"You can control so many cursed spirits above the first level, Xia Yujie, you really have played all your cards."

Facing the surging tide of cursed spirits in front of him, Nozomi couldn't help but praise.

"Hanagi, you deal with the cursed spirits, and I will deal with Xia Yujie."

Nozomi looked at Hanagi who was ready and ordered. At this time, Hanagi had absorbed the cursed power of the surrounding plants, and a huge red flower was born on his left shoulder and a black arm grew out.


Hanagi looked at the tide of cursed spirits and then launched a spell. A huge branch broke out of the ground and destroyed the formation of the cursed spirits. Some weak second-level cursed spirits died on the spot.

"Don't think about it."

Xia Yujie immediately controlled two first-level cursed spirits to attack Hanagi, but was blocked by Nozomi. All the cursed spirits close to Hanagi fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"This is!"

As the operator, Xia Yujie clearly felt the situation of the cursed spirits.

"【Anti-gravity mechanism·Curse reversal】"


The cursed spirits near Nose fell down instantly, and some garbage cursed spirits were even directly crushed, and purple blood splashed all over the ground.

"The spell that controls gravity is very difficult."

Sugasawa Geto couldn't help but look at the suture man in front of him again, but after hesitating for a moment, he immediately controlled the cursed spirit to attack again.

"It's useless. Your cursed spirit can't break through the [gravity area] I built. You can still choose to leave here before we deal with your cursed spirit."

Obviously, Nose didn't want to get entangled with Geto. He didn't dare to gamble whether he could take down Geto before Gojo Satoru arrived. He simply wanted to let the other party give up and leave.

The spell [Anti-gravity mechanism], Nose's previous body, the spell of Yuji Kaori, in principle, Nose can't use the spell of the previous body.

However, Nozomi, who has lived for a thousand years, still retained this spell by force in his own way. He probably paid some price, but he thought it was worth it, after all, the effect of this spell is really powerful.

"Don't think about escaping. The meaning of my becoming a sorcerer will be revealed here."

Getsu Suguru changed his strategy. Since the low-level cursed spirits entered and the high-level cursed spirits could not move, he would consume them remotely. He then manipulated several thick-skinned defensive cursed spirits to block the two and scattered ordinary cursed spirits around to interfere with their judgment.

"Give up close combat, that's right, the cursed spirit manipulation technique should be used like this."

Nozomi saw Getsu Suguru's behavior and laughed instead of getting angry. This was considered to let the other party show his true ability.

"There is a strong curse power reaction next to that sorcerer."

Hana Yu stopped killing the low-level cursed spirits and looked in the direction of Getsu Suguru and said to Nozomi.

At this time, next to Geto Suguru, a tiger-shaped cursed spirit was accumulating power, and the red cursed force cannon in its mouth was constantly compressed and gathered, emitting an amazing momentum.

""Special Cursed Spirit·Heavy Tiger""

After seeing this, Nosoko's face darkened. If he had to say it, he would have sent this cursed spirit to others. Although Sukuna's finger had fallen off after being captured by Geto Suguru, its strength was fixed at the moment it was captured. It was impossible to increase it, but it would not decrease.

"Let's see if you can take it."

Geto Suguru looked at Nosoko and the other man and challenged him.

"You actually used this trick, you who played with cursed spirits at will."

Nosoko said angrily. He had experienced the rogue of cursed spirit manipulation. If he couldn't beat them, he could consume them. Not to mention the large number of cursed spirits, there were still many guys who could threaten him.

"It's really rude. We are a master-servant relationship. Is there anything wrong with this? "

Ketsu Suguru pointed at the two and then manipulated the cursed spirits to start feinting and interfering with them, so that they could not quickly escape from the range of the cursed cannon.



Nosuke shouted to Hanami beside him. With this range and the obstruction of the cursed spirits, it was impossible to escape. They had to defend with all their strength to have a chance of survival.

Then Hanami began to perform the spell, and layer after layer of branches wrapped around them. The trees on the side also extended their bodies and stacked up in front of the two.

"Not enough..."

Nosuke, who was wrapped, said secretly.


As soon as Kagetsu finished speaking, Shigeto beside him fired the cursed cannon that had been charged.

The huge light illuminated the sky, and even the shadows behind the trees became obvious. The cursed cannon destroyed all visible objects in front of him, and there was only flat ground in front of Kagetsu Suguru.

"Sure enough, leaving you behind was the right choice. "

Suguru Gyo stroked Shigeto's huge head and then took it back. Shigeto's technique can gather cursed energy. If he is given enough time to gather cursed energy, he can even flatten a small mountain. Its power is second only to Gojo Satoru's [Hypostyle·茈].

But this is alsoIt is its shortcoming. It cannot move when charging and will temporarily lose the ability to use spells after firing. It is still good to be a mobile cursed cannon.


A dozen wood sprouts suddenly emerged from the soil on the side. Although Xia Yujie reacted quickly and blocked a few with Youyun, he was still stabbed by the rest.

"Cursed power, absorbed..."

Xia Yujie found that his cursed power was constantly gathering in the direction of the wood sprouts, and the wood sprouts continued to grow and become larger, hindering his movement and expanding his wounds.

"It was a close call, Xia Yujie, I was almost killed by you."

The noose appeared in a mess, and Hanamiya also stood silently by the side with a broken arm.

"How could it be..."

Xia Yujie was very puzzled when he saw the two people. They should not be able to escape.

"You are very smart, Geto, but you are still a little short. I used a spell to slightly change the direction of the bombardment, and combined with the spell to strengthen my companions, I accelerated my descent to the ground and avoided this attack."

Noso said proudly, and his eyes were full of greed at this time.

"I didn't expect to seriously injure you. I will take your body."

Geto was puzzled by Noso's words. This stitching thread curser gave him a strong sense of uneasiness and discomfort.

Just as Noso's hand holding the knife was about to touch Geto, a voice came from the side.

"What a mess, Geto."

Gojo Satoru arrived in time, and the powerful momentum made Noso and Hanami breathless.

"You're so late, Satoru."

"Hehe, heroes always look cool when they appear last."

"Really, I can't stand you."

Kaguya had sensed Gojo Satoru's cursed power through the cursed spirits placed in the high school a long time ago, so he was so confident in talking to Noso and the others to delay him.

"Gojo... Satoru."

Noso felt fear when he saw Gojo Satoru taking off his sunglasses and revealing his six eyes. This was a problem he had not solved for a thousand years.

"Hey, you dare to mess with the Jujutsu High School even if you know me, and even hurt my friends and bully my juniors. It seems I have to teach you a lesson."

Gojo Satoru clenched his fist and slowly walked towards Noso. In an instant, Gojo Satoru moved behind the two and patted each other's shoulders.


Hanagi still wanted to resist but found that neither his fists nor the branches he controlled could touch Gojo Satoru.

Noso was much smarter. He immediately activated the gravity spell and successfully made Gojo Satoru feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hmm? The spell to manipulate gravity is good but still too naive."

Gojo Satoru used a cursed punch with Ao to knock Nose away, and then grabbed a branch on Hanami's face.

"This angelica root is a special-grade cursed spirit, let's try it out."

Gojo Satoru pulled the branch and punched Hanami's face one after another until the branch broke, and then kicked him away, and Hanami also spit out purple blood.

"Tsk, the plan failed, get ready to leave."

Nose endured the discomfort in his head and used a knife to support his body and gave Hanami an order to retreat.

"Want to run? Have you asked me?"

Gojo Satoru jumped into the air and launched a spell at Nose.

"【Spell Reversal·He】"

The red light emanated from Gojo Satoru's fingertips and rushed straight towards Nose.


[He] hit Nosoko solidly but Nosoko blocked it with his knife. Nosoko also bounced the knife away because he couldn't bear the impact of He.

The field was filled with smoke, and Gojo Satoru's six eyes emitted dazzling light and didn't give the opponent a chance to escape.

"Not good..."

Nosoko, lying in the ruins, thought it was not good but suddenly heard the voice of Hanami in his mind.

"You can still stand up, it seems that you are not an ordinary curse master, and the earth angelica over there is not ordinary, even among the special grade curse spirits, it is considered powerful."

Gojo Satoru fell indifferently and then walked towards Nosoko with a murderous aura.

"Gojo Satoru, I admit that you are strong, but can you protect everyone?"

"What do you mean, the last words before death?"

Nosoko showed a triumphant smile and pointed to the branches growing where the three magicians were hiding and the black field barrier on the other side.

"If you're a step slower, the little devil of the Kamo family and other magicians will die."


Gojo Satoru looked to the other side and hesitated. Shinichi was still in the field and his life or death was unknown. Jie was in poor condition. The other magicians were also threatened by the angelica root.

"You guy!"

"Go after him if you want, as long as you are willing to sacrifice the lives of these magicians."

Gojo Satoru turned his head and glared at Nososo, but found that Hanamiya was already standing beside Nososo and was slowly being carried by a wooden ball.Wrap, Nozomi said proudly just before the wooden ball was completely closed.

Helplessly, Gojo Satoru had to give up chasing Nozomi and help other magicians solve the problem, while Geto Satsuma also broke free from Mu Ya's restraints by himself and rushed towards Shinichi.

"Satoru! I'm going to save Shinichi, you come quickly too."

Geto Satsuma said anxiously while running regardless of his injuries.

"Believe in that kid, he's very strong!"

Although Gojo Satoru knew that Shinichi was very strong now, he was still a little worried, after all, the domain was the pinnacle of the curse war.

Then, at the moment when Geto Satsuma was about to use the technique to forcibly destroy the domain from the outside, cracks appeared in the black barrier and continued to shatter, and Shinichi in the domain appeared in front of him.

Feeling Shinichi's current state, Geto Satsuma hurried forward and supported him before Shinichi fell to the ground.

"Thank you for your hard work, Shinichi."

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