On October 28, 2010, the special-level cursed spirit, Rika Kimoto, appeared and ran away. The high school's special-level magician, Geto Suguru, went to stop it successfully. The number of people affected by the disaster was 1...

Shinichi came to his senses. At this moment, everything around him had been completely destroyed. He was lying in the middle of the ruins in a daze.

"This is the special-level cursed spirit, Rika Kimoto..."


"Hello, Yuta Otsutsu."

Shinichi turned the doorknob and entered Yuta Otsutsu's room. The room was extremely dark and the windows and curtains were not opened.

"Who are you...?"

Yuta Otsutsu curled up in a corner. He looked haggard and his arms were wrapped around his legs. He looked at Shinichi with lifeless eyes.

"I am Shinichi Kamo, a student of the future Tokyo Metropolitan Curse High School."

Shinichi sat on Yuta Otsutsu's bed naturally.

"... I haven't heard of it. Please don't bother me."

Obviously, Yuta Otsutsu was not interested in Shinichi's words.

"It's okay if I don't know, but I know your affairs very well, including the one next to you."

Shinichi didn't finish his words. He pointed to Yuta Otsutsukota's side and hinted that if he angered Rika Kimoto here, the whole town would be destroyed.


Yuta Otsutsukota became excited after hearing Shinichi's words.

"This place is not suitable for chatting. How about changing to another place? Or do you not want to go?"

Shinichi left the room silently. Yuta Otsutsukota began to listen to the movement downstairs when he saw Shinichi leave. The moment he heard the door close, he suddenly stood up and hurried downstairs.


Ignoring his sister's shouts, Yuta Otsutsukota hurried out, and Shinichi was quietly waiting for him at the door.

"Let's go."

Shinichi took Yuta Otsutsukota to a small park, where he and Rika Kimoto often played together.

"You can see it, next to me..."

Yuta Otsutsukota stared at Shinichi and asked seriously.

"Well, although she hasn't appeared yet, it seems that she is in a bad mood now."

Shinichi pointed to the shadow under Yuta Otsutsukota's feet, which had begun to fluctuate and felt that something was about to emerge from it.

"Yuta... Yuta..."

Yuta Otsutsukota immediately became nervous after hearing the sound under his feet.

"Don't... Rika, don't come out!"

But it was too late. Yuta Otsutsukota's words did not have any effect. The special cursed spirit Qiben Rika had already appeared.

"Yuta, that guy is very dangerous..."

The cursed spirit looked at Shinichi in front of Yuta Otsutsukota with a pale face, and her body also continued to solidify around Yuta Otsutsukota.

Yuta Otsutsukota was having difficulty breathing at this time, his legs were shaking and his face was pale, and the dark circles on his face due to not sleeping well for many days became more and more obvious.

"Rika... go... go back."

Yuta Otsutsukota said in a pleading tone, but the cursed spirit had no intention of obeying the command.

"Yuta, don't worry, I will help you."

Shinichi waved his hand and said, although Rika Kimoto did not obey Yuta Otsutsu's orders and exuded great malice towards him, he had to try it in the face of Yuta Otsutsu's request.

"Born from darkness, darker than black, all filth and filth, all are purified."

Shinichi silently finished the spell of [Account], and a turbid curtain fell from above the two of them and wrapped them around.

"Originally, there was no need to help you this time, but we didn't have enough time. You must become stronger than before. However, I saw it on the spot and realized that it would be so big..."

Shinichi sighed silently as he looked at Rika Kimoto who had fully appeared.

"Yuta Otsutsu, this is a curse, but it is also your [power]. If you still want to save Rika Kimoto, cheer up!"

Yuta Otsutsu on the field was called back to his senses by Shinichi's words.

"What do you mean! Do you know why Rika-chan became like this? ! Please save her!"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you first, but she doesn't seem to be willing. I think we should communicate with fists first."

The cursed spirits and the sorcerers were originally in opposition. When Shinichi appeared in front of Yuta Otsutsukota, the special cursed spirit Rika Kimoto had already awakened.

But for some reason, she did not take action immediately but slowly appeared when the two came outside.

At this moment, after hearing Shinichi's words, Rika Kimoto's vengeful spirit's anger value has soared. Now she is far from being as easy to control as she was six years later. Her spiritual power is not much, but relatively speaking, her strength is not as strong as six years later.

"Then, let's try it, Curse Queen."

"No! Rika..."

Yuta Otsutsukota has not finished speaking, and the huge cursed spirit beside him has rushed forward, and its sharp claws have scratched the front.Human body, red things scattered in the air.


After being hit, Shinichi immediately turned around and stood on the huge pale arm, and then blood condensed.

"【Hundred Condensation·Blood Piercing】"

The bright red blood line burst out and shot straight at the head of the curse spirit, but the curse spirit avoided the attack with a strange move, and the blood pierced through the other palm used to block it and only scratched the face of the curse spirit.

"My... face... I will kill you!"

The special curse spirit burst out with a huge sound wave, and Shinichi, who was closest to her, suffered the greatest damage and was blown away and crashed into the activity hut in the park.


Shinichi spit out a mouthful of blood. The initial attack was partially blocked with [Blood Star Lei], and although he suffered skin injuries, fortunately the wound was shallow, but the previous one had already caused him internal injuries.

"My internal organs are broken... It's like being caught by uncle Shinji and thrown away."

Shinichi immediately stood up and pulled out the Wanli lock hidden in his belt. He didn't bring out the katana because he didn't know how to use it yet.

"Rika! Stop it!"

Otsutsukota looked at Shinichi who was spitting out blood and shouted at Rika Kimoto.

"That man destroyed my face. I'm going to kill him! Yuta! I'm going to kill him!"

Rika Kimoto ran away. Her body was so huge that she picked up the car on the side of the road and threw it at Shinichi.

"Not bad..."

Shinichi threw out the chain, and the first end of the chain was connected to the sickle made of his own blood. This hit hooked the flying car.

Under Shinichi's rotation and projection, the car returned to the original route and rushed towards Rika Kimoto, but for her, it was just a matter of grabbing. In the eyes of both parties, a car became a baseball-like throwing toy.

"【Hundred Collection·Kar Purification】"

The red blood blade cut the car and the cursed spirit's arm in half, and the car also exploded due to the reaction between the sparks generated by the cutting and the oil in the fuel tank.


Yuta Otsutsukota used his arms to block the strong wind caused by the explosion in front of him, but unfortunately, a piece of debris flew past his head and knocked him out.

"Hey! Yuta Otsutsukota!"

Shinichi shouted at Yuta Otsutsukota who fainted. The cursed spirit had survived the explosion, and such an attack without cursed power had little effect on her, but she saw Yuta Otsutsukota fainted in the distance.

"Yuta... Yuta... Since you dare to hurt Yuta!"

The ominous cursed power continued to gather, and the oppressive feeling was close to several Sukuna fingers.

"Not good, completely out of control."

Shinichi didn't have time to care about Yuta Otsutsukota at the moment. Facing the completely out of control Rika Kimoto, he had to be 100% alert.

When he came to his senses, the huge palm was close to his face. With the help of the purple eyes, Shinichi dodged the attack and inserted two blood blades into the opponent's arm.

"I didn't expect it to be so troublesome."

Feeling that there were only a few blood bags left, Shinichi looked at the behemoth in front of him helplessly.

"We must delay it."

Shinichi immediately began to fly the kite of Rika Kimoto. As long as he used blood-piercing attacks on the opponent from a distance, he might still have a chance of survival.

"Go... to hell!"

Rika Kimoto overturned the ground of the park with one blow, and a large amount of soil mixed with rocks and trees rushed towards Shinichi.


Objects fell from the sky, but there was no trace of Shinichi.

"【Kari Purification·Eight Company】"

Shinichi appeared again, and at this time he had come to the feet of the cursed spirit. Such a wide range of long-range attacks made Shinichi give up the kite-flying tactics.

So, he changed his strategy and approached Rika Kimoto while the surroundings were in chaos. The eight consecutive purifications at zero distance pierced through the pale body and splashed purple blood.

"It hurts... it hurts!"

Rika Kimoto was severely injured by this blow. In her rage, she began to attack everything around her indiscriminately. Shinichi dodged in a hurry but was still hit and flew backwards.

"That's... the cursed force cannon."

In the ruins, Shinichi looked at Rika Kimoto who was gathering cursed force not far away and showed a worried expression.

"I don't know if I can resist it."

Touching his bleeding calf, Shinichi laughed at himself, and then Shinichi gathered cursed force and blood and mixed the surrounding sand into it to create a blood shield.


The cursed force cannon flew out along the ground and hit the blood shield heavily. The blood shield began to break at the moment of contact with the cursed force cannon, but with Shinichi's continuous supply of cursed force, the shattering remained on the edge of complete shattering.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the charred blood shield slowly fell down, revealing Shinichi with blood all over his face.

"I'm saved..."

Obviously, Rika Kimoto was not satisfied with the current situation, and after seeing the seriously injured Shinichi, she was still ready to continue attacking.Just as Rika Kimoto slowly approached and prepared to slap Shinichi to death, something strange happened.


Shinichi laughed loudly.

"Is this the world in Gojo Satoru's eyes? Is this the core of the cursed power?"

His eyes emitted a dazzling purple light, which seemed to indicate that something was about to fall.

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