Boom!! Crash!!

An hour had passed since Sato and the others left, and the thunderstorm was still going on. The huge black clouds were like millions of lions, as if they were going to swallow up everything in the world.

In the inner world, on the chessboard.


Igarashi Tianye supported his chin with one hand and knocked on the chessboard with the other hand, signaling the other party to hurry up.

"hateful…."Shadow's eyes were red as he stared at his dire situation, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

Igarashi Tianye looked at the anxious Shadow and sneered, saying,"I thought you were so great, talking so much, but after all this, you are just like this."

"How is it possible! ? I have clearly studied all your chess playing ideas thoroughly, why, why, this is obviously not your strength, damn it, what's wrong with you!! ? ?"Shadow roared in disbelief, he has followed He Liangchuan for decades, and he has never heard of such chess ideas, it's like a different person.

Igarashi Tianye raised his eyebrows boredly,"You have followed me for so many years, you must have figured out my every move, but have you ever thought about this, in all the past competitions, I have never used my full strength." He stroked his chin with his fingers and said playfully.

Shadow listened carefully, and laughed angrily:"How... How is it possible! ? After all, those guys are geniuses selected from tens of thousands of people, how is it possible that they can't even force you to use your full strength, stop bluffing here, I won't believe your nonsense"

"Oh, oh, it's up to you, if those ugly people can be considered geniuses.…."Igarashi Tianye paused for a moment, then smiled beautifully and said,"Sorry, genius, it's just a farewell to me."

Shadow was stunned on the spot after hearing this. Looking at his dead end, he pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty, revealing an extremely ugly smile,"So, is that so, He Liangchuan... No, Igarashi Tianye, I really can't believe that someone like you would get married in your previous life, a man who can even deceive his own shadow, hahahaha, ridiculous, really ridiculous."

Snap!"Sorry, I'm a checkmate."

The game is over!

Igarashi Tianye, wins!!

"Just a little bit, just a little bit and this body would be yours, what a pity, tut tut."Igarashi Tianye shook his head and said regretfully

"Oh, are you making fun of me?"

"No, I'm just stating the facts, but your reaction is really beyond my expectation."Igarashi Tianye said with a smile.

Shadow looked at his body which was getting darker and darker, and shook his head in relief:"Should I have red eyes, make a final counterattack, and then be held down by this chain? That would be too ugly."

"Igarashi Amano, I will wait for you in hell. Even if you regain some consciousness, you won't be able to survive that kind of blow, hahahaha, hahahahahaha."

Shadow's voice stopped abruptly, and his body turned into dust and disappeared into the air. Suddenly, a fierce mental shock swept over.

Outside, Igarashi Amano, who had fainted, suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air.

So clear... Is this the complete me? My brain is fully active.….

"It hurts so much!"A sharp pain swept over him. Igarashi Tianye felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn it, living is so fucking hard. I might really die this time!

""Little boy, how are you!?" Aoki Achuan asked hurriedly as he looked at Igarashi Amano who suddenly opened his eyes. Igarashi Amano looked sideways, only to see Aoki Achuan looking anxious, looking at him with worry in his eyes, which made him stunned. He used his remaining strength to tease:"Hey, hey, hey, are you serious? You don't really think of me as your brother, there's no need to be so sad, hehe."

Aoki Achuan frowned and scolded:"Don't talk nonsense, how are you, are you serious? I saw that your breathing was relatively stable when you were unconscious, but how come you woke up and it became weaker and weaker." Igarashi Amano shook his head and laughed after hearing this, muttering in his heart: It should have been the shadow who did it just now, so that after he occupied my body, he could quickly heal the wound. He really gives me warmth

"I can still take a few breaths now. If there is no curse spirit, I may only have these few breaths."Igarashi Tianye said.

After hearing this, Aoki Achuan fell silent and stopped talking.


Igarashi Amano was also stunned when he saw Aoki Achuan's silence, then he sighed unconsciously, closed his eyes, and felt sad: I finally encountered such a thing as rebirth, and finally regained part of my long-lost spirit. I finally can live freely, but now I have to wait for death in this dim basement. It's so bloody. After being reborn for a few years, I was either beaten or abused. I haven't even started to feel good, and I'm going to die. It's really... a shitty fate!


The sound of chains being dragged was heard, and Igarashi Amano opened his eyes weakly and looked.

It was Aoki Achuan. He was dragging a chain thicker than his arm and walking slowly towards him.

"Little ghost, although there is no curse spirit, there is still a way to let you survive." Aoki Achuan said with his fists clenched tightly.

Igarashi Tianye sighed helplessly, closed his eyes and said weakly:"Kill you and then eat you, right."

Aoki Achuan was stunned, with a bitter smile on his face,"So you have already thought about it, then why don't you do it ?"

"Oh, of course I've thought about it, but now I can only show my verbal skills"

"You and I are at most cellmates with a good relationship. I would be very happy to kill you in exchange for my life. But don't use the brother filter too much. I will not play any drama of brothers in distress with you. After all, I am not a saint, nor the obedient brother in your memory, hahaha."

Igarashi Tianye laughed dryly twice, then adjusted his sitting position with all his strength, as if he was going to find a comfortable position before dying.

"You really have no mercy on me. After all, we have lived here together for such a long time.

"If you have something to say, say it. If you don't, retreat. I don't have the energy to chat with you. Let me die quietly. Every minute and every second, the severe pain is poking my nerves. I really don't have the strength to talk to you."Igarashi Tianye said in a low voice.

Aoki Achuan shook his head and smiled, then said shockingly:"What if I say that I am willing to use everything I have in exchange for your life."

Please thank you for everything.

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