Tick-tock! Tick-tock!


A dazzling white light flashed by, and Igarashi Tianye slowly opened his eyes and carefully looked at everything in front of him.

"This is... my inner world…."

Above the sea, in a pavilion, Igarashi Amano and a handsome man were sitting opposite each other on a chessboard.

"Then who are you?"Igarashi Tianye asked dully, this person... looks familiar, who is it, I can't remember...

The handsome man was obviously stunned, but he quickly adjusted himself and answered calmly:"It's only been a few years, have you even forgotten it?" After that, he smiled helplessly and stretched out a hand,"Igarashi Tianye, nice to meet you, my name is He Liangchuan, please give me your guidance"

"You...I...how is this possible!?" Igarashi Tianye was surprised and murmured in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible. It's a magical world, isn't it?"

….Yes, it's amazing... things like rebirth... can even be done...

Igarashi Tianye's consciousness gradually recovered, he calmed down, and said:"Tell me, the purpose of your appearance here, and who are you? I am He Liangchuan, and I am also Igarashi Tianye. Besides, I don't remember when He Liangchuan liked to run around in mourning clothes." He looked at the man in white mourning clothes in front of him, raised his eyebrows, as if waiting for him to defend himself.

The man in white shook his head and laughed after hearing this,"Your attention is always so special." He paused,"The purpose of my coming here is to fight with you, but seeing your current appearance, I temporarily changed my mind." After speaking, he looked at Igarashi Tianye, waiting for his reaction.

"Go on." Igarashi Tianye nodded and did not interrupt, so he continued."

"I am a healthy adult man, and I killed a child like you who is not fully conscious. If I tell others about it, I am afraid people will laugh their heads off. So..."He pointed to the chessboard in front of him and said,"Use it, use your favorite chess piece, to decide your fate."


"Phew....Hahahaha." After hearing this, Igarashi Amane couldn't help but burst into laughter while clapping the chessboard.

After a while, as if he had laughed enough, he pointed at the man in mourning clothes and said,"It's so funny, stop talking nonsense to me. A lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit. I have known this truth since I was a child. We are all chess players. Don't tell me you don't know. There are constraints and there are constraints. Don't talk so sanctimoniously. Who are you pretending to be?"

As if his thoughts were guessed, the man in mourning clothes blushed for a moment,"You, why are you swearing at me?"

"I am happy to do so. Don't be so annoying. If it weren't for the fact that I had to, I would have wanted to beat you up." Igarashi Tianye felt relieved after cursing. His qualities that he had hidden for many years were fully exposed at this moment.

"Humph." The man in mourning clothes snorted coldly, straightened his head and said,"After so many years, it's still like this. I won't argue with you. If you are afraid, you can give up playing against me and give up your only way of survival."


Igarashi Amano snapped his fingers, and the chessboard changed. The scattered chess pieces disappeared, replaced by a complete, brand new set of chess pieces.

He stretched out a hand and raised an eyebrow at the man in mourning clothes,"Please."

The man in mourning clothes did the same,"Please."

The game began, and he began to explain his purpose and origins

"You are right, I am not He Liangchuan, but his shadow, that is, your shadow."

Igarashi Tianye laughed after hearing this,"So, now you are planning to... take over the magpie's nest?"

The man in mourning clothes ignored him and continued to talk to himself,"When humans reincarnate, the world will choose to plant a shadow on a person for the sake of balance, so as to balance a person's yin and yang, good and evil. This is the fate we are born with."

"There is a saying among you humans that when you are in a bad mood, you can bask in the sun and the bad mood will disappear. Haha, this saying is not wrong, but there is one thing wrong. Negative emotions will not disappear, they are just transferred."

"Your frustration, disappointment, uneasiness, anxiety, anger, depression, pessimism, loneliness, despair, will all be transferred to our shadows in double. We are like a trash can for negative emotions. These emotions are psychological discomfort to you, but for us... they are physical torture!"


The violent aura of the man in mourning clothes could not be stopped, but just when he was about to hammer the chessboard, several black chains suddenly appeared in the void, tied him up tightly, making him unable to move, and emitting bursts of black smoke.

Hiss!!! The sound of skin and flesh being roasted rang out.

"Hahahaha, see? This is your negative emotion. You hate it, but it turns into shackles to protect you and destroy us. Hahahaha, hahahaha."

He felt the burning sensation from the chains and laughed morbidly.

"I am different from other shadows. I was born with consciousness. I can do what you can do, and I can do what you can't do. Do you know why? This is all thanks to you, you devil. You were born with yin and yang, good and evil. If you want to live, blame your evil thoughts. You created me. Hehehe"

"I can't let you suffer the torture of these shackles, but I can become shackles, lock you up tightly, and deprive you of all your consciousness bit by bit. For this, I'm waiting so hard, hahahahaha"

"Finally, finally, God rewards those who work hard. A demon like you actually encounters rebirth, and the beginning is so miserable. Hahahaha, from then on, I knew that my chance had come, and the chance to deprive you had come."

"Any act of depriving others is a sin. I have been depriving others since I was born. Survival is the process of committing sins. Life itself is a sin. I know that I am a sin, but you are the beginning of this sin."

The man in mourning clothes... No, Shadow suddenly smiled gently and said,"Come on, kill me, destroy me completely, you will get your consciousness back and return to reality. On the contrary, if I kill you, you will turn into flying catkins and disappear in this world. From now on, there will be no more He Liangchuan, no more Igarashi Amaneha, there will only be me, Shadow!"

Igarashi Amaneha smiled and nodded,"In this life, I have felt that something is missing since I became conscious. I originally thought it was my illusion, but it seems that my feeling is not wrong. It turns out that you took the opportunity to steal it away"

"Come, take off the old shackles today, He Liangchuan has ended, and the story of Igarashi Tianye begins now!"

Please give me everything, thank you very much

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