging and increasing.

Shinichi smiled crazily at the proud curse spirit on the opposite side.

"Then let's try it, let me show you my strength!"

The surging acid sea around him and the curse spirit standing in the middle of the acid sea made Shinichi, who could only stand on a platform, look very small.

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