On a mountain far away from the Jujutsu High School, a wooden ball broke out of the ground, and then the wooden ball untied a man and a cursed spirit from it, but it was obvious that both of them were seriously injured.

"As expected of a cursed spirit operator and a six-eyed magician, he can actually do this."

Hanako looked at his broken arm and recalled the overwhelming cursed spirits and the red explosion, and couldn't help sighing.

"Be content, Gojo Satoru held back. If he took it seriously, we would not be able to escape."

At this time, Noso was not in a better situation. He originally just wanted to rob and kill the magicians of the three families, but he didn't expect that someone could actually fight against the special-grade cursed spirit, and could even entangle with the special-grade cursed spirit after swallowing Sukuna's finger for so long.

"This action is not without gain. Although I lost a Sukuna finger, I also grasped the true strength of Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru."

Noso activated the reversal technique to recover his body. White smoke came out of his wound and then the wound continued to recover until it was perfect.

The battle just now was too intense. If he was not careful, he would die. So he did not dare to use the reversal spell casually, which was also a hidden trump card.

"That kid, Kamo Shinichi, I didn't expect that he would have such strength after two years of forbearance."

When he thought of Shinichi and Nozomi, he was so angry that his teeth itched. Originally, he could have completed the plan perfectly before Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru came. He did not need to appear even if the two arrived in advance, and he could escape perfectly.

But after being disrupted by Shinichi, he had to do it himself, and it was unfortunate that Gojo Satoru noticed the opening of the domain barrier. He did not kill all the people this time and lost a Sukuna finger. It was a big loss.

"Sakai Enishi, why are you so embarrassed."

A volcano head cursed spirit walked out of the bushes on the side, and it looked at Hanami and Nozomi in confusion.

Sakai Ene——The name of the body that Nozomi occupied. After abandoning the body of Yuji's mother, Nozomi has been using it until now. The technique is very simple and can find the location of the curse spirit. The more powerful the curse spirit, the more obvious it is.

After Nozomi got this technique, he found Leukoku. Hanami and others naturally proposed their own plan and invited him to form an alliance. Of course, he originally planned to rob Geto of Kagome's body.

However, after the revision of the rules of the curse world, the plan was difficult to implement, so they had to settle for the second best and began to reduce the power of the curse world as much as possible to prepare for future plans.

Originally, Leukoku and others looked down on him, but after a fight, they found that Nozomi's strength was not bad, so they listened carefully to Nozomi's plan to eliminate the magician, which happened to poke Leuko's interest, so several people set up a bond and formally formed an alliance.

"Oh, Leukoku, it's nothing, just met Gojo Satoru."

Nozomi explained with a smile, if it weren't for Hanami's technique, it would be difficult for him to escape.

"Gojo Satoru? The strongest human magician, I didn't expect him to hurt you two like this."

Loupu took a puff of cigarette and then slowly looked at Hanamiya.

"And the human magician Geto Suguru who has the curse spirit control technique, he can indeed control several first-level curse spirits at the same time."

Although Hanamiya didn't speak, his voice could be directly transmitted to Loupu's ears.

"Tsk, I've told you several times, don't make strange sounds in my mind. It's really strange that I can understand the meaning even though I don't understand it!"

Loupu complained about Hanamiya, but that was all.

"Well, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are obstacles to the implementation of the plan, and we must find a way to solve them."

The recovered noose sat on a stone and analyzed.

"Hmph, let me take action. What the strongest human magician is, he is nothing in front of me."

Obviously Loupu was not satisfied with this arrangement.

"No, Sakai Yuen is right, that human is very powerful, Louhu, you are no match for him."

Hana Yu stood aside and expressed his thoughts without hesitation.

"Hey, Hana Yu!"

Lohu looked at Hana Yu with dissatisfaction.

"Lohu, I know you are very strong, but you must be foolproof. This plan is my mistake, there will not be a next time."

Noso narrowed his eyes and said to Louhu.

"It's up to you, I hope you don't die before me."

Lohu slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and then returned to the bushes.

"I'm leaving first."

Hana Yu looked at Louhu who was leaving and said goodbye to Noso, then followed Louhu's steps and left.

"Suyu Geto, as expected, your body is very strong, and only you can distract Gojo Satoru."

Recalling the battle with Suyu Geto at the beginning, Noso showed a greedy smile.

Back to the time period when Shinichi and the cursed spirits were fighting in the previous domain.


“Well, it seems that this little devil can’t hold on any longer. I’ll send you off first.”

羂Sousou felt the surging cursed power in the field and showed a cruel smile to everyone.

"Then, let's start with the Kamo family."

After saying this, Sousou raised the katana in his hand and pointed it at Kamo Kenki and others.

"Not good..."

Kanoki Kamo felt Sousou's malice and his hair stood on end.

"Don't worry, my sword is fast..."


Sousou's shoulder was pierced before he finished speaking.

"This is... Geto Suguru's cursed spirit?!"

Looking at the small cursed spirit in his hand, Sousou suddenly looked up at the horizon, and a black figure was constantly moving towards this side.

"I was careless, I didn't expect it to fly over here."

Sousou immediately used the reversal technique to heal the wound, but because the wound was very small, the people around him didn't see him using the reversal technique to heal the wound.


Noso roared towards the open space, and the next moment several huge branches broke out of the ground and attacked Geto Suguru in the air, but Geto Suguru was not knocked down by the flexibility of the manta ray curse spirit.

"Curse spirit manipulation is really annoying."

Noso saw Geto Suguru coped with it well and wanted to kill everyone outside the field immediately.

"Don't even think about it."

Geto Suguru released the spell and began to fall quickly in the direction of Noso and took out a nunchaku to fight against it.

This was exchanged by Shinichi with Soul Devouring Slash and Fushiguro Jin'er. For Jin'er, the knife is more useful and Soul Devouring Slash is more useful in terms of effect. Then it was naturally given to Geto Suguru by Shinichi.

"「Special Grade Spell Tool: Yuyun」"

Kasatari wielded Yuyun and started a close combat with Nozomi. Although Kasatari was strictly a Shikigami user, there were few people who were better than him in physical skills except Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro Shinobu.

The nunchaku and the katana collided and sparks flew. Although Nozomi's katana was light and flexible, Kasatari's Yuyun was obviously better.

After a period of resistance, the two weapons collided fiercely again, but this time Yuyun was not blocked. The katana penetrated Yuyun directly and almost scratched Kasatari.

"Huh? It didn't defend. No, there's something wrong with that sword."

Kasatari couldn't help but examine it.

"You actually dodged it, Kasatari. It seems that your title of special grade magician is really not given because of being with Gojo Satoru. "

Noso waved his sword and teased.

"It seems that you know a lot, so don't leave today."

Obviously, this provocation did not work and made Xiayou Jie feel ridiculous.

"Haha, then you have to have this strength."

Noso laughed disdainfully.

After the two of them were deadlocked for a while, Xiayou Jie attacked fiercely, and the length advantage of the three-section stick Youyun was reflected. Noso had to be forced to parry, but a huge fist suddenly appeared behind him.

The huge fist knocked Noso to the side and knocked down several trees before stopping.

"It seems that my strength is still enough to take you down."

Xiayou Jie walked to the cursed spirit he summoned and smiled.

"Sure enough, the cursed spirit manipulation technique is an excellent technique and you are also an excellent magician."

Noso walked out slowly, and except for some dust on his body, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

"How is it possible, it was clearly hit solidly! "

Looking at the uninjured Nozomi in front of him, Xia Yujie said in confusion.

"You are very strong and smart, but it is not a wise move to sneak attack without knowing my technique."

Nozomi wiped his knife with his sleeve while speaking.

"Then don't blame me for bullying the weak with the strong. After all, with this kind of strength, you are also a special-grade curse master, right?"

Xia Yujie said with a smile without any panic.

"Hana Yu."

As soon as Nozomi finished speaking, branches broke out of the ground and entangled Xia Yujie's curse spirit and then pierced it. Fortunately, Xia Yujie reacted quickly and was not entangled.

At this time, a tall white curse spirit appeared beside Nozomi. The white shell and the branches on its face looked kind, but the momentum of the whole body clearly told everyone that it was very strong.

"Special-grade... curse spirit. "

Getsu Suguru instantly became nervous. It was okay to deal with one, but it was a bit difficult to deal with two, not to mention that the opponent's spell information was still unknown.

"Don't blame me for two against one, after all, you are a special-grade sorcerer."

Nosuke showed a rampant smile, and then signaled Hanami to prepare for action.

"Human, accept the wrath of nature."

Hana's uncoordinated voice entered Getsu Suguru's mind, and then he touched the ground with one hand to absorb the spell power of the surrounding plants.

"Although I don't know what you are doing, it must be very bad. It's better to stop you."

Getsu Suguru snapped his fingers, and the next second, many huge black cracks appeared behind him, and aThe curse spirits above level 2 gushed out, and there were also many level 1 and quasi level 1 curse spirits mixed in.

"Then, let me make a good scene before Wu comes."

Xiaoyou Jie looked at Hanami and Nozomi opposite him and smiled "kindly" again.

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