Sato looked at Igarashi Amano in disbelief, and for a moment he forgot the grudge between him and Igarashi Amano.

Igarashi Amano shook the bitten apple in his hand, and then threw it at Sato without saying a word.


"Miss, be careful!"

Hengshan, who was quite powerful, reacted immediately and flew over, trying to stop the apple, exposing his abdomen completely to Igarashi Tianye's vision.

And this was exactly the result he wanted to see.

Igarashi Tianye's eyes condensed, and his hands burned with flames. His figure instantly disappeared from the spot like a ghost. Whoosh!! Boom!!!

With his body suspended in the air, Hengshan, who had no time to react, took the blow hard.




Hengshan's broad figure flew backwards, knocked down several trees, and plowed a deep gully on the ground.

A large cloud of dust floated up, and a figure slowly walked out of it.

Hengshan pulled his tie, looked at Igarashi Tianye fiercely, spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, and grinned:"Boy, I promise you, you will die miserably.

" After saying that, he raised his other hand, in which was held the half-eaten apple of Igarashi Amano.

He exerted a little force with his palm, and with a snap, the apple crushed, and the juice flowed down his palm to his elbow.

Hearing Hengshan's words, Igarashi Amano was not annoyed.

He rubbed his neck and said,"When did a dog learn to talk nonsense? It seems that the dog trainer of the Sato family is not that good.


""Looking for death!"

Hengshan roared after hearing this and rushed forward. Igarashi Tianye did not avoid the fight and also went forward.

Dust flew up, and the two figures were fighting at an extraordinary speed.

The strong wind from the fist lifted up the expensive black suit. Hengshan's expression was violent, and the flames of cursed power ignited on his legs. He turned around and kicked hard and swept forward.

"You bastard, die!!"

"Don't you think you are invincible just because you have some cursed power? Let me show you what a real sorcerer is like!"

Igarashi Amano leaned back, his upper body almost parallel to the ground, and Hengshan's kick just brushed past his nose.

The wind made his cheeks hurt.

Igarashi Amano understood in his heart that this guy really had the strength of a level 1 sorcerer. Even with just a random blow, he could easily kill a level 2 cursed spirit.

A woman with only a little bit of cursed power can make a level 1 sorcerer willingly serve as a bodyguard. The power behind Sato must not be underestimated. If you kill her... it will definitely feel great, hehe.

Using force on his waist, Igarashi Amano quickly adjusted his posture, grabbed Hengshan's leg with one hand, turned over and pulled himself off the ground, and then kicked him without adjusting.

Hengshan reacted quickly, the cursed power in his hand surged, and he slammed the ground hard.

"Get out of here!"

Boom boom!

Before Igarashi Tianye could react, a stone pillar suddenly rose from the ground and pushed him into the air.

"A rock-related spell? It matches his body shape."


A gust of wind and sand blew by.

Igarashi Tianye stood on the stone pillar, looking at Hengshan below and began to make calculations in his mind.

He must figure out what his spell is.

Just as his brain was working quickly, Hengshan's voice came from below.

"Are you thinking about my technique? Haha, let me tell you."

"My magic can mobilize all the rocks within a certain range and change their shape and mass!"

"「"Illegal operation"

Igarashi Tianye narrowed his eyes slightly, and became more alert in his heart: It seems that this big guy is not that stupid. He knows that his technique is simple and easy to understand, and it is easy to be detected. So he simply makes the technique public to gain the greatest benefit for himself.

*The so-called publicizing of the technique is equivalent to adding a restraint to oneself, which can enhance the power of the technique. Of course, one can also choose to provide false information to mislead the opponent.

Hengshan ignited the cursed flames in his hands. He squatted down and looked at Igarashi Amano above him and continued:"As for the conditions for activating the technique... it is to touch the ground!!" As soon as Hengshan finished speaking, the cursed power in his body suddenly surged out, and it was even more powerful.


As he slapped the ground with one hand, suddenly, countless spikes made of rocks rose from the ground, rushing in all directions, rushing towards Igarashi Amano in the sky. Igarashi Amano, who had nowhere to hide, no longer hesitated. Blazing flames suddenly emerged from his arms. He swung his arms, and the purple-white flames began to wriggle, instantly condensing into two long swords in his hands.

""Hah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Without thinking, he shouted, and his arms began to dance rapidly. The spikes that covered the sky were all cut off. Wherever the sword passed, the rocks were burned to ashes, leaving only sparks of fire.

Seeing this, Hengshan frowned: There is something wrong with the fire on this bastard, and his ability to adapt is a little too fast. This can't go on. Finish him off before he gets used to it!

Without hesitation, he took off his shoes and exposed his toes. He smiled ghostly. It was true that the condition for activation was to touch the ground, but he didn't say that this did not include toes, haha.

Hengshan moved and ran towards Igarashi Amane in the distance. At the moment when his five toes touched the ground, The stone pillars at a certain place also changed.


The stone pillar under Igarashi Amano's feet suddenly broke apart, and he fell down uncontrollably. The stone pillar that turned into pieces trembled slightly at this moment.

Igarashi Amano's pupils shrank when he saw this, and a chain woven with purple and white flames instantly shot out from his back and shot towards the ground.

The moment the chain touched the ground, it began to shorten suddenly, pulling Igarashi Amano out of a pile of rocks.

And the next second after Igarashi Amano left there, countless broken stones gathered instantly.

If he hadn't run away just now, he would probably have been stabbed into a hornet's nest by now.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Hengshan's voice came from behind him

"Boy! I admit that you have an excellent fighting talent, but you made a mistake in choosing me as your opponent!"

"Type 1:"Piercing and Killing」!!!"

Igarashi Tianye's face also became gloomy at this time

"Damn it, you really treat me like a soft persimmon! Bastard."

He turned around and raised his fist, shouting fiercely:

"Red Owl!!!"


The purple-white flames around Igarashi Tenye exploded, and his shirt was instantly turned into ashes. His left face was completely replaced by flames, and a half-winged mask formed by flames covered it. The whole person looked majestic and mysterious!

Please give me everything, thank you very much

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