Ignoring the approaching cursed spirits, Shinichi slowly stood up, and the wounds on his body began to emit wisps of white smoke.

"Finally, this desperate moment forced out my potential."

People will burst out their full potential in desperate situations. Athletes who made mistakes in climbing held on to the edge for several hours, and people who were hit by a car pushed it away from the side with all their strength.

In extraordinary circumstances, the adrenaline content in ordinary people's bodies increased rapidly and broke through their limits, and Shinichi was also like this at this moment. The flow of cursed power and everything were perfectly controlled by him.

"Sure enough, I am the same as Gojo Satoru. I have to force it."

Enjoying the pleasure brought by the reversal technique, Shinichi sighed. Although he could not learn techniques such as [赫] and [茈] after understanding the reversal technique like Gojo Satoru, he now has a new understanding.

"Hey, Rika Kimoto, what happened just now doesn't count. Let's do it again."

Shinichi waved his hand at Rika Kimoto provocatively. Looking at the embarrassed human in front of him, Rika Kimoto grabbed him in his hand without any hesitation.

"I want to...crush you to death."

The huge palm wrapped Shinichi's entire body in it, as if a human was pinching his toy.

"Don't touch me..."

As soon as the voice fell, the white palm was pierced by several red spikes, and purple blood splashed everywhere.


Rika Kimoto hurriedly let go of Shinichi, but Shinichi fell down calmly and looked at the cursed spirit in front of him indifferently.

"What's wrong, continue, I still have some moves to use."

The moment Shinichi raised his hand, many blood beads appeared around him, and they were still increasing.

The phenomenon of blood appearing out of thin air is caused by Shinichi using the reversal technique to reverse his [Red Blood Manipulation Technique]. The technique can achieve the effect of controlling blood through the use of cursed power, and the reverse technique can make the blood uncontrollable.

This uncontrollable is not only uncontrolled by the laws of nature, but after using the reversal technique, [Red Blood Manipulation Technique] has become a technique that serves blood, which will unconditionally allow blood to flow freely.

The blood in Shinichi's body can appear at will, and then be filled and restored with the help of the reversal technique, so that the blood problem is perfectly solved in this cycle.


The blood gushed out crazily and turned into blood beads scattered around Rika Kimoto.

Rika Kimoto instinctively wanted to escape from this encirclement, but the moment she moved, the blood beads around her immediately splashed towards her position.


In an instant, Rika Kimoto's huge body was covered with small holes, and purple blood kept dripping. Each wound was not fatal, but she had hundreds of wounds on her body.

Just as she slowly recovered and prepared to leave, the blood beads that had just disappeared appeared again. Although he could not see her expression, Shinichi could clearly feel her fear.

"From now on, if you move around, these blood beads will hit you, but don't think they can only be like this."

After saying that, Shinichi snapped his fingers, and the blood beads changed their shapes from balls to long needles.

"If you don't care, try moving."

Shinichi walked to Yuta Otsutsukota with an expressionless face. After checking the wound, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he put his palm on Yuta Otsutsukota's chest.


"Don't make noise!"

Shinichi immediately stopped Qi Ben Lixiang. He didn't want to continue to entangle with this cursed spirit. Now he might accidentally kill her.

"Sure enough, you can only heal yourself..."

Shinichi retracted his palm and stood up. Just now he wanted to try whether he could perform the reversal technique on Yuta Otsutsukota, but failed.

"Is it true that no one else can do it except Sukuna, Shoko and this guy lying there..."

Looking at the entire history of Japan, there are many people who can reverse the spell, but only Sukuna, Ieiri Shoko and Otsutsuki Yuta can heal others, and Tennen Riko's spell is another matter.

Shinichi sat down and rested. Now he could only control Rika Inori from going crazy. If the brain came, he would be powerless to deal with it.

Rika Inori on the opposite side saw that Shinichi did not do anything to Otsutsuki Yuta and stopped moving.

After a while, Shinichi felt that someone broke into the [tent] he set up and the curse was quite familiar.


Shinichi stood up to greet the other party, and the blood needles around Rika Inori were also removed by him.

"Go back and stay, don't show up casually again."

Rika Inori silently returned to Otsutsuki Yuta's body after hearing this.

"Shinichi, what on earth happened here..."

Suguru Jie, who rushed over, looked at the mess on the ground and the torn clothes in front of him but no injuriesShinichi asked with blood on his mouth.

"It's a long story, but let's finish the report first."

Shinichi stretched and said to Geto Suguru, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

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